People Against Cancer Essay Sample, Example

From: David Nicholson “People Against Cancer” 223, Chestnut St. Asheville, NC 28803 Phone: 574-991-019 26th November, 2013 To: Spencer Donaldson 15, Lincoln Dr. Asheville, NC 28803 Dear Mr. Donaldson, If you are holding this letter in your hands and reading…

Highest rate 3880

ADARC Sponsorship Request Essay Sample, Example

From: John Malkovich Asheville Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Center 56, North Springsteen Dr. Asheville, NC 28803 Phone: 555-677-382-110 21st May, 2013 To: Stephen Fries 221, Reginald Ave. Spencer & Looney, Ltd. Asheville, NC 28803 Dear Mr. Fries, I am writing this…

Highest rate 7352

Sunnydale Town Orphanage Donation Request Essay Sample, Example

From: John Mathews Help Children Foundation 56 Northumerland Avenue Sunnydale, WY 83119 Phone: 555-689-111-333 21st January, 2013 To: Ronald Williamson 117 Reginald Street Sunnydale, WY 83119 Dear Mr. Williamson, I am writing to you on behalf of the Help Children…

Highest rate 43337


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