Case Converter Online Tool by AHelp

Case converter by AHelp is your ultimate text transformation tool.
Want to mimic that SpongeBob meme or annoy your friends? We got you.

The Ultimate Solution to Convert Case Elements

Easily Change the Text Case
No Accidental Caps Lock
Various Styles to Match Your Creativity

The Easy Way to Change Case Between Upper Case, Lower Case and Sentence Case

Our case converter tool is designed to make your life easier by converting paragraphs and entire documents to your preferred case in seconds. When you’ve forgotten to capitalize certain words in the heading or block of text, using the text capitalization feature of our caps converter tool will instantly adjust the text. Our case converter is free, accessible anywhere, and requires no installations or downloads. It’s easy to integrate into your writing process. Simply bookmark the case converter tool by AHelp for easy access and use it to edit your documents quickly.

Key Features of Our Free Case Converter

  • Title Case

The title capitalization feature is perfect for bold and essay headlines. The feature automatically capitalizes the first letter of each word, ensuring your text is professionally formatted and ready for publication. Using our handy tool will save tons of time and ensure you meet the case requirements of your institution or publication.

Title capitalization adheres to the APA capitalization guidelines. APA guidelines require capitalization of the first word of the title, word after a colon, em dash, and parenthesis, proper nouns, subordinating conjunctions, and major words with more than four letters. Words written in small letters in APA title case include articles, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions.

  • Sentence case

Sentence case is a style in which the first letter of a sentence is capitalized, while the rest is in lower case, except for proper nouns and other exceptions. Our sentence case generator follows general capitalization rules, which include capitalizing the first words of a sentence as well as the first word after a period, question mark, and exclamation mark.

Elements that are capitalized in sentence case include:

  • The first letter of each major word in a title or heading, while conjunctions, articles, and prepositions are in lowercase.
  • Abbreviations and acronyms, such as CEO or U.S.
  • The first letter of a quote is capitalized when placed at the beginning of a sentence or a standalone quote.

Sentence case gives text a natural flow because it’s easier to read. It’s appropriate for everyday writing, including emails, formal documents, social media posts, and informal documents.


Our upper case generator takes any text you have and converts it to all caps in all letters. Simply, it automatically converts all letters in all the words into CAPITALS. 

  • lower case

The lower case generator converts text into all small letters. It lowers the case of every word when you need to uncapitalize text. The feature is ideal for preparing informal or subdued communication or making a consistent keyword list.  

  • First letter

The first letter case converter is appropriate when you want to capitalize the first letter of each word, leaving the rest as lowercase letters. Just paste the content you want to generate in this format into the box and select the First letter tab. 

  • aLtErNaTe

This is a fun style of writing that alternates the character case in the text. It’s a playful choice commonly used when creating unique designs, for stylistic emphasis, or in informal communication. 

  • tOGGLE

Our toggle case converter lets you switch all upper case to lower case, and vice versa. It results in a unique and eye-catching style. You can also use the option when you’ve forgotten to disable caps. The inverse case is employed in contexts such as logo designs, attention-grabbing headlines, or expressing fun in informational communication.

Benefits of Using Our Free Case Converter

  1. Most online editing software doesn’t offer the case conversion feature. That’s why we’ve developed an efficient, user-friendly, and lightning-fast text case changer for your editing needs. Still unsure if you should use a case converter? Here are a few benefits to consider:
  2. Titles are an important part of any document. Our case converter can help you create titles with correct uppercase and lowercase for a book, article, essay, and other words.
  3. Once you finish typing, the case converter makes your text presentable for your audience by simply copying and pasting the text.
  4. You get all the text case options you need for different writing tasks. Just select one and click. Our all-caps generator will become a reliable assistant while studying, writing, or posting on social media. 
  5. The tool is useful to professionals and students who regularly work with text. Instead of repressing text when you need to change a styled document, the case converter will aid you in making hassle-free changes.

Transform Your Text Today with Our Case Converter – It’s Easy, Fast and Free!

Case converter is your newfound solution for effortless text and title transformations. With one click, you easily transform word or text case type – from changing upper case letters to lower case letters to converting sentence case to title case.

No subscription or registration is needed. Our case changer is here to deliver the case format you want with ease. Try it today and never spend extra time converting your text case type manually.


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