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By Johannes Helmold

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Hi everyone!

impressing a teacherYour attitude towards the world and people around you is important. And the way other people see you can be important too—in particular, when you are a student, and your grades depend on the reaction of your teacher (or professor) on what and how you do certain things. Below is some brief advice on how to impress your teacher. Use these pieces of advice wisely, and who knows, maybe you’ll manage to stay on good standing without trying too hard.

  1. The assignments you submit must be neat and tidy. An accurately-formatted paper with readable handwriting (if you had to write a paper in the old-fashioned way) always makes a better impression than crumpled paper with stains on it—even if its content is brilliant.
  2. Be on time to lectures. Instructors remember and document those who are late.
  3. Ask questions about the material they talk about. Teachers enjoy follow-up questions, especially intelligent ones. If all you can come up with is “Wow, really?” then it’s better to keep silent; however, if you ask for clarification of what a teacher said, or for example, ask to explain the difference between two points, most teachers will be glad to help.
  4. Respect your instructor’s policy on electronics in the classroom. If your teacher has nothing against you listening to your iPod during his or her class, it’s okay. But if they disapprove of students using them during class, refrain from doing so until the break.
  5. Follow the directions teachers provide students with. If you are required to write a 750-word essay in MLA style, do not try to submit 734 words with messed up citations. If a teacher asks your personal opinion on a topic, do not rush to browse Wikipedia, and then express your personal opinion.
  6. Do not email homework to your professor at 4 a.m. Be wary of deadlines.

Rather simple, isn’t it? Maybe you expected a long list of recommendations, but in fact, these are enough to be on an instructor’s good side.

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