As we approach the festive season, noticeable stability emerges in the academic writing services market. The past week has seen little fluctuation in the top-rated disciplines, reflecting the trends observed the week before. The leading trio—Nursing, Business Studies, and English 101—remains unaltered in their rankings. However, there’s been a slight reshuffle in the fourth and fifth spots. History has now climbed to fourth place, nudging Management down to fifth.

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TOP Essay Disciplines Total orders Previous week 🔥 Updated December 2023
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13.18% 13.39% Top essay topics
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Business Studies
8.82% 8.02% Top essay topics
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English 101
6.34% 6.26% Top essay topics
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5.85% 5.81% Top essay topics
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3.96% 5.37% Top essay topics
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Miscellaneous essay topics

AccountingKing and company pro forma auditor’s report
AnthropologyCommodity Chain Analysis
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Should the Parthenon marbles be returned to Greece?
AviationEmployment Trends
AviationOperating Environments and Risk
AviationRotorcraft Environmental Accidents
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Biological Macromolecules
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Canadian Water Standards
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Nigella sativa in Middle East
Classic English LiteratureCommon Themes in Characters of A Raisin in the Sun
Classic English LiteratureSocial Issues in The Partials
Computer scienceComprehensive comparison between Microsoft and Linux operating system.
Computer scienceShort Paper: Team Building and Collaboration
CommunicationsCommunication Challenge
CommunicationsScience journalism
CommunicationsContemporary New Media Technology Review
CommunicationsElectronic Communications
CommunicationsMedia and The Ongoing Hijab-Banning Debate
CommunicationsThe Role of Social Media in Promoting Heritage and Culture: A Case Study of Government Institutions
CommunicationsYouTube User Engagements on News Videos
Criminal JusticeCriminological Theories and Intervention
Criminal JusticeDomestic Violence-Til Death do us apart
Criminal JusticeEnhanced Social Responsibility
Criminal JusticeMerton’s Strain Theory
Criminal JusticeThe Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Criminal lawCriminal Investigation television shows and how they impact criminal justice in reality
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesDance Me Outside (1994) Movie Review
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesDifferences in Communication Across Cultures
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesDiversity, Biases, and Special Populations
EconomicsBrief of Spectrum – The Spawn of Time Warner Cable and Charter Communication
EconomicsOut-Pocket-Health expenditure in Nigeria;Case study of HIV/AIDS
EconomicsUrban economics research paper
EngineeringDetermination of the Critical Micelle Concentration for Aqueous Tetradecyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromid
EngineeringSimulation in the Systems Engineering Lifecycle
EngineeringStudying the corrosion properties of Magnesium and its applications in dissolvable implants
Environmental studies and ForestryAlgal control and prevention technologies for lake diefenbaker irrigation canals
Environmental studies and ForestryEcological Footprint Report
Environmental studies and ForestryFactors between china and Japan in future energy
Environmental studies and ForestrySelect a hazard. Select a geographical region. Create a risk/vulnerability chart for that region.
EthicsTesco Case Study
Film & Theater studiesAngels in America
Film & Theater studiesFilm and Literature Anaylsis
FinanceAssessing competition in the insurance sector in the GCC
FinanceInventory Concept and Depreciation Methods
FinanceManagerial Role and Annualizing Staffing
HistoryMexican Texas The state of Texas belonged to Mexico from 1821-1836, when it became an independent
HistoryBuilding a New Europe
HistoryGeorge Washington as Military Leader and President – views and attitudes
HistoryHistorical Interpretations of Past and Present
HistoryGlobal Drug Trade
HistoryThe Holocaust
Human Resources Management (HRM)Amazon Warehouse Employees Compensation
Human Resources Management (HRM)Professional Appearance Presentation
International RelationsHow have China and Pakistan Established Good Bilateral Relations?
International RelationsWhat are China’s main principles and historical concepts that may affect current foreign policy?
International RelationsCharacteristics of Politics and Economy for South and Central Asia
International RelationsDefense Diplomacy of UAE
International RelationsFrench Foreign Policy (Turkey 2000-2003)
International RelationsTerrorism and National Security
International RelationsUAE scientific and academic diplomacy
International RelationsWhat are the characteristics of politics and economy for Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia
International RelationsWhat are the main factors in China’s Afghanistan bilateral relations?
International RelationsWhat are the most important motives behind China and Central Asian Countries’ Relations
IT, WebSony Hack Case Study
IT, WebTools for My Professional Toolbox
IT, WebWeb browser Security and Vulnerability Assessment
LawBankruptcy Fraud
LawCompare two texts of Constitutions and assess differences in the fundamental principles 
LawReorganize the entire thesis and editing citation.
LawTulsa- How America showed the world that Justice for all doesn’t include black people.
LawWhat role do you see for Human Rights going forward?
Leadership StudiesCoaching as a Way of Leadership (And Life)
Leadership StudiesCoaching Effectiveness
Leadership StudiesPersonal and professional leadership philosophy
LiteratureDon Quixote de la Mancha
LiteratureJane Eyre, Hermeneutics, and Marxism
LogisticsGeneral Property Contracts and Exposures in the Retail Environment
MarketingApplying marketing concept on Adidas
MarketingDecision making and purchase journey
MarketingGaloobin Coffee
MarketingLuxury goods competitive sections
MarketingNetflix pricing strategies case study
MarketingSocial Enterprises
MarketingSocial Media Marketing Plan: Tuning; Budgeting & Return on Investment
MarketingSocial/Green Marketing
MarketingThe marshmallow effect
MathematicsSolving linear equations by substitution and by elimination
MedicineSystemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) – A Review of clinical approach for diagnosis and current treatment strategies
Nutrition/DietarySpecial breakfast menu for athlete
Other (enter below)The role of quality assurance in positioning universities in the UAE
PhilosophyEcoFeminism: Progressive Research Paper
Political scienceBurundi in the last 50 years
Political scienceGeof Harkness on Qatar (Changing Qatar Podcast and Expats and Workers reading etc.)
Political scienceMoral Courage and Ethics
Political scienceRacial capitalism and the US Prison Systems
Political scienceResearch Question: How Iran’s government doing too little to end honor killing and how is it differe
Political scienceThe development conundrum: Choices amidst constraints
Political scienceThe issue of the decrease in Population of the UAE natives
Political scienceTopic: Feminism as a social movement
Public AdministrationBobsville Emergency Operations Plan
Public AdministrationDiversity Statement
Religious studiesBook Analysis: Share Jesus Without Fear Assignment
Religious studiesSatire: Juvenal and American Satire
SociologyDiversity in Mass Media
SociologyEssay on neo-liberalism and social problems.
SociologyJust how inclusive are the various types of citizenship?
SociologySimple Survey Project
SociologySocial Services – Race and Ethnic Relations
SociologyThe Nuclear Family
StatisticsElementary Statistics Project
TechnologyBusiness Process Modeling Methodology
TechnologyEffective Use of Virtual Reality To Improve Learning Outcomes in Math and Science
TechnologyStructured vs Unstructured Data
Week 5
AccountingAdvanced Accounting Assignment
AccountingKunapipi Gardens: Transfer Pricing in the service industry
AnthropologyThe evolving roles of women in the Middle East
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Google Art Project
AviationUASs as Reliable Medicine Delivery Platforms
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Molecular Biology research
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Skin cancer
Biology (and other Life Sciences)the role of biological security and safety in medical laboratory and blood bank
ChemistryThe decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide
Civil EngineeringFRP composite materials for strengthening concrete structures using cement-based and epoxy adhesives
Classic English LiteratureA Doll’s House
Classic English LiteratureAmerican Identity
Classic English LiteratureEmerson Redefined
Classic English LiteratureMy Take on Death of a Salesman
CompositionHow Reading Enhances Personal Health and Professional Growth and Development
CompositionPlastic pollution
Computer scienceAdvanced in drone technology and control
Computer scienceCardinal Realty Group
Computer scienceCybersecurity and Legal Protection
Computer scienceIdea for cyber security capstone projects
Computer scienceThe Efficiency of the COVID-19 Vaccines Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Data Analysis Tools.
Computer scienceUsing Artificial Intelligence to Increase Security in Internet of Things Devices
CommunicationsCreative AI Reading Responses
CommunicationsHow commodity fetishism is operating or working?
CommunicationsReviewing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice – Leadership  & Online Anonymity might affect Forensic Investigations
Criminal Justicecultural differences and diversity influence professional practice in criminal justice
Criminal JusticePre-Trial Identification Procedures, Investigation And Pre-Trial Release
Criminal JusticeThe pros and cons of modifying hiring standards
Criminal lawCriminological Theories and Intervention
Criminal lawRestorative justice in corrections
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesHockey: The First Century Research Assignment  Hockey’s Immortals
EcologyChernobyl (1986) Nuclear Disaster case study
EcologyGallatin County Regional Park – Bozeman Pond
EconomicsEcon forecasting asset price
EconomicsIncome inequality
EconomicsMacroeconomic Climate
EconomicsWhat is International political economy?
EngineeringMeasuring the energy content of food
EngineeringImpact of natural disaster’s on electric car charging station
Environmental studies and ForestryThe UAE’s Green Agenda
HistoryAge of Exploration
HistoryGeorge Washington in the American Revolution
HistoryGlobal Drug Trade
HistoryJews, Christians, and Muslims in the Early Modern World
HistoryMy Mastery of the course outcomes
HistoryOpinion Essay: The British Lose America
HistoryReading: Bradley, Patricia, Making American Culture: A Social History, 1900-1920 (New York: Palgrave
HistorySecond World War and the Cold War
HistorySparta Womens Roles in Ancient Greece
HistoryThe Era of Reconstruction, 1865–1876
HistoryWhat did the Revolution mean to different groups of Americans?
Human Resources Management (HRM)Employee Development and Career Management & Social Responsibility: Legal Issues, Managing Diversit
Human Resources Management (HRM)A5. Strategic Direction
Human Resources Management (HRM)Case Study 21: Google’s Dilemma in China
Human Resources Management (HRM)Resistance and Communication – Amazon
Human Resources Management (HRM)The Influence of Reward and Incentives on employee motivation and performance: with a special focus
Human Resources Management (HRM)Unifying Company Culture
Human Resources Management (HRM)What do workers want?
Human Resources Management (HRM)Would HR development and performance management create a competitive advantage?
International RelationsHuman security is merely a new mechanism for powerful states to control and intervene in the Global
International RelationsThe globalization of world politics
IT, WebNorth Star Case Study
LawBullying in schools
LawHousing Discrimination
LawLegal Case Assignment
Leadership StudiesDialogue 3 What should be included in a Coaching ROI for global organizations?
Leadership StudiesExecutive staff rotation impact on staff at Naval Consolidated Commands
Leadership StudiesMinimum Wage Laws in Indiana
Leadership StudiesUnderstanding Marketing For Managers
LiteratureWhy Fairy Tales Spark Imagination and Offer Moral Lessons
LiteratureA small place by Jamaica kinkaid
MarketingIndividual Data Analysis – Report from Google Merchandise Store.
MarketingAdvanced marketing study
MarketingMaintaining Control of DMO Content on Social Media: Best Practices and Implications.
MarketingThe Coffee Culture in France
MarketingUnilever’s New Global Strategy: Competing through Sustainability Case
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Outline the use of biologics as an add-on therapy for the maintenance of severe asthma
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Academia Rotation
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Classical and Clinical Pharmacology Concentration
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Current Mental Health Legislation
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Ethics and Multicultural Competencies
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Hope for People Living with Schizophrenia
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Is there a connection between microbes and mental health?
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Oral Therapeutics
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Respiratory system
MedicineAbstract for case report
MedicineEffect of amniocentesis on the course of pregnancy.  Comparative analysis of groups of pregnant pati
MusicInstrument Report: A critical analysis on the role of the instruments of the symphony orchestra
MusicPlantation Songs
Nutrition/DietaryKetogenic diet
PhilosophyPhilosophical Issues in Health Care
PhysicsElectric Energy and Electric Power
Political scienceAnti-Immigrant Nationalism, France, and Turkey
Political scienceCritiquing the banning of CRT in the USA
Political scienceDiscretionary and Rule Making Authority
Political scienceFrom Sustainable Development Goals to Basic Development Goals
Political scienceGangs and Large-Scale Criminal Violence
Political scienceThe Effects of Abortion Restrictions on Minorities
Political scienceThe best ways for the EU to go through the next winter assuming Russia will continue to deliver gas
Political scienceThe Case for pragmatic idealism
Political sciencethe driving forces behind processes of regional cooperation and regional integration
Public AdministrationSampling and Recruitment Strategies
Public AdministrationThe dysfunction of Congress
Religious studiesHeresy and Orthodox Belief
Religious studiesReligious Pluralism in the Middle East: Jew/Islam coexistence
ShakespeareHow the city of London shaped Shakespeare
Social Work and Human ServicesAddiction treatment
Social Work and Human ServicesAdministration Management, and Supervision in social Work Practice
Social Work and Human ServicesAdministration, Management, and Supervision in Social Work Practice
Social Work and Human ServicesAdministrative, Management & Supervision in Social Work Practice
Social Work and Human ServicesConnections to the NASW Code of Ethics and Principles.
Social Work and Human ServicesIntimate personal violence
Social Work and Human ServicesLegislative Policy Brief
Social Work and Human ServicesMental Health Crisis in Los Angeles
Social Work and Human Servicessocial welfare and policy
Social Work and Human ServicesUrban Nation: Life in Canadian Cities Wilderness Nation: Nature and Recreation
SociologyThe sociology of food and nutrition
SociologyThe impact of environmental racism on respiratory health
SociologyThe non-profit sector in Global Health
Sportsone year action plan with SMART Goals
TechnologyA Brief History of Wearables
TechnologyAn Introduction to Information Behaviors
TechnologyCase Study. Phool: The vegan leather made from India’s waste flowers
TechnologyCorporate Governance vs IT Governance
TechnologyMicroprocessors and Microcontrollers
TourismTravel Writing in Premodern China
Urban StudiesAdapting tactical urbanism to benefit society and policy makers: a case of Dubai Historical zone.
Urban StudiesThe Immigrant and Refugee mental health programs in Canada
Women’s & gender studiesBarriers to women’s higher education and the reasons for them
Week 6
Criminal lawCounter Terrorism – Emerging Technology
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesElements of Critical Thinking
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesExperiencing Culture
EcologyPublic Discussion About Climate Change
EconomicsAre Climate, Energy, and Carbon Policies really Effective for Decarbonization?
EconomicsInternational Trade and Finance
EconomicsMarketing: How social media helps or hurt businesses increase sales/revenue
EconomicsWhat is the World Trade Organisation?
