AI in Education - Page 2

Accessible Education: Khan Academy’s Journey with AI

In a recent event at the California Policy Forum, Salman “Sal” Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, discussed the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, emphasizing its potential to enhance learning accessibility and personalization. Key Takeaways: The integration of…

Big Layoff at Duolingo in Favour of AI Translators

Duolingo has recently implemented a significant change in its operations by utilizing artificial intelligence for translation tasks. This update has triggered intense debate and concerns about the future of translation jobs in the AI era. The article has been updated…

Formative AI Review: Transform Your Teaching

In an age where time is of the essence, educators seek innovative solutions to enhance learning efficiency. There is a tool that can revolutionize classroom dynamics by easing the burdensome grading process and personalizing learning experiences – Formative AI. 💡…

Almanack AI Review: A New Way To Teach

What makes every teacher over the moon? Educators dream of instantly crafting valuable classroom materials with ease! It’s possible with a new tool – Almanack AI. 💡 Idea 🖥️ User experience 📚 Value for money 🌟Score 23/25 23/25 35/50 81/100…

Brisk Teaching Review: Learning Through Technology

With the rollout of AI teching if getting more dynamic, from interactive reading tasks and fun quizzes to engaginf lessons plans and more. Brisk Teaching is making sure that the journey of education isn’t just a walk in the park,…

Education Year in Review: AI in Education

AcademicHelp is happy to present educational innovations that changed, inspired, and motivated teachers and students this year.  AI made a great entrance to schools and classrooms and showed new opportunities. Imagine a world where homework is no longer an issue…

Should Students Stop Using Grammarly?

In an era of advanced technology, a recent debate has emerged: should students stop using Grammarly amidst concerns of unintentional academic dishonesty? Key Takeaways: The integration of AI tools like Grammarly in academic settings has sparked a complex discussion. A…

Quizizz Review: Learning Through Technology

Ever thought teaching could be a joyride? With Quizizz, it’s reality! Seamlessly blend quizzes into lessons, sparking engagement and unveiling student insights. It’s not just teaching; it’s smart, responsive instruction on the fly. Where learning meets insight! 💡 Idea 🖥️…

Google Gemini Vs OpenAI ChatGPT: What’s Better?

In the world of AI technology, the release of Google’s Gemini has sparked intense debate, pitting it against OpenAI’s ChatGPT in a battle of capabilities and performance. Key Takeaways: The new AI universe we are all living, a riveting competition…

Trinka AI Review: Grammar and Writing Done Right

Forget about headstracters, and writer’s block. This is in the past, since AI is taking over and brings helpers for everyone from students to freelance writers. With Trinka.AI, you will start writing with ease. 💡 Idea 🖥️ User experience 📚…

How to Transform Dyslexia Education with AI? An Industry Expert Has A Plan

Artificial Intelligence has already brought significant changes to various sectors, and its influence on education is hard to miss. Its transformative impact is being felt across different educational perspectives, but its potential in special education, particularly for dyslexic children, is…

Open Read AI Review: Automate Literature Research

Doing a Ph.D. and master’s is a real challenge many students take upon themselves. The idea of joining the academic world and getting access to the realm of knowledge sounds enticing to them. However, the journey is always long and…

Hello History AI Review: Revives Influential Figures

Imagine you could talk to anyone from the past, from Napoleon and Churchill to Kafka and Mahatma Gandhi. It is possible with advanced technology and the Hello History app. 💡 Idea 🖥️ User experience 📚 Value for money 🌟Score 22/25…

Bill Gates: AI Is About to Completely Change How You Use Computers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the brink of fundamentally altering our interaction with computers, promising to streamline tasks and revolutionize the software industry. Key Takeaways: The evolution of software since the inception of Microsoft has been significant, yet according to…

GeoGebra Review: Teaching Math with Ease

Why do kids at school find math boring and complicated? Simply because the traditional approach seems a tad outdated, overly abstract, and disconnected from their real-world experiences and interests. However, math in the 21st century can be fun and exciting.…


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