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Misuse of Commas

Too Many


Woman shrugging
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“I was a bouncer, at a club, that hosted rock bands, such as The Conversations.”

“There was, a giant referee, in the middle, of a god named Uselferous.”

“I hold your hand, to let it go, again, and, again.”


“I was a bouncer at a club that hosted rock bands, such as The Conversations.”

“There was a giant referee in the middle of a god named Uselferous.”

“I hold your hand to let it go again and again.”

Not Enough


“However it was frost that bit my arm and ate the blister off my toe despite my ruminating circumstances.”

“So I found your tape recorder in the back replaced it with alien tools and found that I had handkerchiefs full of dust that kind of looked like billy goats.”

“You know, I loved it all seen it all been it all.”


“However, it was frost that bit my arm and ate the blister off my toe, despite my ruminating circumstances.”

“So, I found your tape recorder in the back, replaced it with alien tools, and found that I had handkerchiefs full of dust that kind of looked like billy goats.”

“You know, I loved it all, seen it all, been it all.”

Awkward Places


“There was a tiger who munched on mushrooms made out, of hemoglobin.”

“Take my hand nefarious, giant and sample my readiness.”

“I am, the master key to unlock, the bridges of holiness, sanctity, awareness.”


“There was a tiger who munched on mushrooms made out of hemoglobin.”

“Take my hand nefarious giant and sample my readiness.”

“I am the master key to unlock the bridges of sanctity and awareness.”

After “And” When Not Needed


“You saw the path laid out by the truth seers, and ran like water through stone.”

Apples, and berries are delicious.


“You saw the path laid out by the truth seers and ran like water through stone.”

Apples and berries are delicious.

Misuse of Apostrophes 

Names Ending in “S”


“We must get Havens’s wand full of brass and cutlets.”

“Longmans’s gold was treasured in weep.”

“Love the battle who won nothing by Greeves’s decree.”


“We must get Havens’ wand full of brass and cutlets.”

“Longmans’ gold was treasured in weep.”

“Love the battle who won nothing by Greeves’ decree.”

In Words that are Already Plural


“Let’s buy some Greek Cheese’s.”

“Look at those deer’s.”

“Open Sunday’s!”


“Let’s buy some Greek cheese.”

“Look at those deer.”

“Open Sunday!”

Forgetting the Possessive


“Brians goad had holes.”

“You know the divines magic sways.”

“Stay quiet while you hear the preachers sermon.”


“Brian’s goad had holes.”

“You know the divine’s magic sways.”

“Stay quiet while you hear the preacher’s sermon.”

It’s Versus Its


“Its too late to gather its fleas.”

“Take Iranian classical music in the 17th century for instance—its utterly delectable.”


“It’s too late to gather its fleas.”

“Take Iranian classical music in the 17th century for instance—it’s utterly delectable.”

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