Engineering3D printing technology in customized implants and prostheses
EngineeringDecision support systems in disaster management.
EngineeringDental applications in 3D printing
Environmental studies and ForestryDisaster assessment practices
Environmental studies and ForestryEffective Environmental Communication
Environmental studies and ForestryFukushima earthquake Analysis
Environmental studies and ForestryWaste Minimization
EthicsEnvironmental Ethics
EthicsHosmer’s Moral Reasoning Process: Wells Fargo
EthicsTesco Case Study
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Possible Impact of Climate Change on Saudi Arabia
HistoryOn What it mean to be Black Intellectual
HistoryPostwar Society and Culture (Postindustrial Economy)
HistoryThe Cold War and Decolonization
HistoryThe Day of the Locust
HistoryUnderstanding Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Human Resources Management (HRM)Communication Improvement Project
Human Resources Management (HRM)Determine Ethics Of Visual Communication
Human Resources Management (HRM)Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Campaign
Human Resources Management (HRM)Evaluate Visual Persuasion Communication
Human Resources Management (HRM)Makana Ferries Organizational Chart
Human Resources Management (HRM)Onboarding and Performance management
Human Resources Management (HRM)Outline assignment
Human Resources Management (HRM)Professional Behaviour and Valuing People
International RelationsThe Southern Border as a National Security Issue
LawPolice Brutality and how to fight it
LawRight to Privacy
LawTelecommunications Discrimination
Leadership StudiesEffective listening and the Leader in the military
Leadership StudiesEstablishing a Constructive Climate
LogisticsBasics of Reverse Logistics
LogisticsGeneral Liability
MarketingFacebook Audit
MarketingMarket research for Katz Water Technology
MarketingMarketing Project and Marketing Strategy
MarketingMarketing Strategies in Hotel Management
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)What is the role of Cabenuva in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus?
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Systemic Diseases Associated with Periodontitis
MedicineSystemic Diseases Associated with Periodontitis
Nutrition/DietaryGender and Food
Nutrition/DietaryThe Dorito Effect
Other (enter below)Annotated bibliography
PhilosophyCultural Pluralism, Ethical Relativism, and Moral Absolutism
PhilosophyPhilosophical Exposition on Ancient Greece’s View of Change
PhilosophyUncovering the Implausibility of Plato’s View on Soul Recall from the Forms
PhilosophyVisual Essay Vampires
Political scienceCovid-19 impact on regional and global economic outlook of the UAE
Political scienceLong-Term Strategic Decision-Making Analysis for the Negotiations among the Eastern Nile Countries
Political scienceTerrorism and Counterterrorism
Political scienceWhat is the impact of the Sierra Club’s use of social media on its advocacy efforts?
Public AdministrationAmerican Housing and Need for Public Housing
Public AdministrationUnderstanding Leadership
Religious studiesA History of Christian Education by James E. Reed and Ronnie Prevost
Religious studiesBook Analysis: Family to Family
Religious studiesEssential Islamic Doctrines
Religious studiesMuhammad and the Origins of Islam
SociologyFamily Tree
SociologyKarl Marx Theory
SociologyThe Myth of American Universities as Inequality – Fighters
SociologyTheories of Gender Stratification
SportsMuscle Lab
TechnologyArtificial Intelligence-Based Chatbots in Business Management
TechnologyClosure of a set of functional dependencies
TechnologyDiscuss insertion, deletion, and modification anomalies
TechnologyHuman Computer Interaction
TechnologyImportance of professional Communication
TechnologyInterface Design
TechnologyNOSQL Systems
TechnologySecurity Components
Urban StudiesAfrican Resistance, Abolitionism and the Civil War
Women’s & gender studiesEmbrace Equity-International Women’s Day
Week 7
AccountingEthics  In Managerial  Accounting
AnthropologyBlack Perspectives Matter
AnthropologyCulture and Fieldwork
Architecture, Building and PlanningDesigning a paradise garden.
AviationExplain why modern supply chain management extensively uses aviation transportation.
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Cell Communication and Reproduction
Biology (and other Life Sciences)How Can We Slow Global Warming? Simulation Assignment
Classic English LiteratureGeorge Washington’s lifetime
Computer scienceOrganizational Profile and Access Management Case
CommunicationsPersuading through Multicultural Diplomacy or Monocultural Propaganda
CommunicationsThe (Near) Future of Cyberspace
CommunicationsApplying Ethos and Pathos
CommunicationsCritical studies of Digital Media
CommunicationsDigital Media Entrepreneurship
CommunicationsHow law enforcement uses kinesics to anticipate, react, and interview
Criminal JusticeAnxiety and Trauma-Related Disorders
Criminal JusticeCombating Money laundering in the UAE
Criminal JusticeCriminological Theories and Intervention
Criminal JusticeDesistance from Crime
Criminal JusticeThe Role and Impact of Forensic Evidence in the Criminal Justice Process
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesLatin American Women in Politics
EcologySalamander polymorphism
EconomicsCompetition policy and market regulation
Environmental studies and ForestryCompare and contrast the National Emergency Management organization
FinanceApplied Financial Economics
FinanceAymmetric Information
FinanceConsumer Strategies
FinanceInternational Banking, financial markets and monetary policy
FinanceInternational Financial Managment
FinanceNew York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
FinanceOptimal Risky Portfolios
FinanceThe Federal Reserve’s Current Monetary Policy
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Life’s Rocky Start
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Possible Impact of Climate Change on Saudi Arabia
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)The impact of Humanity on Natural Processes
HistoryEurope after the Cold War
HistoryHellenistic Period
HistoryHistory of Madam CJ Walker
HistoryHistory of New Dorp Beach, Staten Island
HistoryJapanese Treatment of Occupied Territories
HistoryProperty Rights and Freedom in U.S. History
HistorySexual Misconduct in Puritan America
HistoryThe Great Depression
HistoryThe Great Plague Pandemic P lll
Human Resources Management (HRM) Investment into Training and Development
Human Resources Management (HRM)Building an Effective Team
Human Resources Management (HRM)Organizational Culture Assessment
Human Resources Management (HRM)Performance Evaluation
Human Resources Management (HRM)Selecting New Employees
Human Resources Management (HRM)Workforce Nationalization Through Technical Education in Saudi Arabia
International RelationsAre human rights under threat from poverty and racism?
IT, WebCloud Computing
IT, WebLinear Programming
IT, WebWeb Internetworking
LawEPIC Systems V. Lewis Supreme Court
LawSecuring Human Rights
Leadership StudiesExecutive staff rotation affect the strategic planning of Naval Consolidated Commands
Leadership StudiesLeading In Diversity
Literature17 steps of the monomyth based on the book of Siddhartha
LiteratureLITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAY ON “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner
MusicClaudio Monteverdi
Political scienceCaribbean Revolutionaries
Political scienceCivil Wars and Insurgency
Political scienceInformation Operations as a Joint Function
Political sciencePolitical Parties and Interest Groups
Political scienceUrban Planning: Homelessness in Houston TX
Religious studies A History of Christian Education by James E. Reed and Ronnie Prevost
Religious studies Growth in Understanding Theology
Religious studiesDevotional: Reflections on the Psalms
Religious studiesGrowth in Understanding Theology
SociologyAnalyzing Mass Media and Pop Culture: How the Image Shapes the Need
SociologyDependency Theory, Modernization Theory, Globalization Theory
SociologyParents’ perceptions of childhood obesity in Saudi Arabia: Exploratory descriptive qualitative study
TechnologyNetwork Security Applications and Countermeasures
TechnologyTo what extent have social media revolutionised our lives?
TourismSustainable Tourism
ZoologyEthics of Recreational Fishing Assignment
Week 8
Accounting Financial repoting and discolures and climent change role in petrochemical firms in the GCC
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Antibiotic Resistance
CommunicationsEFE Matrix
CommunicationsHow has Nike influenced consumer purchasing decisions through digital transformation in recent years
CommunicationsLegal Memorandum Funny Face Case
CommunicationsRepresentation of LGBTQ Athletes in Media
Classic English LiteratureSir Gawain and the Green Knight
Classic English LiteratureThe Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath
Criminal JusticePolice Brutality
EconomicsConsumer Confidence
EthicsCompany X Ethics Training
EthicsEthical Issue Related to Artificial Intelligence
EthicsSinger vs O’Neil
Film & Theater studiesJohn Carpenter
FinanceFinancial Statement Analysis – Microsoft
FinanceHow ESG Investment should evolve?
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Hydrogen
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Krakatoa Volcano
HistoryA Frontier Society in Transition, 1876–1886
HistoryEurope after the Cold War
HistorySparta Womens Roles in Ancient Greece
Human Resources Management (HRM)Mistakes in the Performance Appraisal Process
International RelationsThe implications of the rise of Russia and China on the structure of the international system and re
International RelationsThe influence of Soviet-style communism on the development of political systems in the Middle East.
IT, WebNew Forensic Artifacts
Law Union Oil Company of California (UNOCAL)
LawAnatomy of a Murder
LawEPIC Systems V. Lewis Supreme Court
LiteratureHow do social media involve Gen Z more engaging in nonprofit charitable organizations?
MarketingGlobal Marketing Factors
MarketingIce Cream Industry – Marketing
MarketingLawson Cosmetics Case Study Analysis
Nutrition/DietaryDiabetes Meal Plan
Political scienceCacique Democracy in the Philippines
Political scienceMass atrocities and humanitarian intervention
Religious studiesMedicine and surgical procedures in  ancient Egypt
Religious studiesTeaching of ancient artifact
StatisticsAnalysis with Correlation and Regression
StatisticsBasic Statistics Data Used in Everyday Life
TechnologyFostering Innovation Ecosystems
TechnologyNetwork Management Justification
TechnologyPrivacy, Security and Ethics
Women’s & gender studiesChick Flick Analysis
Women’s & gender studiesPersonal Valentine
Week 9
AccountingAmazon case report
AccountingGoodness of fit
AnthropologyThe Evolving Roles of Women in the Middle East – Language in Culture
Architecture, Building and PlanningBill of quantities
Architecture, Building and PlanningDUBAI Bluewater island
Architecture, Building and PlanningMamluks Architecture.
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Exploring Death in Art
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Rivers and Tides
Astronomy (and other Space Sciences)The future of the UAE space program
Astronomy (and other Space Sciences)The Sun
AviationAirport Management
AviationApplying the Payback, Net Present Value, and Internal Rate of Return
AviationRotorcraft Industry Trends
AviationUnderstanding Contract
AviationUnmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) as Reliable Medical Delivery Platforms
Biology (and other Life Sciences)DNA Encoding of Genetic Information
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Seed Germination
Computer scienceApplied Cryptography
Computer scienceBoomerang Decompiler
Computer scienceFacial Recognition Technology and its Ethical implications
CommunicationsIntellectual Property, Copyright, and Alternatives to Copyright
CommunicationsImplications of ChatGPT and AI for Strategic Communication
CommunicationsQueen Rania
CommunicationsThe change of leadership in Netflix
CommunicationsUniversal Healthcare
CommunicationsWhat is ‘Media Management’?
Criminal JusticeEvolution of Criminal investigation
Criminal Justicehe Requirements and Challenges of International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism: Examining the Impl
Criminal JusticeOutline and Reference List: Racism and Police Brutality
Criminal JusticePolicing, Crime and Society
Criminal lawDefinitions of the three kinds of criminal liability
Criminal lawFla. v. Bostick
Criminal lawJuvenile Courts
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesCinema is a projection of the Arab society
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesJapanese curry
EconomicsCapital market analysis
EconomicsPost Covid Economy
EconomicsUAE Economy
Environmental studies and ForestryClimate Change and Humans: How Are We Impacted?
Environmental studies and ForestryIdentifying the Root Cause and Corrective Actions
Environmental studies and ForestryInternational Emergency Disaster Management
Environmental studies and ForestryInvestigating Climate Change in the US
Environmental studies and ForestryPublic Participation in the Los Angeles River Restoration
Environmental studies and ForestryThe Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Developments on Marine Environment
EthicsEthical Challenges for Embryos
EthicsTheory of Health Care Ethics
EthicsVolkswagen Emissions Scandal
Film & Theater studiesA Seranade for the Undocumented
FinanceElements of Health Care Finance Management and Ethical Reporting
FinanceMergers and acquisitions
HistoryAchilles and Hector: A Contrast and Comparison
HistoryAnti-Democratic Origins of the U.S. Constitution
HistoryEffects of Colonization
HistoryEssay Assignment #1
HistoryJapanese Treatment of Occupied Territories
HistoryJFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE: Why He Died and Why it Matters
HistoryPositive Role of Government
HistoryScientific Revolution and The Enlightenment
HistoryThe Age of Ideologies: Europe in the Aftermath of Revolution
HistoryThe Renaissance
HistoryThe Splendid Little War
Human Resources Management (HRM)Employee Wellness and Reducing Burnout Rates
Human Resources Management (HRM)Evaulating Performance Management
Human Resources Management (HRM)HR Strategy and Organizations
Human Resources Management (HRM)KSA’s (Knowledge, Skill, Ability)
Human Resources Management (HRM)People Management in an International Context
Human Resources Management (HRM)Performance Measurements
Human Resources Management (HRM)Selection of Artifacts
International RelationsFrom Apartheid to Democracy: South Africa’s New Constitution
International RelationsHow are Islamic networks radicalized into terrorist groups in South Central Asia?
IT, WebACME Dental Workforce Security Policies
IT, WebManagement information system graphs
LawIntoxication as a Defense
LawRelevance of Research to Job Position
Leadership StudiesAssess Your Level of Conflict Knowledge
Leadership StudiesCleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
Leadership StudiesSampling and Recruitment Strategies
Leadership StudiesWhat is next in the Capstone process?
LiteratureDeath Cafe
LiteratureResearch Methods in Business
LiteratureThe dangers of socialism
LiteratureYoung Goodman Brown
LogisticsTraits of a successful supply chain management
LogisticsTransportation and Distribution challenges before and after covid-19
LogisticsVice President of Supply Chain Management
LogisticsWalmart and Supply Chain Management
MarketingPESO Scavenger Hunt
MarketingPromotion Discussion
MarketingWinter Olympics and Marketing Dilemma
MarketingZara Case
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Medical Ethics and Law in Radiologic Technology
MedicineAnxiety and Depression
MedicineThe endoscopic treatment for the patient who suffered from GERD
Nutrition/DietaryNutrition, Metabolism and Disease
Political scienceCountering Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia
Political scienceEgypt: Land of Political Change
Political scienceGood Governance and Anti-corruption
Political scienceMexican Drug Trafficking is masked terrorism.
