
What is Accidental Plagiarism

You probably know that situation when you are writing a paper and reading through pages and pages of special literature and it all comes together in the end. And then you or your teacher decide to check it for plagiarism…

Is It Plagiarism if You Cite?

You are writing an assignment, be it an essay, literature analysis, research overview, or a thesis. You include some details from outside sources. You quote that information and include an in-text citation. So, is it plagiarism then, if you cited…

How to Make AI Text Undetectable

Common knowledge of our days — AI tools like ChatGPT or a new AI essay checker influence writing and content creation faster than we can comprehend it. So, making sure your generated text still looks natural and authentic is a…

Is Paraphrasing Plagiarism?

The line between paraphrasing and plagiarism has become increasingly blurred. The quick and short answer is no, paraphrasing isn’t plagiarism. Paraphrasing involves rewording someone else’s ideas in your own words, while plagiarism is the process of passing off those ideas…

Harvard’s Diversity Chief Hit with 40 Plagiarism Accusations

Harvard University’s Chief Diversity Officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, is embroiled in controversy with over 40 allegations of plagiarism, adding to the institution’s growing concerns over academic integrity. Key Takeaways: Harvard University‘s Chief Diversity Officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, faces serious accusations…

How Much Plagiarism is Allowed?

Plagiarism – the act of using someone else’s work or ideas without proper attribution – is considered a serious ethical breach in academia. Universities and colleges across the globe strive to uphold standards of originality and academic integrity. However, a…


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