AI in Education - Page 4

ChatGPT Becomes Another Invention That Boomers Just Don’t Get

Let’s face it, Generation Z has become one of the most technically-developed generations. Most of us have already grown up with computers, the Internet, social media, personal mobile phones, and many other technological advancements, that weren’t available even to millennials… Launches Innovative AI Solution for Schools has unveiled its much-awaited “AI for Schools” edition, promising to revolutionize the educational sector. The advanced LLM Eguana, backed by a comprehensive training on over 260 million exclusive licensed research papers, positions Caktus AI to set new standards in…

AcademicHelp Launches Online Plagchecker for Students

AcademicHelp, your trusted reviewer of academic resources and services, has added a new tool to its Learning Hub – Free Plagiarism Checker.  Free plagiarism tool is designed to check your text and files. AcademicHelp is to help students create and…

CodeSquire Review: A Tool for Better Coding Experience

For students and professionals in data science, engineering, and analytics, CodeSquire offers a groundbreaking AI-powered assistant that turns comments into code, automates functions, and even handles data visualization, all tailored to the user’s specific needs. 💡 Idea 🖥️ User experience…

MagicSchool AI Review: How to Plan a Lesson in Seconds

How do I plan an engaging lesson? Where to look for productive activities to do in the classroom? How can I make my classroom less stressful? These are just some of the questions that teachers ask themselves every semester. The…

How Yale University Embraces ChatGPT

“The new chapter in life, a fresh start, a clean slate”—that’s how everyone pictures the beginning of the new academic year, and it’s with these exact words that they meet the fall semester. Yale students will be embarking on a…

Sendsteps AI Review: Generate Presentations With AI

Tests, essays, midterms, and research papers are an integral part of any education experience. But so are presentations and group projects. As practice shows, learners feel intimidates by the latter assignment. Why so? Because they do not know how to…

ClassPoint AI Introduces Interactive Education

Studying is not just tests, essays, reports, and lectures. Studying can equal fun and excitement. If you are having doubts that it is possible, you obviously haven’t head of ClassPoint. With its core focus on aiding educators and trainers, the…

Quazel Review: Learn a Language By Chatting With

Who wouldn’t want to be fluent in Italian, Spanish, Chinese, or French? Travel the globe and know that the world is your oyster. It’s the best feeling of all. If the idea of learning a new language the traditional way…

Faculty Alarmed by Zoom’s Ambiguity on AI and User Data Usage

Inside Higher Ed recently reported that faculty and experts in higher education have raised concerns and questions over Zoom’s changing stances on using customer data to train its artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems. The teleconferencing company tried to…

Meet CameraMath: Students’ Math Homework Helper

In today’s digital age, artificial intelligence and technology are significantly transforming the way we learn. At the forefront of this evolution is CameraMath, an AI-powered tool designed to assist students in mastering the challenges of mathematics. 💡 Idea 🖥️ User…

Quizgecko AI Review: Brings AI-Powered Approach to Learning

Quizgecko is an AI-driven platform that allows users, including educators, students, and trainers, to generate and share quizzes, flashcards, and notes. Utilizing its text-to-question generation abilities, Quizgecko offers a method of content creation that could potentially save users a considerable…

AI in Classrooms of Alabama Universities

In Alabama, the way university professors teach is starting to change. This is due to the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI), like the ChatGPT program, in classrooms. Some people are excited about the possibilities. Others are more cautious. Key…


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