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Writing Guides has a database of free guides on writing academic papers to provide you with guidelines, tips, and hints while writing any paper.

How to Write Dialogue in an Essay

Which one of you, dear readers, have ever thought about adding dialogue to their essays? Probably not many people. Why would anyone go beyond the standard writing requirements, right? Well, what if we told you that adding a lively conversation…

How to Write a Movie Title in an Essay

Ever wondered how to properly write a movie title in your essay? You’re not alone. We will break down the rules in a simple way, so whether you’re writing a high school paper or a college essay, you will know…

How To Write a Conclusion For an Argumentative Essay

How to write a winning argumentative essay conclusion? It is a question that bothers some students who want to create solid argumentative papers. There are no surprises: the whole goal of an argumentative essay is to present your message as…

How To Write An Explanatory Essay

Whether you’re a high school student or a university attendee, you’ve probably encountered the task of writing an explanatory essay. At first glance, it might seem like a straightforward assignment. However, this type of writing has its quirks that can…

How To Write A Claim In An Essay: Everything You Should Know

Have you ever heard about so-called “claims” in academic writing? Probably yes, and it sounded like something important but not critical enough for further research. This is a common pitfall almost every student encounters: you can delay getting to know…

How to Introduce a Quote in an Essay

Quotes can add a lot of weight to your arguments in an essay. But knowing how to introduce them properly is key. Think of a quote as a piece of evidence that supports your point. Just dropping it into your…

How To Write A Literary Analysis Essay

Several types of assignments primarily cause confusion among students, and literary essays are one of them. Writing such essays can require a deep understanding of a concept and a set of specific skills, so they can frequently become challenging. Some…

How To Write A Conclusion For A Research Paper

Finishing a research paper can feel like the final boss in a video game—after all the hard work, you’re almost at the finish line, but there’s one last challenge to tackle. The conclusion part of your research paper is as…

How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay

A rhetorical analysis essay is a piece of writing that investigates someone else’s writing and the rhetorical techniques used to influence the audience through the text in a certain way. In essays of this type you won’t see much content…

How To Focus On Homework

Focusing on homework can be tough, especially with all the distractions around us. Staying concentrated is really important because it helps you understand your lessons better and get your work done more efficiently. But let’s be real – staying focused…

How To Start A Scholarship Essay

Writing a scholarship essay can feel like a big challenge, but the secret to success lies in how you start. A powerful beginning can grab the reader’s attention and set the mood for the rest of your essay. Think of…

How To Write A Book Title In An Essay

Imagine this: you’re sitting in your dorm room, working on an essay that’s due tomorrow. You’re on a roll, your ideas are flowing, and then you hit a roadblock—how exactly should you format the title of the book you’re discussing?…

How to Write a Dissertation Proposal?

Earning a doctoral degree is a significant undertaking that begins with formulating a dissertation proposal. This initial step is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire research project, paving the way for a structured and focused study. A…

Basic Essay Structure: How to Build It

Writing a well-structured essay is like building a house: you need a solid foundation, sturdy walls, and a roof to complete it. A well-organized essay helps your ideas flow smoothly and makes it easier for readers to follow your argument.…

How to Stay Focused on Homework: Homework Harmony

We are the generation of mass consumers. And that doesn’t relate only to physical products and goods, but also information, which has now become a separate commodity. Just think about it: when we use our phones, we constantly switch between…

How Should I Format My College Essay Properly

Formatting a college essay might seem like a small detail, but it’s actually quite important. Proper formatting helps make your essay readable and professional. Yes, professors do notice it, and a well-formatted essay can make a positive first impression. But…

Overcoming Challenges in Analytical Essay Writing

Analytical essays are a common type of writing that focuses on examining a single topic to draw conclusions or prove theories. Most students know that this type of writing is widely used to analyze films, books, art pieces, or (more…

Writing a Personal Essay From the Start

When you’re applying to college, your essay can be a key part of your application. Admission offices receive hundreds of essays, making it hard to give each one the attention it deserves. To stand out, it’s important to start your…

How to Write a Conclusion For an Essay: Tips and Tricks

A strong conclusion is just as important as any other essay component, as it’s the last part of the essay that leaves a lasting impression on your reader. Or doesn’t. A well-crafted conclusion does. It ties together your essay’s main…

Writing a Research Paper: Steps to Begin

When you learn that you have to write a research paper, the most possible first reaction is fear and the feeling of being lost. Most people simply don’t know where to start. Even when they finally sit down to do…


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