Political sciencePublic Safety and Security from a Global Perspective
Public AdministrationEducation policy issue in Hong Kong
Religious studiesMartin Luther King Jr-Theology for What
Religious studiesViews of Suffering
SociologyTreating the Person, Not Just the Disease
SociologyTypes of Social Action in the Killing of John Allen Chau
SociologyUnderstanding Culture and Socialization
SociologyWalmart in Africa
SportsEthical Principles
SportsGenerating Revenue
TechnologyA Basic Database
TechnologyU.S. Compliance Laws
Women’s & gender studiesFamily Interviews about Masculinity/Feminism
Week 10
AccountingDeterminants of Corporate Fraud
AccountingPrincipals of Financial Accounting
AnthropologyArchaeology of Ancient China
Biology (and other Life Sciences)DNA Barcoding Partial Manuscript
ChemistryHazardous Materials
ChemistryInfluence of KDM1A on Blood Cancer
Civil EngineeringInnovative Roadway Materials for Road Maintenance purposes
Classic English LiteratureA History of Reading
CompositionThe Myth of the Robber Barons by Burton W. Folsom
Computer scienceEveryday Cyber Crime
CommunicationsThe Effects of Streaming Services on UAE Culture
CommunicationsThe Role of Technology in media
CommunicationsThe Walt Disney company
Criminal JusticeAncient Civilization
Criminal JusticeBehavioral Science and Organizational Behavior
Criminal JusticeBroken Windows Theory
Criminal JusticePublic Safety Reasearch and Technology
Criminal JusticeThree Categories of Management Roles
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesMilitary Overseas (Cultural Experience)
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesOtomisan Japanese restaurant
Economics The European Refugee Crisis: A Dramatic Shift in Economic and Political Dynamics
EconomicsOverkill- America’s Epidemic of Unnecessary
EconomicsThe COVID19 pandemic has had significant impacts on the global macroeconomy
EconomicsWhy does income inequality matter?
EngineeringDependability and resilience
EngineeringDesigning a clean energy system for an off grid application
EngineeringDesigning a plant for PIPSA
EngineeringDevelopment of Electric Machines for Electricity Generation
Environmental studies and ForestryAddressing Climate Change: What Can We Do?
Environmental studies and ForestryLandscape Changes: The Consequences of Climate Change
Environmental studies and ForestryThe Escalating Effect of Climate in Southern California
FinanceAssessing the competition in the insurance sector in the GCC
FinanceFinancial Management and Markets
FinanceRisk and Return
FinanceStock and Bond Valuations
FinanceStrategy and Forecasting
FinanceThe collapse of Lehman Brothers (2008)
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Populations and Cultural Practices
HistoryClimate change and the industrial revolution
HistoryThe Almost Christian
Human Resources Management (HRM)Determination of Performance
Human Resources Management (HRM)Diversity management emerged as a strategic approach to HRM in the 1990s
Human Resources Management (HRM)Employee Performance Improvement Plans
Human Resources Management (HRM)Factors Affecting the Implementation of E-HRM in the Public Sector
Human Resources Management (HRM)Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management
Human Resources Management (HRM)Understanding and Managing People
International RelationsThe Policy Challenge in the Gender Gap in Japan
International RelationsUAE and China Deal 2019
LawPacific Rim Cayman v. El Salvador case
Leadership StudiesConsulting Principles
Leadership StudiesKeys to Professionalism
Leadership StudiesPresent a High-Level Overview of Conflict
Leadership StudiesRecommend Improvements in Capacity Building
LinguisticsApplied linguistics
LinguisticsDescription of the contextual parameters of a teaching context
LiteraturePublic Speaking
LiteratureThe Role of Women
MarketingDMO behind the marketing strategy
MarketingEmployability Skills and the Future of Work
MarketingGlobal Marketing
MarketingThe Impact of Marketing Strategy on Tiktok Use in the US
MathematicsVectors and Oblique Triangles
MusicElements of Music Report An analysis of the musical components within a musical composition
Nutrition/DietaryMicronutrients Metabolism
PhilosophyPhilosophical Issues inHealth care
PhilosophyWorld Hunger
PhysicsConservation of Momentum in Collisions
Political sciencePolitics in Islam
Political scienceProposed political issues and movements in Texas state, Texas state and local, and Texas politicians. Note: The paper must be included the word “Texas”, the topic should be about Texas State
Public AdministrationEthical considerations
Public AdministrationQuantitative Methods Strengths and Weaknesses
Public AdministrationThinking Critically as a Researcher
Public Relations (PR) COVID’s Hidden Toll
Religious studiesChristology from Above or Below?
Religious studiesThe Life We’re Looking for by Andy Crouch
SociologyAbsolute and Relative Dimensions of Poverty
SociologyYouth Advocacy and your voice
SportsFacility Safety
SportsYouth Sports Participation
TechnologyDesign and Applications of Microprocessors
TechnologyDigital Devices and their Influence on Children and Adolescent Attention Span
Women’s & gender studiesWomen study the forerunner CD
Week 11
AccountingExamining the context and purpose of accounting
Application LettersApplying for graduate school
Application LettersPersonal Statement for Engineering Leadership and Innovation Management
Architecture, Building and PlanningMuseums and their physical space
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Analysis of Cultural Significance
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Finding Light in the Dark
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)The Quran in Islamic Art
AviationEvolution of Aviation Safety
AviationQuality Assurance in Aviation
AviationThe Green Initiative in Aviation: Alternative Fuel.
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Immune system
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Microscopes and Cell Transport Protocol
Computer scienceIncident Response and Disaster recovery
Computer scienceIntroduction to data privacy
Computer scienceSecurity and privacy risks of IoT: Smart city applications.
Computer scienceSecurity Intelligence
Computer scienceUX Design Comparison
CommunicationsRhetorical Analysis: Women’s Rights are Human Rights
CommunicationsSoftware Deployments
CommunicationsThe effect of social network sites (Facebook) on adolescents’ social and academic development
CommunicationsThe Role of Technology in media
Criminal JusticeFBI Website-Crime laboratory
Criminal JusticeImmigration Policy
Criminal lawDifferential Association Theory
Criminal lawWhy racism still persists in the criminal justice system
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesGeography Rise to the Challenge (TM)
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesThe power of story
EcologyManagement Plan for Canada geese in Illinois or in the U.S.
EcologyPlant Association Half Lab Report
EconomicsAssessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Qatar’s Economy
EconomicsFast Food Industry Analysis
EconomicsGlobal Business Economics and Finance
EconomicsThe volatility of oil prices
EngineeringAn Improved Heuristic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Demands
Environmental studies and ForestryFuture Challenges for Environmental Auditing
EthicsEthics and the Family
Film & Theater studiesPretty In Pink-Lauren Shuler
FinanceRisk Management and Change
FinanceTime value of money
HistoryJews, Christians, and Muslims in the Early Modern World
HistoryManifest Destiny
HistoryRussian history
HistoryWilliam Lloyd Garrison
Human Resources Management (HRM)Acquiring Employees
Human Resources Management (HRM)Benchmarking
Human Resources Management (HRM)Employee Wellness and Reducing Burnout Rates
Human Resources Management (HRM)Exploration of the Emerging Human Resource Issues in Qatar During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic
Human Resources Management (HRM)Henry Le Leading in a New Era Case Study
Human Resources Management (HRM)Legal Expertise: Fundamental Skill to the Best Practices in Human Resources
Human Resources Management (HRM)Workforce Nationalization Through Technical Education in Saudi Arabia
International RelationsCapability Expectations Gap Approach, Assessing the EU since Russia invaded Ukraine.
International RelationsTerrorism
International RelationsWater Security in Canada
LawLegal Aspects of International Finance
LawMedia, Politics, and IP Law
LawWhy racism still persists in the criminal justice system
LiteratureGender roles in Novels
LiteratureStudy Questions for The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Goethe
MedicineKnowledge for Practice
MedicineThe role of endocrine disruptors in the development of reproductive disorders and women reproductive disorders in women
MusicElements of Music Report An analysis of the musical components within a musical composition
MusicGuitar Recital Reports
MusicThe Intersection of Social Media, Music, and Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Age
PhilosophyA Critique of Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Argument on Abortion and Pregnancy
PhilosophyMedieval Philisophy
PhilosophyThe Essentiality of Fun
Political scienceRussia’s policy on the Iranian nuclear program
Political scienceSecurity Risks
Political scienceThe impact of social on political participation and engagement
Political scienceThe Original Question PackBack
Political scienceTransnational Social Movements: New ICTs and Social Media
Public AdministrationDesign, Data, and Measurements
Public AdministrationProgram Evaluation: HPV vaccination program in Vietnam implemented by PATH
Public AdministrationPublic Values Frames in Administration and Governance
Religious studiesCredo: Christ and His Work
Religious studiesReligious Pluralism in Nigeria
SociologyCulture Shared Through Food and Experience
SociologyGroup Conformity and Deviance
SociologyMax Weber’s analysis on ‘The Originals’
StatisticsMental Health disorders plaguing African Americans in New Jersey
TechnologyNetwork Vis and Map colors
TourismThe quality of crowd management and its impact on the visitors experience in Riyadh season.
Urban StudiesThe New Negro Renaissance
Week 12
AccountingEnvironmental, Social and Corporate Governance
AccountingWaste Management Fraud Scandal
Architecture, Building and PlanningPassive design and sustainable
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Creative Lighting
AviationThe Legal Implications of the Aviation Industry’s Entrance to the Metaverse
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Bioengineering
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Exploring Antibiotic Resistance Using Antibiotics and Spices
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Microbiome as a modulator of healthy aging
Classic English LiteratureThe Boarding House by James Joyce
CompositionHistorical Analysis
CompositionPrewriting Activity for Evaluation Essay
Computer scienceArtificial Intelligence Ethics in Education: Ensuring Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.
Computer scienceChatGPT
Computer scienceCISCO
Computer scienceEncryption
Computer scienceHardware Technology
CommunicationsProfessional Code of Ethics Analysis
CommunicationsProfessional Ethics
CommunicationsTraining Manual
CommunicationsWalt Disney Company
Criminal JusticeJuvenile Delinquency and its Effects on the Adult Judicial System
Criminal JusticeSecurity and Crime
Criminal JusticeThe George Kogan Case
Criminal lawPolicing National Security
EconomicsDiversification in Qatar’s Economy
EconomicsThe Role of WHO in Facilitating, Informing, and Managing Global Health Issues
EngineeringProcess Instrumentation
EngineeringRisk Management in Oil and Gas.
EngineeringStress and Dynamic Analysis : Model Validation
EthicsLibrary Ethics and Neutrality
FinanceManaging budgets and finance
FinanceSillicon Valley
FinanceValuing A Business: Learning Takeaways
GeographyLow Resistivity Payzones
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Possible Impact of Climate Change on Saudi Arabia
HistoryHistory of the Caribbean
HistoryTexas and the Great Depression, 1929–1941
Human Resources Management (HRM)Conflict in Organizations
Human Resources Management (HRM)Employee Wellness and Reducing Burnout Rates
Human Resources Management (HRM)Global Sustainability in International Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management (HRM)Performance Metrics: Balanced Scorecard
Human Resources Management (HRM)The company is Walmart
International RelationsEnvironmental sustainable development
International RelationsThe foundations of social diversity in the Middle East ?
International RelationsThe Importance of the Middle East region
IT, WebContemporary Issues in Technology: Ransomware
IT, WebThe Dark Web
IT, WebWearable sensors in Policing
LawCybersecurity and Criminal Law
LawEnvironmental Law and Policy in Silent Spring
LawLegal Risk Communication Skills
LawThe Power of Juries
Leadership StudiesCultural and Ethical Dimensions of Consulting
Leadership StudiesMission Command Implemented in Operation Anaconda
LinguisticsExpressive Language Disorders and Delays in ChildrenIn Learning English
LiteratureFinding Empowerment in Vulnerability
MarketingAmazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google 2018
MathematicsAnalyzing Faulty Work
MathematicsThe Role of Primary Caregivers in Intrinsically Motivating Students to Engage in High School
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Alzheimer’s Disease
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Interpret X-ray image of the hand Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Vitamin D deficiency
Nutrition/DietaryDietary Analysis
PhilosophyThe Causes of Obesity
PhysicsMaxwell’s Wheel
PhysicsRadon Radiation
Political science Epidemiologic Transition Theory
Political scienceEgypt: Land of Political Change
Political scienceParty Systems
Political scienceSexual assault against Alaska native women
Political scienceThe Executive Branch
Public Relations (PR)Dubai radio and television
Religious studiesIslam and Religious Pluralism
Religious studiesYouth Leadership and the Bible
SociologyConfronting Suicide
SociologyFreedom and Iranian Women’s Movement
SociologyGlobal futures of sub-Saharan Africa and Canada’s Strategy
SociologyInstitutionalized Discrimination
SociologyIntersections of Social Institutions
SociologyMechanical Solidarity vs. Organic Solidarity
SociologyThe Intersections of Inequality
SportsComparing the Benefits and Challenges of Physical Education Research Aim
SportsCritical Event Management Functions
StatisticsConfidence Intervals
StatisticsPossible Partnerships Prospects
TechnologyArtifacts from the futures
TechnologyCyber Security
TechnologyDigital Signatures
Urban StudiesImpact of Globalization on Transforming the City: Urban Megaprojects
ZoologyShouAntibiotics Be Used in Veterinary Medicine, How antibiotics Affect Environment
Week 13
AccountingPreparing an Adjusted Trial Balance
AgricultureIs organic farming and organic produced food essential for the environment and future human welfare?
Architecture, Building and PlanningCompare and contrast the town planning control system of Hong Kong and New York
Architecture, Building and PlanningHow can we address the challenges of increased traffic and congestion expected to arise from the growth of local businesses and farms within the proposed central social district
Architecture, Building and PlanningHow Macao Learned from Las Vegas: the impact of Postmodernism on the urban restructuring of Macao
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Hip Hop
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Is Repatriation Right?
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Teotihuacan
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Woodcut between Qing China and Western Europe
Astronomy (and other Space Sciences)Astronomy in the Ancient World
AviationAirline Management
AviationAviation Strategy
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Describe the Phototransduction process in rods.
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Diseases affecting the Respiratory process
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Evolution Game
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Genetics
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Opioid
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Stream Ecology
Biology (and other Life Sciences)The effect of climate change on malaria transmission
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Vascular disease
ChemistryHistory of Chemistry
Classic English LiteratureIn The Time of The Butterflies
CompositionNoise pollution
CompositionSurrogate pregnancy: Should it be used on–demand or due to health problems?
