Mind Over Machine: A New Study Explains How AI Perceives Human Nuances

Have you already chatted with a robot that understands Jerry Seinfeld’s jokes, recognizes when someone’s embarrassed, or even catches a hint? Not yet? Well, it shouldn’t sound too futuristic. Recent research suggests we’re closer than you might think, as AI…

OpenAI Faces User Dropouts Over ChatGPT’s Declining Performance

Last year, ChatGPT looked like the next big thing. And it indeed was a revolution! Fans used it to simplify their work, write stories, compose songs, and manage spreadsheets. However, a recent Reddit thread paints a very different picture: ChatGPT…

OpenAI and Arizona State University Forge Innovative Educational Partnership

OpenAI, a pioneer in artificial intelligence technology, announced a groundbreaking partnership with Arizona State University (ASU), marking its first venture with a higher education institution. This significant collaboration, as detailed by Hayden Field in a CNBC report, is poised to…

AI Anthropomorphism: Risks of Humanizing the Machine

The use of AI in education is growing, but so are the concerns around its ethical application and the tendency to humanize these systems, a practice fraught with potential misinterpretations and risks. Key Takeaways: The increasing presence of Artificial Intelligence…

To Be Or Not To Be Rude To Chatbots: Reddit discussion

In the dance of digital dialogue, sometimes it seems we must step firmly to lead ChatGPT to the rhythm of our requests, revealing a curious quirk in artificial intelligence interaction.  Key Takeaways: A topic actively discussed among Reddit users centers…

Google Gemini Vs OpenAI ChatGPT: What’s Better?

In the world of AI technology, the release of Google’s Gemini has sparked intense debate, pitting it against OpenAI’s ChatGPT in a battle of capabilities and performance. Key Takeaways: The new AI universe we are all living, a riveting competition…

A Brazilian City Passed a Law Generated by ChatGPT

Porto Alegre, Brazil, has implemented a law written entirely by AI, sparking a global debate about the role of Artificial Intelligence in legislative processes. Key Takeaways: The recent approval of an AI-written law in Porto Alegre, Brazil, marks a revolutionary…

How to Help Students Recognize False Information Online — and by AI Chatbots

As the digital age advances, students face increasing challenges in discerning credible information online, especially with the rise of AI chatbots like ChatGPT. Key Takeaways: In today’s digital realm, while students demonstrate critical thinking skills, they often grapple with differentiating…

ChatGPT Becomes Another Invention That Boomers Just Don’t Get

Let’s face it, Generation Z has become one of the most technically-developed generations. Most of us have already grown up with computers, the Internet, social media, personal mobile phones, and many other technological advancements, that weren’t available even to millennials…

A New Move in College Admissions: Personal Interviews

It’s no secret that getting into the college of your dreams is complicated. One should have a high GPA, excellent test results, and a lot of extracurricular activities. This demanding list is topped by volunteer work. Moreover, students must impress…

New York Times’ Potential Lawsuit Prepares to Challenge OpenAI

The New York Times is reportedly preparing to sue OpenAI for up to $150,000 per infringing content. The potential lawsuit started the heated debate over the critical issue of copyright and intellectual property and changing the nature of AI. As…

ChatGPT Becomes A Dream Tool for App Developers

In the rollercoaster world of artificial intelligence, groundbreaking tools like ChatGPT start giving ordinary folks the power to bring their digital dreams to life. Think about it – people who couldn’t tell a line of code from a grocery list…


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