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How to Write a Brochure

Brochures are one of the most popular marketing tools to help organizations quickly draw the attention of prospective customers. Brochures can be distributed manually, via mail or email, or placed in brochure racks. Usually, brochures are printed on a single…

Writing a Press Release

In order to announce or highlight an event that could be featured in the media, press releases are written. It is an important PR tool, and writing it well can be beneficial for any company wishing to share news or…

Writing a Recommendation Letter

Known as a letter of recommendation, or a reference, it is a testimonial: that is, a written recommendation or support of a person’s skills and attributes. Letters of recommendation are often composed to express a person’s suitability for a specific…

Writing a Job Application Letter

Although some jobs only require the applicant to fill in a form, important positions applied for often need a submission of a job application letter. Knowing how to write a job application letter is an art that not only all…

Writing a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a type of document that an applicant sends along with his or her resume when applying for a position or inquiring about one. They can be sent when one is inquiring about possible positions in a…


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