Computer scienceAn Analysis of Cybersecurity Attacks against Internet of Things and Security Solutions
Computer scienceCybersecurity behavior in the Metaverse
Computer scienceFundamentals of Data Analytics
Computer scienceInvestigating and Prosecuting Cybercrime
Criminal JusticeContinuous Evaluation/Vetting and Security Reporting Requirements
Criminal JusticeControl of the evidence
Criminal JusticeCriminology Impact of Crime
Criminal JusticeEthical Challenges Within the Criminal Justice System in South Africa
Criminal JusticeForensic Pathology
Criminal JusticeJuvenile Delinquency and its Effects on the Adult Judicial System
Criminal JusticePersonal Boundaries and Ethical Decision
Criminal JusticeReform bail act
Criminal JusticeRestorative Justice
Criminal law Memorandum of Law: Personal Property Crimes
Criminal lawA History of Fentanyl and its Impact Upon Society and Policy
Criminal lawTypes of forensic evidence used in US courts, particularly in homicide cases
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesThe Role of Cultural Values and Intercultural Communication
EconomicsMoney and Banking
EconomicsThe economic theory of a common- property resource the fishery
EconomicsTransforming Critical Access Hospitals Into Profitable Organizations
Environmental studies and ForestryAgricultural impact on water quality
Film & Theater studiesJohn Carpenter
Film & Theater studiesThe Many Wondrous Realities of Jasmine Starr Kid
FinanceArmy Finance Corp
FinanceEconomics of Financial Institutions
GeographyGeography of Costal Environments
HistoryMusic from the Vietnam War
HistoryOperation Anaconda in Afghanistan
Human Resources Management (HRM) Challenges Affecting the Implementation of E-HRM in the Public Sector
Human Resources Management (HRM)Abusive School Leadership
Human Resources Management (HRM)Legal Expertise: Fundamental Skill to the Best Practices in Human Resources
Human Resources Management (HRM)The Challenges of International Human Resource Management
Human Resources Management (HRM)Unifying Company Culture
International RelationsKnowledge-based economy and the patterns of development in India and China
International RelationsThe indépendance War of Algeria
International RelationsThe Rise of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
IT, WebIn-depth analysis of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
LawInternational Law
LawRestorative Justice
LawWhat Prosecutors and Incarcerated People Can Learn From Eachother
Leadership StudiesAuthentic leadership’s impact on emotional intelligence in the field of leadership psychology
Leadership StudiesConsulting Principals: Cultural and Ethical Dimensions of Consulting
Leadership StudiesConsulting Principles:  The process of establishing your own consulting firm or practice
Leadership StudiesIssues Management: Alliance Article
Leadership StudiesStrategic Alliances
Leadership StudiesThe importance of critical reflection on the process of practice for professional development
LiteratureCultural Poetics Textual Analysis
LogisticsThe Supply Chain Game
MarketingCaesan Cheese Cooperative
MarketingPreliminary Program for Walmart
MarketingSupply Chain Management
MarketingThe Process of International Marketing Plaining
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Anemia
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Is Crime a Disease?
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Neurobiology of Schizophrenia and Pathophysiological Consequences
MedicineCardiovascular Case Study
PhilosophyAssigning Causes: Gut Bacteria and Brain Disorders
Political scienceCitizenships: Qatar Granting Athletes Mission Passports
Political scienceGreek Financial Crisis
Political scienceLife after Incarcerated
Political scienceThe Court System
Public AdministrationAwareness of vaping and smoking in pregnancy
Public AdministrationPublic and Environmental Health Ethical Failures in East Palestine Train Derailment
SociologyFake News
SociologyHow the sustainable built environment affects human
SociologyLeadership and conflict management
SociologyMental Health issues in the Workplace
SociologySocial Conflict Approach
SociologySocial Movements: Insights from Sociology of Social Movements
SportsMarketing in Sports Management
TechnologyPolicies Related to Digital accessibility
TourismQuality and quality experiences
Women’s & gender studiesGender in Sports
Women’s & gender studiesGender Studies – Desiring Women
Women’s & gender studiesThe Role of the Classroom in Constructing Masculinity and Femininity
Week 14
Architecture, Building and PlanningHeatwave Inequality
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Edvard Munch
AviationAmerican Airlines
AviationFraming the Problem
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Carbon and its molecular diversity
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Identifying Spider Molt Gene Via DNA Barcoding
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Parts of a Flower
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Phototransduction process in rods
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Teen Pregnancy
Civil EngineeringResearch direction topology optimization based on density method using MMA
Civil EngineeringResidence Plans
Classic English LiteratureCritical review of the portrait of the artist as a young man
Classic English LiteratureRead Allen (Making Connections)
Computer scienceEnhancing Cloud Computing Security with Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systems
Criminal Justice4th Amendment
Criminal JusticeHirschi’s Control Theory
Criminal JusticeJail House Trauma
Criminal JusticeJuvenile Delinquency and its effects on the Adult Justice System
Criminal JusticeSocial Disorganization Theory
Criminal JusticeSuccession Planning
Criminal lawPrison Facility Cross Gender Supervision, Challenges and Ideal Implementation
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesInvolvement of Indigenous People on social media to deliver their voices.
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesJapanese Cultural Soft Power – Cool Japan in the making
EconomicsGovernment Business Economics and Finance
EconomicsHow can a small company and natural resources coexist peacefully?
EconomicsThe effect of flexible working arrangement on informal care for the elderly
EconomicsThe impact of AI on sustainability
EconomicsUrban economics
EngineeringFlorida International University Pedestrian Bridge Collapse-March 2018
EngineeringGreen Hydrogen: The Key to a Decarbonized Future
EngineeringMetals in Soundproof walls
EngineeringNanoscale energy conversion
EngineeringSurgical applications of 3D printing technology: A scoping review of promising areas of research
Environmental studies and ForestryAssessing the Use of Energy Storage for Electrical Power Distribution
Environmental studies and ForestryEcology Scavenger Hunt
Environmental studies and ForestryLA Air Pollution
EthicsEthics in the Workplace
FinanceAssessing competition in the insurance sector in the GCC
FinanceCorporate Forms of Business Management
FinanceEvaluation of a Merger or Acquisition
FinanceGreen Fintech
FinanceIslamic Banking vs Conventional Banking
HistoryApollo 13
HistoryBritish Mercantilism during 1607 and 1865
HistoryContemporary Urban Operation in OIF: Falluja
HistoryDante’s Inferno
HistoryFamous African American
HistorySiege of Gaza 332 BCE
HistoryThe New Deal
HistoryWar, Prosperity, and Modernization, 1941–1960
HistoryWorld War II
Human Resources Management (HRM)Achieving Global Integration
Human Resources Management (HRM)Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies
Human Resources Management (HRM)Becoming Locally Responsive
Human Resources Management (HRM)Human Resource Management and its importance to organizations
Human Resources Management (HRM)Interview methods and process in recruitment
Human Resources Management (HRM)Multi-Level Talent Management Plan
Human Resources Management (HRM)Selecting a Company – Verizon
Human Resources Management (HRM)Selection Methods and Recruitment Process
Human Resources Management (HRM)Training and Development
International RelationsKenya, Human Rights and the ICC
International RelationsMid-Term Exam
International RelationsRealist or Liberal analysis of small powers’ relation with Russia over Ukraine
International RelationsRussia
International RelationsThe UN Secretary General: Responsibilities and Challenges
LawThe Five Most Significant Developments In Criminal Investigations
Leadership Studies Supplementary leadership model for developing future leaders
Leadership StudiesAnticipatory Management Audit
Leadership StudiesConsulting Principles
Leadership StudiesPerformance Management
Leadership StudiesResponse Post: Anticipatory Management Audit
Leadership StudiesResponse Post-Consulting Principles: Consulting as an Art
LiteratureA Song for Change
LiteratureClose Reading Workshop
LiteratureContemporary Society
LiteratureStudy Questions
LiteratureWomen’s Sexuality in Literature
LogisticsCO2 Emissions from the Aviation industry and their damaging effects.
LogisticsReverse Logistics
LogisticsSafety Stock
MarketingCultural Analysis
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.) Fighting antibiotics
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Antibiotics
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Endometriosis
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Genetics and Inheritance
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Health Inequality in children of immigrant families
MedicineCareer in Neurology
MedicineClient Intervention
MedicineDeep Vein Thrombosis
MusicClassical period
Nutrition/DietaryFood and Children
Nutrition/DietaryNutrition and Cancer
Other (enter below)Linear Regression Analysis
PhilosophyIrrationality of romantic love
PhilosophyPhilosophical Issue in health care
Political scienceCitizenship Revocation of Shias in Bahrain
Political scienceCodes of Ehtics
Political scienceCountering Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia
Political scienceCritiquing the CRT Ban in schools
Political scienceDobbs v. Jackson
Political scienceDomestic issues
Political scienceEthics in Personnel Management
Political scienceForeign policy of India
Political scienceFree lunch program in schools
Political scienceLong-Term Strategic Decision-Making Analysis for the Negotiations among the Eastern Nile Countries
Political sciencePlace Nation and the Mexico-US soccer rivalry
Political sciencePolicy statment: sexual assault of indigenous women in alaska
Political scienceStates and Markets in an Era of Globalisation
Political scienceUK House of Lords
Public AdministrationAccountability
Public AdministrationData analysis
Public AdministrationHomelessness in the Los Angeles Area
Public AdministrationPublic Sector Pros and Cons
Public AdministrationTwo Strategies
Public AdministrationWhat the Government Does and How It Does It
Public Relations (PR)conflict and power in Shrek movie
Religious studiesYouth Ministry Implemention
SociologyDeviant Behavior by Erich Goode 12th Edition
SociologyDurkhein social facts
SociologyEffects Social Media has on Children
SociologyInclusivity, Racial Diversity
SociologyPsychosocial Assessment Evaluation
SociologyPublic health outline
SociologyThe Division of Household Labor Within Families and How It Is or Is Not Gendered
SportsBiography of leader
SportsChallenges in Functional Areas Applied to Sport Management
SportsChicago Blackhawks
Statistics Exploratory Data Analysis
TechnologyBody Heat Energy Harvesting
TechnologyComparison Between Public and Private Cloud Networks
TechnologyContextual Interview
TechnologyExploratory Data Analysis
TechnologyIntroducing Digital Transformation by the NATO
TechnologyManipulate view
TechnologyNetwork management plan and a security plan
TechnologyResearch Methods
TechnologyThe use of SCADA and DCS against Cyber Attacks
TourismTourism Society and Culture
Women’s & gender studiesPerceptions of Pregnancy
Week 15
AccountingSea Mist Dining Fraud
AccountingThe Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements
AgricultureFinding and Learning From Extension Publications
AnthropologyMuslim women in Mosques
Architecture, Building and PlanningDubai Blue Waters Report 
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Controversial Art and Censorship
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)El Movimiento
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Finding Nemo
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Humanities Critical Media
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Optional Museum Visit
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Public Art Proposal Development
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)The Passing on Netflix
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)TV as Art
AviationAirport Management
AviationAviation Strategy
AviationAviation strategy (Impact of policies on the aviation sector )
Biology (and other Life Sciences) Personal Well-being and Stress 
Biology (and other Life Sciences)African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana)
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Biophysics Chemistry
Biology (and other Life Sciences)CPW Data analysis and Results
Biology (and other Life Sciences)DNA STRUCTURE
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Vaccinations and Society
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Vaccines
CompositionAlien encounters
CompositionBanning Tiktok in the US
CompositionGreen cities
Computer scienceNetwork Wireless Security
Computer sciencePlanning and Implementing a website
Computer scienceWireless Network Security
CommunicationsAdvances in nanotechnology
CommunicationsAttributes and Empathy
CommunicationsExploring the film
CommunicationsInformative Speech
CommunicationsLack of work-life balance
CommunicationsOrganizational Communication
CommunicationsSight Sound Motion
CommunicationsThe Role of Xiangsheng (Crosstalk) in Shaping Chinese Language and Dialects
Criminal JusticeCAC Amber Alert
Criminal JusticeCalifornia v. Acevedo
Criminal JusticeChild Abduction
Criminal JusticeCountering Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia
Criminal JusticeGeneral vs Classic Strain Theory
Criminal JusticeIan Simms Case
Criminal JusticeMichigan v. Sitz
Criminal JusticePeace Officers Bill of Rights Guarantees Responding to Union Demands with a Management Sanctioned
Criminal JusticeRiley v. California
Criminal JusticeStrain Theory
Criminal JusticeStructural Racism, Critical Race Theory, and Social Media
Criminal JusticeThe Violence of Whoville
Criminal lawRational Choice Theory and Islamic Terrorism
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesSingle Mother Homes
EconomicsComparative Analysis of Feed-In Tariffs and Auction System in Promoting Solar Energy Development
EconomicsExport International Business Plan
EconomicsGlobal Dual Sourcing
EconomicsGlobal Dual Sourcing: Tailored Base-Surge Allocation to Near- and Offshore Production
EconomicsProduct Life Cycle
EconomicsThe Role of the Private Space Sector in Driving Innovation and its Broader Impacts on Industry
EconomicsWhy the Current Tax system should not be Reformed
Engineering Design of a Small Savonius Wind Turbine to Increase Its Efficiency
EngineeringCooling tumbler
EngineeringEffective Communication Skills for Engineers
EngineeringLeadership styles of effective project managers: Techniques and traits to lead high performance team
EngineeringManufacturing technologies
EngineeringNano sensors: The development of sensors
EngineeringProbabilistic risk assessment on an electric motors
Environmental studies and ForestryRoyal Dutch Shell and beyond:strategizing the future of esg compliance
EthicsBusiness Ethics and social responsibility
EthicsThe mirage of product safety
EthicsThe tuskegee study
EthicsThrasymachus vs Socrates
FinanceAssessing the competition in the insurance sector in the GCC
FinanceBalance Of Payment
FinanceFinancial Markets and Instruments
FinanceHealth Finance
FinanceManagement Decisions Based on Accounting Information
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Is the New Madrid Fault Line a Threat?
HistoryAmerican Foreign Policy during the Cold War
HistoryAssassination of Abraham Lincoln
HistoryEmancipation in Diaspora
HistoryEuropean History
HistoryExtra Credit Women’s Current Event
HistoryGawain and the Green Knight: Heroism vs. Monstrosity
HistoryMcCullough Book Review
HistoryTexas in Transition, 1960–1986
HistoryThe Queer History in Denver
HistoryThe triumph of the Right and The Recent Past.
