C Coding

Explaining New Line in C

In the journey of mastering programming languages, learning C holds a pivotal place due to its foundational role in the development of software and systems. This article delves into an essential aspect of C programming: the use of new lines,…

User Input in C – Explained

In programming, particularly in C, understanding user input is pivotal. This article demystifies the process of capturing user input in C, utilizing the scanf() function, and elaborating on how variables, strings, and characters play a crucial role in this context.…

How to Use Do While Loop in C

In computer programming, especially in C programming, loops play an essential role in controlling the flow of execution. The ‘Do While Loop in C’ is one of the fundamental loop structures, offering a unique way to handle repetitive tasks. Unlike…

What is Syntax in Programming

In the programming field, ‘syntax’ holds the utmost importance. It refers to the set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structured programs in a programming language. Much like grammar in a spoken…

What is a Pointer in C?

In C programming, pointers stand out as a unique and powerful feature. A pointer in C is essentially a variable that holds the memory address of another variable. This capability of storing addresses rather than values themselves opens up numerous…

How to Print an Array in C

The C programming language provides a versatile platform for various applications, from operating systems to simple algorithms. One of the foundational aspects of C programming is the management and utilization of arrays. In this article, we will delve deep into…

How to Read a File in C?

In C programming, file handling plays a crucial role when it comes to reading and writing data to and from files. Understanding how to read a file in C is essential for effective data processing and storage. This tutorial will…


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