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By Bhalachandra Sahaj

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Hi everyone!

Today, I’m going to do a potentially dangerous thing. In particular, I am going to introduce you to a couple of my favorite blogs about writing. Why dangerous? Because I might lose my readership, because some other blog could be better than mine. Well, at least that’s what my friend says. But I am strongly convinced that in the age when everyone is so concerned about privacy and property rights, sharing ideas and thoughts and thinking globally is a bright thing to do.

So, I present you with the blogs I’m regularly reading: for inspiration, to learn something, or to spend time with.

1. Helping Writers Become Authors. This is my favorite blog. I like everything about it, starting from what and how the author writes, ending up with its graphic design. The advice the author gives is usually helpful, and refers to subjects that aren’t obvious. For example, one of the recent posts is dedicated to random story elements, why they should be avoided, and how they affect the story in general. Quite useful reading!

2. Writer Unboxed. Yet another outstanding writing blog that discusses writing-related subjects with a personal touch—meaning that the blog is not a bunch of advice like “do this, avoid that,” but rather a collection of episodes of the author’s life, the major part of which is connected to writing.

3. Write to Done. The blog that I find most supportive in this list. When I feel bad about my writing (something like, “Why am I doing all this and for what and it causes me trouble and it doesn’t pay off and I’d rather spend time doing something more useful”), I read this blog and feel like my problems are getting solved.

4. Last but not the least, Make a Living Writing is a blog mostly dedicated to freelance writing. If you want to do it, this blog should become your starting page. Great content, useful tips, free podcasts, and transcripts—that’s just what you need to become (or be) a freelance writer!

My purpose was not to advertise somebody, but to express my opinion on what I like, and share this liking with you. I hope you enjoy them and make some use of them.

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