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A Hole in Heaven – Chapter 1 Essay Sample, Example

A gray-tailed hawk had been swiveling in a circle around an encampment of cows, gliding on the colder winds of an oncoming monsoon. Ishan watched its feather tips keenly as they swayed in and out of air currents, curious at…

Insomnia Essay Sample, Example

How often in your life have you been in a condition when you are deadly tired and dream only about getting in your warm bed—to find yourself completely unable to fall asleep? An hour, two hours, three hours in a…

Muslim Cinema: An Introduction Essay Sample, Example

By Javed Mohammed The Muslim World and Cinema Every culture promotes its history, beliefs, heroes, values, norms, and attitude. The African-American director Spike Lee said about his films, ‘I’m just trying to tell a good story and make thought-provoking, entertaining…

Why is Euthanasia So Debated? Essay Sample, Example

Although medicine has reached the level when many diseases can be cured or at least effectively stopped, there are cases when nothing can help a patient survive. Terminal diseases such as cancer or AIDS, if not attended in time, can…

Will All the Trees Disappear? Essay Sample, Example

Major deforestation is a known issue today, but not many think about it as more than just a statistic. Though forests still cover roughly 30% of Earth’s surface, forests as large as half of England are being cut down each…

Better Schools for All? Essay Sample, Example

By Anwar Oduro-Kwarteng Introduction In the midst of the government’s ‘reform’ agenda in which the NHS, higher education, welfare, and schools are to be radically remodelled, it would appear the government is in a hurry to change the way we…

Smoking Ban Essay Sample, Example

By Nick Thorne The recent Privacy International report, Civil Liberties: Up in Smoke contains some excellent arguments against the smoking ban. Nevertheless, the persistent hyperbole and exaggeration reflect a condescending approach towards the reader, and undermine the author’s own agenda.…

Multiculturalism: A Very Short Introduction Essay Sample, Example

By Maahwish Mirza The emergence of the English Defence League, attacks motivated by a far-right ideology in Norway, and a controversial denunciation by Prime Minister David Cameron earlier this year have kept debates on multiculturalism alive and raging. In a…

Slaughterhouse-5 Essay Sample, Example

By Miguel Fernandes Ceia Even before Kurt Vonnegut’s 1969 novel has begun, the reader is already confronted on the back cover with a wide variety of themes and possibilities, the bombing of Dresden, alien abductions, and public displays of sex…

Tell-All by Chuck Palahniuk Essay Sample, Example

By Jake Hollis Heard of Chuck Palahniuk? He wrote the novel Fight Club, more popularly known through the film it inspired, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. On page and on screen, Fight Club compelled with its darkly witty imaginings…

A Defence of Private Schools Essay Sample, Example

By Angus Kennedy Kevin Rooney wants to start a fight to ban private schools (1)(2). To give every child an Eton. To storm the Bastilles of private education and appropriate them in the name of social justice. To abolish them,…

Undertow Essay Sample, Example

By Valentine Rossetti It is very rare to find a film where the sentiment stays with you for days after, but Undertow, the first feature-length film of Peruvian director Javier Fuentes-León, who also wrote, co-produced, and co-edited it, is such…

Hamlet Essay Sample, Example

By Matt Trueman Rory Kinnear’s Hamlet is a marked man; most definitely ‘the observed of all observers’. The Elsinore he inhabits is a surveillance state. Where once there might have been gargoyles, CCTV cameras peer down. Courtiers have been replaced…


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