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12 Godzilla Ave.
Creede, CO 81130, USA
Phone: 555-485-1161
Cesare Bolognese

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June 5, 2014

Creede University of Stuff
Admission Committee
45 Hooray Dr.
Creede, CO 81130, USA

Dear Mr. Roberts,

This June, I applied to the Creede University of Stuff to complete a B.A. in Microbiology. I passed all the preliminary tests successfully, and was hoping to become a student; however, two days ago, I received a letter from the admissions committee that informed me that I have been deferred, and should wait for further notifications.

I applied to the Creede University of Stuff on the basis of being the best option for me to pursue my life goals and priorities. My dream is to become a virologist to participate in researching and developing cures for terminal diseases, such as HIV and Ebola. In particular, I would especially like to attend classes on bacterial pathogenesis, and immunology. I have read some of Dr. Howard Sheng’s works on bacterial pathogenesis, and I was amazed when I discovered he teaches at the Creede University of Stuff.

Since passing the SATs with high marks, I continued to prepare myself for studying at your university. I have attended free lectures on biology and read scientific works dedicated to the topic of my interest (as I have mentioned, these were two books written by Dr. Howard Sheng). I have also been keeping my eye on the issue of the Ebola outbreak, striving to learn about any progress that has been made in the understanding and treating of this virus.

Studying at the Creede University of Stuff to complete a B.A. in Microbiology is my dream, and I am doing everything that depends on me to fulfill this dream. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Cesare Bolognese

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