Human Resources Management (HRM) Structuring Global Coordination
Human Resources Management (HRM)Building Social Architecture
Human Resources Management (HRM)Collaborative Teams
Human Resources Management (HRM)Global Performance Management
Human Resources Management (HRM)Green Human Resources in the Public Sector:A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda
Human Resources Management (HRM)Leadership Style
Human Resources Management (HRM)Performance Appraisals
Human Resources Management (HRM)Social Media in the Workplace
Human Resources Management (HRM)Workplace Privacy
International RelationsDeterrence on the Taiwan Strait
International RelationsInternational Business Analysis (Ghana)
International RelationsNuclear environment
LawMemorandum of law
LawMemorandum of Law: Perjury
LawSpace Law
Leadership StudiesAssess an Unresolved Conflict and Work Toward Forgiveness
Leadership StudiesCollector’s Conner’s Current Vision, Mission and Objectives Analysis
Leadership StudiesISSUES MANAGEMENT: Managing Issues-issue life-cycle
Leadership StudiesLeadership in Public Health
Leadership StudiesResponse Post-Issues management (IM)
Leadership StudiesStrategic Leadership and Future Leaders
Leadership StudiesThe Controversial Link Between Leadership and Management
Leadership StudiesUni Groups’ Current Vision, Mission and Objectives Analysis
LiteratureA Lyrical Expression of a Women’s Work Experience
LiteratureBenchmark – Instructional Activity: Applying a Critical Theory to a Text
LiteratureZZ Packer, “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere”
LogisticsEnvironmental impact of LNG vs fossil fuels in marine transportation.
MarketingInformation Search, Product Use, and Disposal
MarketingSolving Societal Problems with Sustainable and Purpose-Driven Marketing
MarketingStarbucks: It Starts With You
MathematicsPythagorean Theorem
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Endometriosis in middle east
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Smart Packaging technologies
MedicineObesity among children
MusicRobert Schumann
Nutrition/DietaryMaking seaweed safe for broader consumption
Nutrition/DietaryNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Children
PhilosophyLogic and Ai
PhilosophyWhat is a good life?
Philosophywhat would a satisfactory moral theory look like?
PhilosophyWhy do Muslims encounter harsher religious discrimination than Christians?
Political scienceIslamophobia and the Marginalization of Muslims by the French State
Political scienceIsraeli-Palestinian Conflict
Political scienceLeT Terror attacks in Mumbai 2008
Political scienceMayoral Control In Education
Political sciencePolitical Risk Assessment
Public AdministrationWhy Illegal Immigration is an Intergovernmental Mess
SociologyA study on gender gap in urban area
SociologyBlack lives matter
SociologyContemporary Sociological theory
SociologyFamily Abuse
SociologyGender Inequality in Sports
SociologySex Offender
SociologyUrban social problem
SportsFirst Generation African American College Student-Athletes and their Lived Experiences
SportsStrategies for Career Success
TechnologyConscious Capitalism and Conscious Culture Analysis
TechnologyCurrent Event and Power Grids
TechnologyPrivacy issue with new technology
TechnologyQuantum Cryptography
TourismSustainable Development Goals – Hybrid conference in the future
Urban StudiesEffects of Race on Housing Inequality in New York city
Urban StudiesMapping out Immigrant and Mental Health Programs within Toronto
Week 16
AccountingFrenchies: Creating and Using a Master Budget
AccountingManagement Accounting in decision making iSingapore
AccountingRatios and Analysis
AnthropologyGreen Belt Movement
Architecture, Building and PlanningDetroit
Architecture, Building and PlanningWashington
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Beyoncé
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Controversial Illnesses: Standing in Someone Else’s Shoes
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Latin American Art
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Soviet Art
AviationAirline Management
AviationAirline Route and Fleet Planning
AviationAirport Operational Risk Management
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Critical Literature Evaluation on Mammalian brain glycoproteins exhibit diminished glycan complexity
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Mechanisms of quinolone antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Muscle reflex
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Plant ecology
ChemistryFractionation distillation
Classic English LiteratureALBERT CAMUS AND THE GUEST
Classic English LiteratureThe cost of dating apps
CompositionBanning Tiktok
CompositionWhy emotional intelligence is important in Leadership Summary
Computer scienceCybersecurity behaviour: A systematic review
Computer scienceThe Application of Digital Forensic Tools in Investigating and Prosecuting Business Email Compromise
CommunicationsHow is social media use affecting the social skills of pre-teens, teens, K-6
CommunicationsMedia Strategies and Implementation
CommunicationsThe Business Decision
Criminal JusticeDrug prevention
Criminal JusticePropositional Integration
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesAfrican Influence on American Music
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesANDALUCIA POETRIES
EcologySuccession and Seral stages
Economics Economic Naturalist Writing
Economicsinvestments attraction and Competitiveness Analysis on UAE and South Korea
EconomicsStructured Product Explanation
EngineeringDecision support in disaster management
EngineeringHooke’s Law
EngineeringInvestigating the Properties and Applications of Chalcogenide Glass for Infrared Optics
EngineeringOperation Characteristics of centrifugal pump
EngineeringX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Ethics Codes of Ethics for National Associations
EthicsBusiness Ethics
EthicsEthical Balance
EthicsEthics Standards in Associations of Nonprofit Organization Professional
EthicsThe Influence of Cognitive Biases on Legal Decision-Making Among Judges
Film & Theater studiesChicken Run
FinanceCost-Volume-Profit Relationships
FinanceForeign Exchange Risk Management
FinanceReturns and Bond Ratings
Geography Food Security
HistoryAmerican Imperialism
HistoryHistory of olympic games
HistoryJews, Christians, and Muslims in the Early Modern World
HistoryMusic is History
HistoryRace and Class in American Society
HistoryReagan Inaugural Address
HistoryThe Algerian war of independence and the political structure
HistoryThe Historical Prevalence of African American Women in Higher Education
HistoryThe Korean War from China Perspective
HistoryThe Normal Heart Review
HistoryTheodora The Elevated Empress of the Carolingian Dynasty
HistoryWorld History
HistoryWorld War II
Human Resources Management (HRM)Creating a Severance Package
Human Resources Management (HRM)Leveraging Human Capital
Human Resources Management (HRM)Organizational Behavior Section of Onboarding Playbook
Human Resources Management (HRM)Performance Appraisal
Human Resources Management (HRM)Recruiting Human Capital for the Organization
Human Resources Management (HRM)Rewards and Benefits Management
Human Resources Management (HRM)Selecting a Diverse Workforce with the Needed Talents
Human Resources Management (HRM)Social media and ethics in the workplace
Human Resources Management (HRM)Starbucks
Human Resources Management (HRM)Talent Management and the Organization
Human Resources Management (HRM)Talent Management in health care
Human Resources Management (HRM)The impact of managing future jobs in finding future competencies in the public sector in Dubai
Human Resources Management (HRM)Turnover Concerns
International RelationsU.S.-China Relations in the Post-9/11 Era
International TradeHow International trade impact poverty alleviation and food security
IT, WebEmail Investigations
IT, WebInformation Security Overview
IT, WebSecurity and Mobility
Law Accounting and finance law
LawCompensation and Benefits Law Final
LawLegislative Proposal
LawMinimum Wage Law in Indiana
LawWest Virginia v. EPA Case Comment
Leadership StudiesChange Leadership
Leadership StudiesCharacter analysis: the blind side
Leadership StudiesCONSULTING: Effective Marketing Strategy
Leadership StudiesElement of constant change in Consulting
Leadership StudiesMarketing Consulting Today and Tomorrow
Leadership StudiesThe Leadership Styles: A Case from UAE Ministry of Health
Leadership StudiesTransitional Leaders
LinguisticsExpressive Language Disorders and Delays in Children in Learning English
LiteratureAmerican Psycho: A Satirical Critique on Consumerism
LiteratureLiterary Criticism
LiteratureThe Witcher
MarketingConducting Marketing Research in the UAE
MarketingPlanet Fitness
MarketingWhat Makes A Brand Strong?
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Oral Frictional Hyperkeratosis
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Pharmacy Work
Other (enter below)Child Growth and Development Theories and Parenting  Styles
PhilosophyAgency and Moral Responsibility
PhilosophyFree will and Determinism Philosophical Argument
PhilosophyMill’s on Liberty
PhilosophyTradition and Postmodernity: The lack of post modernization in Qatar
Political scienceAmerican political thought
Political scienceAre citizens in America today competent enough for collective self-government?
Political scienceStriking a Balance: Our Government’s Best Corporate Strategy
Political scienceTo what extent have middle eastern governments contributed to the effective management of climate ch
Political scienceUnderrepresentation of Women in US Government
Political scienceWhat were the principal consequences of decolonization for international relations?
Public AdministrationNonprofit Mental Health Organization’s Job Tasks Analysis of Administrative Staff: A Comparison of J
Religious studiesChristian Origin
SociologyDigital Dystopia: From Tech Slavery to Contact Tracing and Online Dating
SociologyIdentifying Emotions
SociologyViolence in Schools
SociologyWomen gender and work in Canada
SportsAthletes and Their Perception of Supplements They Use to Enhance Performance
StatisticsThe influence of meteorological factors on air quality
TechnologyChatGPT in education
TourismTravel Agencies during Crisis
Women’s & gender studiesBreaking Up with Normativity
Women’s & gender studiesWomen in the Workplace
Women’s & gender studiesWomen’s oppression
Week 17
AccountingCSR Disclosure in Saudi Banks and Its Impact on Financial Performance
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Art Midterm
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Rita Ackermann: Exhibit report
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)The Influence of Traditional Islamic Art on Contemporary Art in the Arab world
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Pathogen Report
Classic English Literature The Expectations for Women and Traditional Gender Roles in the Early 20th Century
Classic English LiteratureMonstrosity
Classic English LiteraturePassing
CompositionCultural Identity in Education
CompositionDifferentiated Instruction
CompositionThe History Of Profanity
Computer scienceArtificial Intelligence
Computer scienceBusiness Brief about the Network Anomaly Detection Tools and Methods
CommunicationsCommunication Plan
CommunicationsCustomer Support Associate
CommunicationsEthic video
CommunicationsInterview a Soldier
CommunicationsMovie evaluation
Criminal JusticeAnalyze how early laws in America contributed to the legitimacy of intimate partner violence.
Criminal JusticeDevelopmental and Life Course Theories
Criminal JusticeMotivations of terrorist groups
Criminal JusticeOdontology
Criminal JusticeOrgan Trafficking
Criminal JusticePeacemaking Criminology
Criminal JusticeRacism and Police Brutality
Criminal Justiceterrorist propaganda through social media
Criminal lawChicago’s Concentric Zones
Criminal lawMerton’s Theory
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesAfrican Influence on American Music
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesAfrican influences in the RnB and Rap Music Genres
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesLa Camioneta
EcologyAssessing the growth promoting effect of commercial BIO 520 formulation on plants
EcologySustainable beer
EconomicsHow the Macro Environment Influences the Micro Environment
Economicsmacroeconomic factors impact on deposits.
EconomicsManagerial Economics
EconomicsThe Digital Age
EconomicsWriting up for Economics History
EngineeringEnvironmental impact on Manufacturing Industries
EngineeringRisks in urban planning strategies in UAE
Environmental studies and ForestryProviding Equitable Access to Green Spaces Recreational Areas along the Los Angeles River
Family and consumer scienceSex Education in school
Film & Theater studiesFilm analysis
Film & Theater studiesHong Kong in Chungking Express
Film & Theater studiesJaws Review
Film & Theater studiesRope by Hitchcock
FinanceComparison of DIB and NBD
FinanceCosting Methods
FinanceNike Report
FinancePublic Hedge Funds
FinanceQuantitative Investment Strategy
FinanceTrading report use CME trading simulator
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Ocean Alkalinity Enhancemen to Address Ocean Acidification: Effectiveness, Feasibility, Consequences
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Plastic Pollution in the Ocean
HistoryAmerica’s Transformation from 1877-2022
HistoryAmerican History
HistoryAncient Egypt civilization
HistoryBlack Liberation From Reconstruction to Black Lives Matter
HistoryCalifornia history
HistoryCivil Rights and the Right to Vote
HistoryEuropeans Encountering the Americas
HistoryGCC representer speech in the Middle East International Peace Conference
HistoryHistorical Geography Essay
HistoryMovie V.S Biography
HistoryNicolo Machiavelli’s The Prince
HistoryPolitical Revolution: Iranian Revolution.
HistorySlave trade in America
HistoryThe Cold War World
HistoryThe Dark Ages
Human Resources Management (HRM)Boundaries of HR
Human Resources Management (HRM)Compelling Topics in Global and Diverse Workforces
Human Resources Management (HRM)Evolution of HR’s Role
Human Resources Management (HRM)Federal Regulations
Human Resources Management (HRM)Social Media in the Workplace
Human Resources Management (HRM)The lack of Black Cybersecurity Professionals and how to increase the representation
International TradeInternational business
IT, WebDigital Forensics – Warrant
LawContract Law
LawEpic System V. Lewis Supreme Court
LawFoundations of Public  International Law FA
LawLegal Challenges in Combating Money Laundering in the UAE: An Analysis of Relevant  Regulations
Leadership StudiesInitial Dialogue
Leadership StudiesInvestigating a Topic
Leadership StudiesOrganizational Change: Etihad Airlines
LinguisticsAfrican American Vernacular English
LiteratureHow Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) Elizabeth Barrett Browning
LiteratureSocial Change and Women’s Health and Well-Being
LiteratureWomen’s Health and Well Being
LogisticsReverse Logistics
MarketingComponent of Marketing Plan
MarketingImpulse Purchases of Sport Team Licensed Merchandise: What Matters?
MarketingStrategic marketing plan
MathematicsHeat and The Associated Boundary Temperatures
MathematicsThe Role of Primary Caregivers in Intrinsically Motivating Students to Engage in High School Mathema
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Cluster Migraine of physiological view
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Polycystic ovary syndrome
MedicineCancer Screening
MedicineChronic pain
MusicPurple Rain
Other (enter below)Jaws Critique
PhysicsOptical devices in medicine, Endoscope, and Different types of microscopes used in medicine.
Political scienceCreate a policy paper on the following topics
Political scienceImplosion of the Media
Political scienceTunisian Revolution
Political scienceUS Constitution
Political scienceWas the Middle East important during the Cold War?
Political scienceWhat policy interventions are needed to address the social, economic, and environmental impacts of l
Public AdministrationEthics and Public Policy
Public AdministrationThe Executive Branch
Religious studiesPurpose of worship in the Christian church is Christ
Religious studiesSpiritual Protocol
Religious studiesThe Accounts of Loss
Sociology Deviance
SociologyDeviance and Theory
SociologySocial Theory Exam Short Answers
SociologyWilkerson’s concept
SportsHow do organized sports constitute expressions of larger social forces?
