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Silver Mackerel, Inc.
Jack Tracy
Sales Manager
321 Washington Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK, 73101, USA

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June 5, 2013

Alfred Muller
Chief of the Sales Department

Dear Alfred Muller,

I am writing this letter to inform you about my decision to leave my position as a Sales Manager at Silver Mackerel, Inc. My last day of employment will be June 19th, 2013.

I want to express my gratitude to the people I have been working with during this last year: due to my coworkers, working at Silver Mackerel, Inc. was a precious experience. I can definitely say my position as a Sales Manager influenced not only my professional qualities, but also my personal traits. I made new acquaintances and developed greater skill in prospecting, social perceptiveness, active listening, persuasion, and coordination.

I ask you to accept this letter of resignation. I will perform my duties conscientiously until my last working day; I will also render all possible assistance in the quest of searching and training a replacement for my position so that Silver Mackerel, Inc. does not experience any troubles in connection with my resignation.

I wish Silver Mackerel, Inc. and its team all the best. I look forward to staying in touch. In case you have any questions, or if I can be of any help, email me anytime at [email protected], or reach me by phone: 555-543-134-098.


Jack Tracy

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