GPTZero Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 51.67/100
published August 9, 2023 - updated November 18, 2024

Quick Overview

GPTZero is a reliable provider with a good set of services, an appealing interface, and swift, seamless functionality. However, when it comes to content detection, the results of the tests are difficult to interpret clearly, and their accuracy may not fully meet expectations, raising questions about whether it ranks among the best AI content detectors

The Good
  • Batch files upload
  • Free version
  • Inexpensive paid plans
The Bad
  • Deep reports only with subscription
  • Low detection accuracy
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An infographic with a short GPTZero review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 47.67/100
GPTZero Review

GPTZero’s Detection Accuracy —11.67/50 ⭐️

After our review of the service, GPTZero’s AI detection quality presents a mixed bag of results. While it successfully recognizes various AI models and human contributions, it falls short in accurately identifying texts that are entirely AI-generated or wholly human-written. For instance, in tests involving completely AI-generated content, GPTZero scored zero (pun not intended), indicating a significant gap in its detection capabilities. However, this AI writing detector performed moderately well in identifying paraphrased texts, suggesting some level of proficiency in dealing with mixed authorship. Overall, while GPTZero shows potential, its inconsistency in accurately pinpointing text origins is a notable drawback.

A screenshot of Detection results at GPTZero
Detection results at GPTZero (click to see a large image)

AI Detection Results: 7/30

AI detection results are extremely low in this case which is exactly the opposite of what a student might want. Instead, we advise you to pick out a Gptzero alternative with better AI detection capabilities.

 Human-writtenAI-Generated  Paraphrased
Detection feedbackYour text may include parts written by AIYour text is likely to be written by a humanYour text is likely to be written by a human

GPTZero’s Value for Money —20/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

In the context of plagiarism detection and originality checking, comparing Gptzero vs Turnitin, we think GPTZero offers a compelling value-for-money proposition. It provides a free version with a 10,000 words per month limit and various paid plans tailored for students, educators, and professionals separately. For students, the pricing starts at $15/month for the Essential and plan and rises to $35/month for Professional. The paid subscriptions offer substantial character limits and access to enhanced detection models, making them attractive for heavy users. Additionally, the ‘Friends of GPTZero program offers a 30% commission on referrals, adding an incentive for user loyalty. However, the absence of discounts and limited payment options might be a drawback for some.

Tech detection
Available tools
Input sources

GPTZero’s Overall Experience —20/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The user experience with GPTZero is adequate but leaves room for improvement. Registration is straightforward, with options for third-party sign-ins, enhancing accessibility. The website interface is aesthetically not simply pleasing and user-friendly, but also offer multi-lingual detection opportunities and printable reports. Support options include social media channels and a blog, but the absence of instant chat or phone support may be a downside for some users. We found that the tool’s integration with various platforms, like MS Word, adds to its practicality, especially for educational purposes.

Text scan window at GPTZero
Text scan window at GPTZero (click to see a large image)
Website experience



GPTZero Reviews

This independent review of the service results from painstaking research work, which included an evaluation of GPTZero from all points of view that may be of interest to users. Additionally, our final verdict integrates the perceptions of other individuals who have engaged with the tool’s services and shared their opinions on platforms like Sitejabber, Trustpilot, and Reddit. As a result, you receive a complete and all-encompassing assessment of this service.

Is GPTZero a Scam?

This service offers a free version that allows users to scan up to 5,000 characters, enabling them to verify that the tool is operational. Since no payments or prior commitments are demanded, it’s clear that GPTZero is not a scam or any other fraudulent scheme.

Is GPTZero Legit?

It functions on the same principles as any other trustworthy online enterprise. There’s nothing unlawful about analyzing documents or textual content for evidence of artificially created material. Therefore, GPTZero is an entirely legitimate company.

Is GPTZero Safe?

Yes, using GPTZero is considered safe. Like reputable online businesses, it adheres to standard security protocols and privacy policies to ensure the protection of user information and provide a secure experience.

Is GPTZero Trustworthy?

Yes, it is a trustworthy service provider. Its practices and offerings are transparent, and it has demonstrated reliability in its operations, making it a dependable choice for those seeking an AI-detection tool. Consider using GPTZero in combination with an AI checker for essays to guarantee better accuracy and reliability.

Is GPTZero a Good Service?

The A*Help rating of 47.67 indicates that GPTZero is a good service overall. It is easy to use, and it offers good value for money and a pleasing user experience.

GPTZero’s Specs

Human + AI
Trusted in education
API integration
Browser extension (Chrome)
MS Word
Addit. on-board tools
files (pdf, word)
simple text (copy-paste)
Code files
Batch files upload
Free trial
LimitsUp to 10,000 words per month
Premium AI detection models
Batch file scanning 10 files
Access to Origin Chrome Extension
LoyaltyUsers can receive a 30% commission on all payments for paying customers you refer to
Third-party sign in options
Needs phone number
Personal account
Aesthetic Interface
Quick process
Multi-language detection
Printable report
Clear results
Leave a message
Instant chat
Social media channels
FAQ and guides

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