SportsThe Value of Learning Marketing Management in Athletic Administration
TechnologyArtificial Intelligence and its impact on the future
TechnologyCloud Computing Security Challenges and How it Impacts Critical Infrastructure
TechnologyEmerging Industrial Policy Approaches
TechnologyIndustrial 4.0 and 3D printing
TechnologyInformation system analyst and design GANTT chart
TechnologyInternet of Things Security Challenges and Impact on Critical Infrastructure
TechnologyInvestigating the Factors Affecting Employee Retention in the Cybersecurity Industry
TechnologyTransportation Critical Infrastructure and Two Current Events
TourismTourism planning
Urban StudiesThe role of Urban Public Squares and Urban Nodes: The case of London and Doha.
Week 18
AccountingAudit Planning and Control
AnthropologyLinguistic Anthropology  – Ecology of a Language
AviationAerospace legalities
AviationAviation law
AviationAviation Safety
AviationGreen initiative
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Digenetic Bases Of Complex Diseases to Point Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Voorhis Preserve Background Activity
ChemistryHeat exchange design
ChemistryScientific Method and Atomic Structure
Classic English LiteratureHow technology has affected society
CommunicationsAnnual Review Forms
CommunicationsProject Management in Communications
Computer scienceAI for Social Good: Addressing Ethical and Social Issues in AI/ML
Criminal Justice Situational Crime Theory
Criminal JusticeJuvenile Delinquency
Criminal JusticeMacro vs Micro Level Theories
Criminal JusticeReducing Institutional Racism Resource Guide
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesSum Q
EconomicsEthical Issues and Personal Codes of Ethics
EconomicsIncome inequality
EconomicsSustainment Strategies by BAPCO
EconomicsThe Impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on International Trade, Labor Markets, and Economic Welf
EconomicsThe Impact of Social Relationships on Pricing Decisions: Study of Sellers’ Behavior Towards Friends
EngineeringCooling tumbler
EngineeringDynamic system modeling in systems engineering
EngineeringEngineering Technology design
EngineeringImpacts of employees satisfaction on lean application tools
Environmental studies and ForestryMangrove Plantation Program in ADNOC Onshore Operated shoreline
EthicsEthics of artificial emotional intelligence: Exploring the psychological implications of emotionally intelligent AI systems and their influence on human relationships, empathy, and mental health
FinanceRecapitulation and recommendation on which hotel to purchase
HistoryA Weary Land
HistoryChicano Mexican American studies
HistoryCivil World War
HistoryCulture incursion
HistoryDebate Francis Perkins
HistoryModule 10 Journal Page Women in the 50s Alice Paul is the Character 1885 – 1977
HistoryModule 9 Journal Page Women’s Suffrage.  Lucy Stone time period (1818-1893)
HistorySlave Narratives
HistoryThe Divergence of Europe
HistoryThe Little Rock Nine
HistoryThe Renaissance
HistoryThe Scientific Revolution
Human Resources Management (HRM)Digital Human Resources management
Human Resources Management (HRM)Performance Managment
Human Resources Management (HRM)The impact of climate change on food security
Human Resources Management (HRM)Zinnia project Personal reflection
International RelationsNagorno-Karabakh Problem Description
International RelationsTwo for Two
International TradeProblems at Westland City Airport
IT, WebEmerging Technologies
IT, WebMedia Formats in IT
IT, WebRisk Management
IT, WebSecuring Data
IT, WebSecurity and Mobility
IT, WebStandards And Legal Policies
LawAnalysis of a hypotheticalscenario regarding the violation of international human rights norms
LawBusiness law and ethics
LawChallenges of Protecting IP in the Digital Age
Leadership StudiesNine Principles of Persuasion to Accelerate Your Career
Leadership StudiesUsing Theory to Frame the Research Topic and Question
MarketingGlobal Economy
MarketingManagerial Approach to Marketing
MarketingMayo Clinic mini case study
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Depression after postpartum
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Nervous system
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Perimenopause
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Pharmacy Exam
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Principal genetics
MedicineDifferential attainment in medicine school
MedicineExecutive Drug regulators assignment (pharmaceuticals
MedicinePrinciple of genetics
PhilosophyExplanation of Friedman’s View on Capitalism and Freedom
PhilosophyRulership: Machiavelli vs. Huang Zongxi
PhysicsKirchhoff’s rules
Political scienceConnection Between Our Culture and the News Media
Political scienceEnrique’s Journey Reaction Paper
Political scienceGender Politics
Political scienceIs democracy at odds with globalization?
Political sciencePaying for Government
Political scienceState Powers
Political scienceThe Political System
Political scienceThe Young Karl Marx
Public AdministrationDecision-Making
Public AdministrationEnhancing Traffic Prediction for the long term in Dubai
Public AdministrationGlobal performance measurement systems
Public AdministrationIntroduction to Qualitative Research for Public Administration
Public AdministrationThe Art of Adminstration
Public AdministrationThe Civil Service and Human Capital
Public AdministrationThe People’s business
Religious studiesContemporary Issue Research Paper
SociologyChildren raised in cohabiting families face an increased risk of falling into poverty
SociologyEthics in Research
SociologyMental Health and Society Final
SportsFoundations of Global Sport
SportsThe Value of Completing an Internship in Athletic Administration
TechnologyIntel e1000 Network Driver Operating Systems
TechnologyMixed methods research
TechnologyMotivation and Retention in IT Organization Analysis
TechnologyTechnology-Final Assignment
TourismThe Quality of Crowd Management and Its Impact on the Experience of Event Visitors in Riyadh Season
Week 19
AccountingA balanced scorecard
AnthropologyChicano Mexican American studies
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Cellular respiration
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Culminating task
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Graphing exercise WS
ChemistryDehydration of Alcohols Lab Report Organic Chemistry
ChemistryIdentify Potential Primary Articles cited by Review to Highlight
CommunicationsEvaluating a Speech
CommunicationsMusical and Festival Life
CommunicationsPersuasive Speech
CommunicationsPresidential address
CommunicationsReliable Sources
CommunicationsSpace X Starship Rocket
CommunicationsThe benifits of AI
Criminal JusticeDNA profiling
Criminal JusticeIntro. to Homeland Security
Criminal JusticeJuveniles are Prosecuted
Criminal Justicemass incarceration and work exploitation
Criminal Justicemulticulturalism and diversity impact the criminal justice system.
Criminal Justiceproper forensic processes and techniques
Criminal JusticeRelationships Between the Law and the Court System
Criminal JusticeSummary of Theories
Criminal Justiceuses of DNA to solve crimes
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesCultural immersion Project
Cultural and Ethnic Studiesintersectionality is a global issue affecting black women around the world
EconomicsJiyang Han
Environmental studies and ForestryPolicy Solutions
Environmental studies and ForestryWhy is GHG emissions data not considered more by Operating Room (OR) decision-makers?
Film & Theater studiesShattered Dreams and Disillusionment in Bottle Rocket
FinanceAsset Valuation
FinanceEnterprise Performance Evaluation
FinanceInvestment banking
FinanceReflective Writing
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)The Heaven Lake
HistoryAlmeada and Anne
HistoryGlobalism and Terrorism Worksheet
HistoryHistory of Silk Road
HistoryRevolutionary Writings
HistoryVoltaire’s Candide
Human Resources Management (HRM)Are Empathetic Leaders More Developed
Human Resources Management (HRM)Case:  The Reluctant Receptionist
International RelationsEcuador
International RelationsNuclear environment
International RelationsThe Rise of China Influence in The Gulf And How It Affects US And Gulf Countries Relations with focus on Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Iran relations with the US.
Lawenglish legal system
LawInternational Sale of Goods Essay
LawJudicial Precedent english legal system
Leadership StudiesAbout the psychology of leadership and a reading and inspiration program for further study
Leadership StudiesHistorical Contexts must be Presently Understood
Leadership StudiesHow has the utilization of social media impacted our youth?
Leadership StudiesTell Why Your Topic is Needed
LiteratureAll My Son
LiteratureBest Practices in Instruction in Higher Education
LiteratureEvaluating the Progress of Social Change
LiteratureNegative effects social media has on undergraduate’s physical health
LogisticsBattle between Amazon and Walmart
MarketingHow the Five Dimensions of Experiential Marketing Affect Customer Satisfaction: Focused on Starbucks
MarketingMarketing and Artificial Intelligence – In Class
MarketingPricing Assignment
MarketingSaxonville Sausage Company
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Coronary artery disease
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Vaginal birth versus caesarean section for low-risk pregnancies: factors affecting a mother’s choice
MedicineDifferential attainment in medicine
MedicineScreening of Iron deficiency in pregnant women
Other (enter below)Critique of Hurricane Katrina Response
PhilosophyAncient Philosophy and How it Affects Us
PoetryHow Ive grown as a writer
Political scienceAnalyzing Body Language
Political scienceHow does the midterm recession affect presidential economic policy?
Political sciencePros and Cons of Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Corporations
Political scienceThe U.N and the U.S Foreign Policy
Public AdministrationServing the Public
Public AdministrationStrong Mayor VS City Manager Argument
Public AdministrationTransformational leadership and its impact on Employee performance, field study in the Ministry of S
SociologyHomelessness after the pandemic in the USA
SociologyItalian Organized Crime and the Albanian Connection
SociologyObservation of Social Behavior
SportsHazard register plan rock climbing
TechnologyFactors impacting information security in UAE governmental sector
TechnologyGlobal Societal Problem, Argument and Solution
TechnologySegment Routing
TourismFood and Beverage Experience Evaluation and Design
TourismLand based practical skills
Urban StudiesUrban Societies
Women’s & gender studiesThe Electoral College Argument, Politics and Social Media
Week 20
AccountingManagerial Accounting
AviationError Chains and SMS
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Exploration of biomaterials for nano-composite fertilizer development in Africa
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Physiology of Circadian Timing
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Species Extinction
CommunicationsCampaign and election
CommunicationsChicano Mexican American studies
Computer scienceEvolution of Machine Learning Algorithms for Big Data Analytics.
Computer scienceFoundation of data mining
Computer scienceSystem Security Goals
Computer scienceZero-day Attack Detection using Deep Neural Network
Criminal JusticeChoice and Trait Theory
Criminal JusticeHomeland Security
Criminal JusticePsychology Training Guide
Criminal JusticeSerial Offender Profile: Dennis Rader
Criminal JusticeThe Genesee River Killer
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesBanning/Burning of Books
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesBlack Power Activists
Cultural and Ethnic Studiesprinciples of representation in Ancient Egyptian art
EcologyThe Four Pillars of Sustainability
EconomicsRussia’s Economic History(Ancient Before the year 1000)
EconomicsThe Impact of Markup Factor Variations on Market Competition and Consumer Welfare
EngineeringHuman System Engineering
Ethics Application of a decision making framework to an IT-related ethical issue
EthicsEthical Theories and Principals
EthicsMedicine and capital punishment
Film & Theater studiesSuperman vs black adam
FinanceInvestments and Risk Management
FinanceManagement Decision-Making Processes
History“Treaty six” First Nations perspectives in contrast to the Crown’s perspective
HistoryAmerican Indian Civil Rights Movement
HistoryHistorical Blog Post- A British soldier on D-Day
HistoryNew Arguments and Criticisms of Industrialism
HistoryThe History of Yiddish Cinema
Human Resources Management (HRM) Total Rewards: A Strategy for Hiring, Engaging, and Retaining
Human Resources Management (HRM)Apple
Human Resources Management (HRM)Manager Coaching and Feedback
Human Resources Management (HRM)Resistance and Communication
Human Resources Management (HRM)Talent Value Proposition for the Present and Future
Human Resources Management (HRM)What is Talent Management?
International RelationsNuclear environment
International RelationsSaudi Arabia Geopolitics
IT, WebDuties Of A Project Manager
IT, WebImplementation and Report
IT, WebReport + Prototype
IT, WebSecuring Data
IT, WebWebsite Comparison Presentation
LawEducation Policy IP
LawEvidence Law
LawJob Design
LawLaw and Religion
Leadership StudiesTransforming Workplace with Good Leadership
LinguisticsExpressive Language Disorders and Delays in Children in Learning English
LiteratureLADY WINDERMERE’S FAN  By Oscar Wilde
LiteratureLiterary Devices
LiteratureThe role of women in socitey
MarketingChase Saphire
MarketingMarketing Excellence Nike
MarketingMarketing Research
MarketingProduct Presentation
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Professional Growth Reflection
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)The End of Life and the Legalization of Assisted Dying: Exploring the Ethical and Practical Dimensio
Other (enter below)Employee Rewards
PhysicsBlood Pressure Measurement with Sphygmomanometer Experience
Political scienceCongressional Black Internship
Public Relations (PR)School Counselor Assessment
SportsAdolescent Suicide
SportsBiomarkers in collegiate athletes that could help predict time needed to recover from concussions
SportsReal Madrid: A Winning Legacy – 2021/2022″
SportsTips to improve two mile run time
TourismService robots
TourismThe Effectiveness of Digital Marketing and Promotion the Tourism in Saudi Arabi -GH
Urban StudiesClimate Change, The Resilient Waterfront and the Green New Deal for Housing and Job
Week 21
AnthropologyIntroduction to Linguistic Anthropology
Architecture, Building and PlanningKhalifa tower study
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Colony Morphology
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Machines that have relationship with toxicology and biochemistry
Biology (and other Life Sciences)The Appendicular Skeleton
Biology (and other Life Sciences)The skeletal muscles are key for animal movement
Classic English LiteratureThe Masque of the Red Death
CommunicationsBudgeting for Communications
Criminal JusticeBehavior and tactics used by terrorists
Criminal Justicecharacteristics of high-tech crime
Criminal JusticeCybercrime topic in the US
Criminal JusticeInvestigating to Respond on the Effect of Cargo Theft on European Operations
Criminal JusticeJuvenile Delinquency and its effects on the Adult Justice System
Criminal JusticeThe association between the different motivations for terrorism and report on their confounding effe
Criminal Justicethe use of forensic biology
Criminal Justicethe use of intelligence-led policing (ILP) and the development of fusion centers
EngineeringCooling tumbler
EngineeringFeasibility study of hydrogen production via process integration
EngineeringHow does HSE relate to the normal practices of Model Based Systems Engineering?
