In an era of advanced technology, a recent debate has emerged: is Grammarly legit or should students stop using it amidst concerns of unintentional academic dishonesty?

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Key Takeaways:

  • Grammarly’s advanced AI features blur the line between human and AI authorship, posing challenges for academic integrity.
  • There’s an urgent need for educational institutions to establish and communicate clear policies on AI use in academic writing.
  • Ongoing conversations among educators, students, and institutions are crucial for navigating the ethical use of AI in education.

The integration of AI tools like Grammarly in academic settings has sparked a complex discussion. A TikTok user’s warning about Grammarly’s potential conflict with academic integrity standards, specifically when paired with plagiarism detection software like Turnitin, highlights a growing dilemma. This controversy raises crucial questions about the use of AI in education, the boundaries of academic honesty, and the role of technology in student work.

The Grammarly Dilemma

The Grammarly debate gained traction following Marley Stevens‘ (@m.stevens03) TikTok post, where she claimed receiving a zero on an assignment due to using Grammarly, deemed as AI assistance by her school. This incident illuminates a broader issue: the challenge of defining and regulating AI’s role in academic writing.

Schools have been slow in drafting and implementing policies around AI.

This slow adaptation creates ambiguity around permissible AI uses, especially as tools like Grammarly evolve beyond basic grammar checks to include AI-generated writing and idea generation.

Grammarly, renowned for its grammar and spell check capabilities, now offers a suite of AI-powered features. These tools extend to rewriting, paraphrasing, and idea generation, blurring the lines between human and AI authorship.

Grammarly’s features… is that there is a spectrum of writing from ‘Fully human with minimal grammar/spelling assistance’ to ‘Fully written by an AI.

This spectrum makes it challenging to determine where a student’s work ceases to be their own, a dilemma not yet uniformly addressed by educational institutions.

The integration of AI in educational tools like Grammarly raises two major concerns: academic integrity and the development of student skills.

There’s a great deal of confusion about AI in the classroom. Teachers are understandably worried that students are using AI to cheat.

The solution isn’t as simple as uninstalling Grammarly. The real resolution lies in open dialogues among educators, students, and the broader academic community. These discussions should aim to establish clear, informed policies around AI usage.

The only thing that’s going to actually address these problems is real conversation.

Students are advised to engage in conversations with their instructors to understand boundaries around using writing aids like Grammarly. This proactive approach can prevent misunderstandings and unintentional academic integrity breaches.

Your teachers are the ultimate arbiter of what is and is not allowed in their class.

Beyond immediate academic concerns, there’s an imperative to familiarize students with AI. As AI becomes increasingly integral in various spheres, understanding and ethically using these tools is essential.

It’s also important to teach and familiarize students with AI as it is going to be a tool that they will have to use at some point in their lives.

The debate around Grammarly and academic integrity is more than a question of whether to use a particular tool; it’s about understanding and navigating the ethical use of AI in education. The solution lies in developing clear guidelines, fostering open discussions, and preparing students for a future intertwined with AI technology.


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