EngineeringHuman Systems Engineering within Systems engineering
EthicsIndustrial Spying
EthicsThe virtues of Bionics
FinanceCapital Structures Financial Plan
FinanceComparing Tax Services
FinanceFinancial Market Shareholder Analysis
FinanceIdentifying Financial Information for a Company
HistoryAll the World is Human
HistoryExploring Causes of World War I
HistoryInfluence of The Potsdam Conference
HistoryNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave
HistorySam Houston
HistoryThe Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Workforce
Human Resources Management (HRM)Digital HR Platforms-The Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
Human Resources Management (HRM)Diversity Hiring Practices
IT, Web Information Systems Governance
IT, WebBenchmark – Designing a Defensible Security Architecture
IT, WebNetwork Security Monitoring and Threat Hunting
LawERISA’s Uneven Effect on Martial Wealth
LawUse-of-Force Data
Leadership StudiesAdmissions Bribery Scandal
LinguisticsExpressive Language Disorders and Delays in Children in Learning English
LiteratureCarter, “The Company of Wolves”
LiteratureM9 War
MarketingEmily and Donna
MarketingWarby Parker
MedicineEffects of multi-morbidity and social Support on patient’s psychological wellbeing
MedicineMalabsorption Syndrome
Political scienceJust War Theory and the Gulf War (1990-1991)
Political scienceLetter to Politician
Political scienceThe Black Church and the Criminal Justice System
Public AdministrationImplementation, Performance, Regulation, and the Courts
Religious studiesTheological liberalism and fundamentalism
SociologyChicano Mexican American studies
SociologyNoise sounds and its effects on us
StatisticsStatisitical Concepts
Week 22
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Art and Mental Illness
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Research Process Analysis for Glazed Brick Wall Relief of Lion
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Fragile X Syndrome
ChemistryMeasurement of Physical Properties
CommunicationsAll Your Devices Can Be Hacked
CommunicationsChildren and advertising
CommunicationsCurrent Affairs in PR
CommunicationsNIST Framework
CommunicationsSocial Media Management Platforms
CompositionDo you think that illegal immigrants be granted residency?
Computer scienceBusiness Continuity
Computer scienceEvolution of Machine Learning Algorithms for Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Sectors.
Computer scienceMacintosh Forensics
Criminal JusticeCriminal sentencing
Criminal JusticeDeath Penalty Introduction
Criminal JusticeEmergency Management
Criminal JusticeEthical challenges
Criminal Justiceidentifying the wounds
Criminal JusticeInside Terriorism
Criminal JusticeJodi Arias- The defense
Criminal JusticeJuvenile Delinquency and its effects on the Adult Justice System
Criminal JusticeMass Shootings
Criminal JusticeMiddle-class delinquency’s relationship to gangs
Criminal JusticeRestorative Justice
Criminal JusticeTwo Theories of Delinquency to Compare and Contrast.
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesNational Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesTHE IMPACT OF A REVOLUTION
EcologyBNG Sustainability Squad
EconomicsDo entry and technology affect the tobacco industry for the past 10 years?
EconomicsEconomics Federal Debt
Engineeringindustrial air cleaner
EngineeringPrivacy issue with new technology
Environmental studies and ForestryEnvironment and Health Issue
Environmental studies and ForestryGantt Chart
Environmental studies and Forestrypollution control
EthicsAristotle Forum
EthicsEuthanasia and the Right to Die
EthicsState of Emergency
EthicsTheresa Schiavo
FinanceValuating Hotel Asset for The Kirana Hotel Group’s growth
GeographyUSA and Canada Geography
HistoryBlack Death at the Golden Gate: The Race to Save America from the Bubonic Plague
HistoryControversies about the Vietnam War Memorial?
HistoryCreation of Israel
HistoryPositive Impacts of Globalization
Human Resources Management (HRM)Critical Threats to the Global Environment
Human Resources Management (HRM)Full Disclosure on Sex Offenders
Human Resources Management (HRM)Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Work Performance  in Saudi Organizations: The
Human Resources Management (HRM)Legal Expertise: Fundamental Skill to the Best Practices in Human Resources
Human Resources Management (HRM)Management and Leadership
Human Resources Management (HRM)Risk Management
Human Resources Management (HRM)The Cost of Economic Growth
Human Resources Management (HRM)Training Methods
International RelationsNuclear Energy
International RelationsNuclear environment
International RelationsResearch Sum Up Of Original Theory and English Speaking Results
LawEvaluation Research
LawPresentation UAE Commercial company law task
LawUK/ English Law/ tort and contract law
Leadership StudiesChurch Development – The Tuckman Model
LiteratureAnnotation and Close Reading
LiteratureCritical Thinking
LiteratureThe wire: The cost
MarketingExecutive Summary of Gatorade Zero Lemon-Lime
MarketingInterview with a Marketer Subject and Employer
MarketingManagement plan
MathematicsCulminating Project – Design with Desmos
MusicLucas Apostoleris Trio
MusicMovie soundtracks and emotional impact
MusicMusic and memory
MusicWest Side Story and Racial Tension
Nutrition/DietaryScientific Research and Research Article Abstract
Other (enter below)Terrorism
PhilosophyHappiness and Morality
PhilosophyNietzsche, “Slave and Master Morality”
PhysicsRC Circuits
Political scienceA Bloated Bureaucracy and an Inclusive Supreme Court
Political scienceLearning Gaps within the Army
Political scienceOur Struggle for Freedom, Civil Liberties And Political Equality
Public AdministrationAccountability and Politics
Public AdministrationEthics in Government
Public Administrationgovernment as a business
Public AdministrationMitigating Misuse of Workplace Practices
Public AdministrationThe CASE OF REPARATIONS
Religious studies Abortion from a religious point of view
Religious studies“Method of Christ in reference to Ecclesiology and Personal Disciple Making”
SociologyApplying the Sociological Imagination Essay
SociologyBridging the Gap: Addressing Social and Economic Inequality
SociologyContemporary Applications Essay
SociologyCritical Threats to the Global Environment
SociologyEgyptian migrants to the UAE
SociologyHealth and Society
SociologyIntroduction to Research
SociologyIntroduction to Sociology
SociologyMissing and murdered women in US
SociologyPersonal sociogram
SociologyPlastic Surgery
SociologyPractice sociogram
Sociologysocial inequality: Why The Rich Stay Rich, The Poor Stays Poor
SportsAdolescent Suicide
SportsImportance of Sports Marketing Research In the Sports Business Industry
TechnologyDesigning Enterprise Networks for Global Organizations
TechnologyPrivacy Issues With New Technology
Women’s & gender studiesA Letter to the Censors
Women’s & gender studiesWomen of Color and the Wage Gap
Week 23
AccountingBenefit of internal Audit disclosures.
AccountingIntroduction to Managerial Accounting and using job order costing to track production costs
AccountingManagerial Accounting
AccountingRisk of Material Misstatement
Anthropology republic of congo vs democratic republic of congo
Architecture, Building and PlanningSustainable Architecture
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)The Nanaimo Art gallery
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Caring
Biology (and other Life Sciences)DNA Replication Questions
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Entomology
Biology (and other Life Sciences)protein from the prokaryotic and eukaryotic replication machinery
Chemistry Flow of Genetic Information
ChemistryChemical Foundations and Nomenclature
Chemistrygene therapy
CommunicationsConcussions in Football
CommunicationsSource Evaluation on Work from Home: Measuring Satisfaction between Work–Life Balance
CommunicationsThe Impact of Advertising on Children: An Exploratory Study
Computer scienceSecurity awareness
Criminal JusticeDNA analysis
Criminal Justicedried blood
Criminal JusticeEthical v Unethical behavior
Criminal JusticeEthics leadership
Criminal JusticeFamily Influence Juvenile Delinquency
Criminal JusticeOrganizational behavior summary
Criminal JusticeProbation and parole in criminal justice
Criminal JusticeSecurity role in society
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesAncient Egypt
EconomicsEconomic freedom index
EconomicsEconomic reasoning
EngineeringCooling tumbler
Environmental studies and Forestry Pest-No-More Pesticide
Environmental studies and ForestryHierarchy of Controls
Environmental studies and ForestryHuman Risk Assessment
Environmental studies and ForestryInvasive Species Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Environmental studies and ForestryWater Quality
Ethics Current Or Emerging Technology Ethics Research Paper
EthicsDiscussion: Is There Such a Thing as an Evil Exemplar?
EthicsManufacturing Life
Financefinance for real estate
FinanceInvesting in Capacity
FinanceInvestment Choice
Geology (and other Earth Sciences)Carbon Sequestration Through Air Capture
HistoryAmerican Revolution is somewhat revolutionary
HistoryAnalyzing Primary Sources
HistoryAncient greece
HistoryAssimilation as force in social relations and politics in late 19th century America
HistoryHistory of NCO
HistoryLife, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in the Revolutionary War
HistoryOperation Anaconda
HistoryPadlet 2 Artifact Write up (TM)
HistoryThe Holocaust
HistoryThe Second Awakening
Human Resources Management (HRM)Digital HR Platforms-Yes Bank:  AI or Human Connection For Talent Management?
Human Resources Management (HRM)Global Professional Development-Consultancy
Human Resources Management (HRM)Human Resource Study Guide
International RelationsPeace Processes and Conflict Resolution in Sudan
International TradeRepublic of Congo Vs Democratic republic of Congo
LawKey Features of Living Things
LawTax of business Entities
LawUse-of-Force Data
Leadership Studies The Definition of Spiritual Formation
Leadership StudiesEI Rumination paper
Leadership StudiesEstablishing & Communicating a Vision
Leadership StudiesLeadership Communication
Leadership StudiesReaction to StrengthsFinder
Leadership StudiesWingfinder Strengths Assessment
Leadership StudiesWorking in teams
LiteratureHobbes’ Leviathan: Mankind in the State of Nature
LiteratureSapiens: The Evolutionary Origins of Friendship
LogisticsOperation Desert Shield/ Desert Storm
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Treatment plans
MedicineAssessing and treating vulnerable populations for depressive disorders
MusicHip-hop music viewed as a global learning experience
Nutrition/DietaryEnergizing the Athlete
Nutrition/DietaryFood and Mood
Nutrition/DietaryKeto Diet
Nutrition/DietaryType 2 diabetes pediatrics
Other (enter below)Senior products in Korea and Japan market
PhilosophyFamine, Affluence, and Morality
PhilosophyIntroduction to History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
PhysicsMagnetic Force and Forent’z Law
PhysicsSimple Harmonic Motion
Political scienceCreate an Interest Group
Political scienceDEBATE: GUN CONTROL
Political scienceHuman Rights
Political scienceInternational Security
Political sciencePolitical Theory
Political scienceSports, Politics and Society in the Middle East
Political scienceThe Relationship between The US and Middle East
Political scienceUS intervention in the middle east
Political scienceUS Invasion In Iraq
Public AdministrationBullying of Christian Employees
Public AdministrationHousing Insecurity in East Boston, Massachusetts
Public AdministrationIntersection of Public Health and Mental Health: Meeting Family Needs
Religious studies” Christianity and The State”
Religious studies” Crime and Punishment
Religious studies” Personal Disciple Making”
Religious studies” The Life and Ministry of Evangelist Billy Graham”
Religious studies“”Ministerial Roles in Sexual Abuse Cases”
Religious studies“From Christology to Pneumatology”
Religious studies”Disciple Making Disciples”
Religious studiesTherapies and Treatments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
SociologyBridging the Gap: Addressing Social and Economic Inequality
SociologyRacism in New York
SociologyThe Hatt Family – Generations of Policing
SportsPositioning and Target Marketing
SportsPromotions In Sports
SportsSports Governance Structure
StatisticsBrand love and brand addiction and their effects on consumers’negative behaviors
StatisticsBuilding a Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection
StatisticsIdentify Analysis Tools in Published Research
StatisticsPresenting Statistical Results for Decision Making
TourismSustainability Essentials for Hospitality Managers
TourismThe Quality of Crowd Management and Its Impact on the Experience of Event Visitors in Riyadh Season
Urban StudiesPerkins Act
Women’s & gender studiesZora Neale Hurston’s
Week 24
AgricultureSpirit Field Farms Co Business Plan
AviationSafeguarding Aviation
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Defects in proteins associated with homologous recombination are found in many cancers
Biology (and other Life Sciences)DNA Recombination and Linkage
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Food Analysis
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Infectious Microorganisms and Caring for the Suffering
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Physiology of Circadian Timing
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Virtual Tour of the Eukaryotic Cell
CommunicationsConcussions in Football
CommunicationsCreating the Risk Management Plan
CommunicationsOutcomes of an Early Childhood Hearing Screening Program in a Low-Income Setting
CommunicationsRemember the titans film analysis
CommunicationsSocial Media Management Platforms
CommunicationsSpending Time With Stanger’s
Criminal JusticeRational Choice Theory and Islamic Terrorism
Criminal JusticeTheoretical Framework for Countering Domestic Terrorism in the US.
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesRap, Religion, and Anti-Racism
Cultural and Ethnic StudiesToxic Exposure Landmark Cases in the South and the Rise of Environmental Justice Activism
EconomicsDiscussion Board Inflation
EconomicsThe U.S. and our economy
EngineeringThe role of Systems Engineering in establishing a roadmap for the successful deployment of the Digit
Environmental studies and ForestryEcological Risk Assessment
Environmental studies and ForestryGround Water Monitoring
EthicsExternal Forces and Ethical Challenges
EthicsOrganizational Culture and Ethics
EthicsTales from the Trenches
EthicsThomas Jefferson
FinanceTyson Food company
FinanceUber’s Analysis
History How did changes in technology change peoples’ daily life in the 1980s?
HistoryGreek Society
HistoryHomosexuality and the Black Panther Party during the Civil Rights Movement
HistoryMapping the West
HistoryWhat do you think the single most important legacy of the 1980s has been?
Human Resources Management (HRM)Developed Today, Gone Tomorrow
Human Resources Management (HRM)Recruiting Job Candidates
Human Resources Management (HRM)Shifting Workforce at the Workplace
International TradeThe impact of inflation on Turkey’s international digital exports
IT, WebCyber threats and database security
IT, WebInformation security policy management
IT, WebSecurity policy implementation
IT, WebWhat Does a System Administrator?
Leadership StudiesCrisis Communication Plan
Leadership StudiesFormal Assessment
Leadership StudiesIs leadership theory Biblical?
Leadership StudiesLeadership Skill
Leadership StudiesLeading Business Complexity
Leadership StudiesPersonal Leadership Mission Statement
LinguisticsA critical, research-informed analysis of the way a grammar feature is dealt with in a contemporary
LinguisticsAramaic: The First Language
Literature Aristotle on Friendship
LiteratureFaulkner, ” A Rose for Emily”
LogisticsRepublic of congo Pointe-Noire Port
MarketingConsumer Decision Making and Promotion/Marketing Strategies
MarketingElements that impact customer’s perception of product desirability
MarketingVictoria Secret Market Analysis
MathematicsAn Intensive Study of Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs.
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Kidney and Heart Report
Medicine Sexual History
MedicineElectricity in Physical Therapy
MusicNational Identity
Nutrition/DietaryChemical Farming
Other (enter below)Faulkner, ” A Rose for Emily”
Other (enter below)Reducing Tensions
Philosophy“Strengths and Weaknesses of Utilitarinism” by Lous Pojman
PhilosophyMoral Behavior in Animals?
PhilosophyMoral Skepticism
PhilosophyOf Lobsters and Men
PhilosophyTeaching Philosophy
Political science2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar: “Soft power or Sportswashing?” Discussions
Political scienceClimate change issue Decision Memorandum
Political scienceConflict and Communication in Public Policy: The 2013 Debate on Gun Control
Political scienceDEBATE: ABORTION
Political scienceStake Holder Analysis
Political scienceThe Federal System and Healthcare Policy
Public AdministrationReal World Case Design
Public AdministrationTransforming the system
Religious studiesBuddhism Written Report
Religious studiesIslam Written Report
Religious studiesMinisters and Sex Roles Abstract “
ShakespeareMacbeth essay
SociologyDevelop a Multi-media Presentation of a Stakeholder Involvement Plan
SociologyEconomic Resources
SociologyPower Elite
SportsBenefits Of a Chosen Physical Activity
SportsDelivery audiovisual distribution rights of a boxing event
SportsDesign of a heated swimming pool
SportsMega sporting events, tourism and urban development
SportsTitle Developing a sponsorship strategy for a specific brand.
TechnologyIs A.I Ethical?
TourismHeritage as a political concept
Week 25
AccountingFord Pinto exploding fuel tank scandal
AccountingUsing process costing to track production costs
Application LettersAI and the Human Realm: An In-depth Exploration into the Symbiosis in the Music Industry
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Frida Kahlo
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Green Architecture
Biology (and other Life Sciences)DNA Repair
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Personal Genomics
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Static Electricity Effects On A Dead Fly
Biology (and other Life Sciences)XerodermaPigmentosum
Classic English Literature Generosity: The power of giving
Classic English LiteratureMedia, Fear, and Anxiety
CommunicationsDigital Content Piece: Lucas Portes
CommunicationsLee Hyo-Jae
CompositionThe Recess Debate
Computer scienceUsing Ricardo software for WAVE engine modelling
Criminal Justice The Jodi Arias Case: Use of Science and Technology in the Criminal Investigation
Criminal JusticeCyber-Bullying
Criminal Justicedeath in the country
Criminal JusticeEnvironmental deaths
Criminal JusticeOrganized Crime
Criminal JusticePolicy Development
Criminal JusticeResistant and Unsuccessful Clients
Criminal JusticeTheoretical Framework for Countering Domestic Terrorism in the US.
EconomicsConversation with Latinos on Race
EconomicsRole of FDI in Qatar’s Diversification Strategy Away from Oil
EconomicsThe Restaurant Industry in the U.S Part 1
EconomicsWorld Ethnicity Data from CIA Factbook
EngineeringA paragraph talks about the relationship between fuze and MEMS
EngineeringAn Improved Heuristic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Demands
Environmental studies and ForestryRisk Assessor Evaluation
EthicsEnvironmental Ethics Article
EthicsTechnology, Humanity and Ethics Article
Film & Theater studiesSun Valley Salvage
HistoryComparing the Spread of Christianity and Buddhism
HistoryPrimary source analysis on Opium War
Human Resources Management (HRM)Companies that Prioritize DEI Initiatives have Higher Levels of innovation
Human Resources Management (HRM)Maria Hernandez case
Human Resources Management (HRM)The Public Service Heritage
Human Resources Management (HRM)The Second Great Awakening
IT, WebInformation Technology
IT, WebPreparing Data for Analysis
LawCriminal Intelligence Ethical Dilemma
LawPersonal Use Paper on Comparative Law
Leadership StudiesTeam Leadership and Conflict Resolution
Literature Aristotle’s accounts of happiness, friendship, and the relationship between the two.
LogisticsCapacity Management
Other (enter below)Communication and Identity
Other (enter below)Medical education and the use and impact of technology for generation z medical students
PhysicsWorking Principle of our Nervous System
Political scienceCampaigns and elections
Religious studiesFoundations for Christians’ education
Religious studiesServant Leadership in Diverse Contexts
SociologyData Collection
SportsFan Cost Experience
SportsProposed Analysis
Week 26
Accounting Identifying cost behavior patterns and using cost-volume-profit analysis for decision making
AccountingAdvanced financial accounting
AccountingAudit Documentation of the Revenue Cycle
AccountingUnderstanding the Client and Performing Analytical Procedures
AnthropologyThe Lemon Tree
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)Museum Catalog
AviationThe Ethical and Environmental Implications of Wildlife Management
CommunicationsEvaluation of Speech
CommunicationsHow do fashion bloggers based in the west influence woman trends and fashion in the Middle East
CommunicationsHow has Disney princesses culture affected body image?
Computer sciencecybersecurity governance
Criminal JusticeAnalyze Intermediate Sanctions Research
Criminal JusticeIntermediate Sanctions and Traditional Incarceration
Criminal JusticeJuvenile Delinquency and its effects on the Adult Justice System
Criminal JusticePersonality Disorders
Criminal JusticeScenario Presentation : France’s Criminal Justice System
Criminal JusticeUS Homeland Security
EconomicsInequality and poverty
EconomicsInternational Macroeconomics
EconomicsThe Economy of the Middle East
Environmental studies and ForestryAdministrative and Engineering Controls
Environmental studies and ForestryEcological Risk Assessment’s Risk Analysis
Environmental studies and ForestryEmerging Zoonotic Disease
Environmental studies and ForestryEnvironment and Health Issue
Environmental studies and ForestryEnvironmental Epidemiology
Environmental studies and ForestryFOOD SAFETY
Environmental studies and ForestryNuclear Disasters
Environmental studies and ForestryRisk Characterization
Ethics“Carbon emissions”
EthicsOperations, Technology, Data Security, and Ethics
EthicsWSCC Focus
Family and consumer scienceOnline shopping Behavior
Film & Theater studiesPlay Review: “Antigone”
Film & Theater studiesPlay Review: “Funny Girl”
FinanceAnalyzing Your Personal Finances
FinanceExperience with Mutual Funds
FinanceThe Euro Zone and the Sovereign Debt Crisis
History Italian Renaissance Society vs. Modern American Society
HistoryThe Spanish-American War
Human Resources Management (HRM)Independent Contractor or Employee
Human Resources Management (HRM)Organisational performance and culture in practice
International RelationsThe Rise of China’s Influence in The Gulf and How It Impacts US-Gulf Relations
IT, WebData Analysis Using Excel
IT, WebStatistical Tools
IT, WebStatistics and Data Science
LawEthical Standards
LawMaternity Rights in Employment
LawThe RaDonda Vaught Matter
Leadership StudiesAuthentic Leadership Theory Analysis
Leadership StudiesBuilding Leadership Character
Leadership StudiesConsulting Contract
Leadership StudiesJohari Window
Leadership StudiesLeading Change Collaboratively
Leadership StudiesQuality in Research, Developing Judgement for Scholarly Literature
Leadership StudiesShare Apology
Leadership StudiesStrengths-Based Leadership Theory Analysis
Leadership StudiesThe Impact of Applying the Five-Step Framework
Leadership StudiesTransition from a manager to leader
Leadership StudiesYour Most Important Goal
Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)Azithromycin to Prevent Sepsis or Death in Women Planning a Vaginal Birth
MedicineTreatment for a Patient with a Common Condition
Philosophy Purpose of Philosophy
PhilosophyAristotle Ethics
PhilosophyKant’s ethics
PhilosophyThe Nature of Philosophy
Political scienceGlobalization
Political scienceThe Federal System and National Security Policy
Religious studies” Oral Presentation Worksheet Philippians 2:1-4″
Religious studies” Philippians Critique by Gordon D. Fee”
Religious studiesexploring the history and philosophy of Christian education
Religious studiesSermon Sketch for Habakkuk 3:17-19
SportsContemporary Sports Marketing Issues
SportsDevelopment of a digital marketing strategy for a triathlon clothing start-up
StatisticsConduct a Comparative Analysis of Non-Parametric Statistics in Extant Literature
StatisticsMillennial vs Baby Boomer Employment Rate in the US.
TourismThe Quality of Crowd Management and Its Impact on the Experience of Event Visitors in Riyadh Season
Urban StudiesRedbeard Brewing Company
Week 27
AccountingPrinciples of Accounting
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Eukaryotic DNA Transcription
Classic English LiteratureAdaptation Studies Essay
Classic English LiteratureAnalysis of “The Handmaid’s Tale”
CommunicationsCommunication with Impact : How much is enough? (over/under communication)
CommunicationsHow Disney Princesses’ Culture has affected Body Image
CommunicationsHow do fashion bloggers based in the west influence woman trends in the Middle East.
Criminal JusticeTh Problems of Human Trafficking in 21st Century
Criminal JusticeVirginia Football
EconomicsA Conversation with White People on Race
EngineeringProbabilistic Methods for electrical and computer engineering PD2
Environmental studies and ForestryList the four attributes of smoke, and describe how they relate to fire behavior in a building.
Environmental studies and ForestryDescribe and discuss the three methods of reading risk at an incident.
Environmental studies and ForestryFlorida Firefighter OSHA
Environmental studies and ForestryList and discuss the three types of force created when loads are imposed on materials.
Environmental studies and ForestryDefine hazardous energy and list four ways to categorize its status.
Environmental studies and ForestryEnvironmental Acts
EthicsEthics and Patient-Centered Care
EthicsThe Pinto case and the cost benefit analysis
FinanceEthics in Finance
FinanceThe Efficient Market Hypothesis
HistorySlavery Throughout Colonial Mexico
HistoryAtlantic Coast of the North American Continent.
HistoryCharacteristics of Ancient Greece
HistoryDavid McCullough, “One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch of a Man.”
HistoryDiscrepancies of religions
HistoryKarl Perspective of Capitalism
HistoryThe Lasting Effects of the Gold Rush
HistoryThe Second Great Awakening
HistoryWar and Poetry
Human Resources Management (HRM)Employee Engagement & Compensation
Human Resources Management (HRM)Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Blended Evaluation Plan® Form
IT, WebProbability and Data Science
LawCredit Monitoring and Recovery Strategies Adopted by the QCB and Compared to USFederal Reserve Bank
Leadership StudiesLeader Ethics and Working in Diverse Teams
Leadership StudiesLeadership Development Plan
Leadership StudiesOrganizational Leadership Theories
LiteratureHuman Greed and Deception in Heart of Darkness
MarketingEffective of Social Media on Mental Health
MarketingLilly Pharmaceutical Company Marketing Plan
MarketingNike Strategic Promotional Plan
MarketingThe Influence of Social Media in Marketing on Brand Awareness and its Subsequent Impact on Purchase
MedicineStudy Guide for medication treatment schizophrenia spectrum and other psychosis disorders
Other (enter below)Anime Adaptation Hit Prediction
PhilosophyKant’s ethics
PhilosophyReality and Being
Political scienceCampaign and elections
Political sciencePolitical Environment of Real Estate
SociologyMental Illness and Sociology
SociologyTechnology and deviance
Urban StudiesEvaluate the circular economy strategy in your london city
Week 28
AccountingPrinciples of Accounting
AccountingRisk of Material Misstatement
AccountingUsing capital and operating budgets to make sound business decisions
AnthropologyPeoples and Cultures of the Middle East
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Spicy food and inhibition of pathogenic microbial growth.
Criminal JusticeCriminal Profile of Jeffrey Dahmer
Criminal JusticeFourth Amendment exceptions
Criminal JusticeReintegration of Parolees
Criminal lawThe Accountability of Prosecutors
EconomicsNetflix Price Increase Hurts Membership
EconomicsPay for Delay: AndroGel Avoids Competition
EconomicsThe Effect of Entry and Technology on the Tobacco Industry over the Past 10 Years?
Engineering Techno-economic Evaluation of Renewable Energy Grid Integration
Film & Theater studiesBonnie and Clyde in 1960s
Finance The Federal Government’s Role in the Economy
FinanceHigh management proposal for converting from floating interest rate to fixed rate for SME department loans in a Saudi Bank
FinanceThe Low Interest Rate Environment
Human Resources Management (HRM)Emirates Group Compensation and Benefits
International RelationsCentral America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement
Leadership StudiesEthical Formation of Ecclesial Leaders
Leadership StudiesEthics in Leadership
MarketingNeuromarketing Ethics
MarketingPersona Development and Positioning Map
MedicineAssessing and treating patients with sleep wake disorders
MedicineBreast Cancer
Nutrition/DietaryEthnic differences in the role of adipose tissue dysfunction in the development of type 2 diabetes
Nutrition/DietaryHeart Healthy Cuisine Discussion
PhilosophyThe Morality of Abortion
Political scienceThe Framers’ of our Constitution
SociologyClimate Change in the World
SociologyRacial Worldview
Week 29
Biology (and other Life Sciences)Species on the Brink
ChemistryDetermination of Molar Mass and Identity of a Diprotic Acid
Criminal JusticeItalian American Mafia
EconomicsA Conversation with Native Americans on Race
Environmental studies and Forestry Human Health Risk Assessment
HistoryMedia and Propaganda in the American Civil War: Shaping Public Opinion and National Identity
HistoryMissouri Compromise
Human Resources Management (HRM)Middle East vs. Western Europe
International RelationsCentral America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR)
LawThe Future of Saudi Arabian Oil Diplomacy in The Context of Changing Global Energy Dynamics
Leadership StudiesEthics Democracy and Leadership
Leadership StudiesAre you prepared to live in the world with its harsh need to change you?
Leadership StudiesWhere do Passions and Talents intersect for me?
LinguisticsChallenges in Teaching and Learning Arabic for Non-Native Speakers
LinguisticsThe relationship between sound and meaning in the Iraqi proverbs
MarketingThe 4 Ps of McDonalds
MedicineEthical Concerns
PhysicsDo Radiofrequency Electromagnetic waves such as Wi-Fi, cellphone, or microwaves cause serious damage
PhysicsMagnetic Induction
Political scienceDebating the Merits of Privatization
Public AdministrationAdvocacy Coalition Framework Theory
Week 31

Crafting Your Winning College Essay: A Comprehensive Guide to Essay Writing Excellence

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