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April 5th, 2012

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Cicadas Hall, Town Hall Center

Start Time: 9 a.m.

Conducted the Meeting:

Gerald Jopkins

Attended the Meeting:

Reese Carton

Brain Rich

Vern Godfield

Nicholas Lockhouse

Approval of Previous Minutes

Larry Sogen from headquarters examined the previous minutes, finding no errors in the text. The regional managers that were present at this meeting accepted Sogen’s approval.

Action Items

Agenda Item #1: New System of Communication: Regular Skype Meetings Between Managers

Discussion: Lockhouse expressed concern with the consistency of such meetings, as regional managers do not have regular working schedules. Rich countered by stating the board could appoint a day every two weeks that would be less impacting. Every second Thursday was considered that most appropriate schedule.
Action: Godfield will notify all regional managers by email each second Thursday of the Skype meeting.

Agenda Item #2: The Mentality of a Regional Manager

Discussion: Jopkins gave a 15-minute presentation on the appropriate mindset of a regional manager. Carton asked Jopkins whether or not all regional managers had to abide by these precepts. Jopkins cleared doubts by noting these were merely suggestions, not proclamations.
Action: All regional managers need to keep the precepts outlined by Jopkins in their possession by way of a folder.

Agenda Item #3: Regional Integration

Discussion: Jopkins brought about the topic of regional integration—namely managing the sections of a region with balance. All managers were instructed to comment on their integration techniques. Carton noted she did not follow an integration technique, while the other managers did.
Action: Carton will develop an integration technique.

Agenda Item #4: What a Regional Manager was before CEO Turner Changed Management

Discussion: Rich gave a presentation on what being a regional manager meant before the time of CEO Turner. Godfield pointed out after the presentation that the development of regional manager positions within UsoCorp has shifted into a more communicative position, less solitary.
Action: All regional managers are to be given copies of the PowerPoint presentation by Rich on CD-ROM.

Agenda Item #5: The Future of Regional Managers

Discussion: Carton supplied the attendees with a presentation on what the future might look like for regional managers within UsoCorp. Rich commented that the position of a regional manager at UsoCorp appeared to be growing into a more multi-faceted position.
Action: Carton will send a CD-ROM installment of her PowerPoint presentation to each regional manager.


The Regional Managers Picnic is scheduled to be held on June 12th, 2012, at Grandiose Springs Park.

A new regional manager will be joining our company this month. Her name is Natasha Bulobov. She will manage the region of the tri-state area.

Future Agenda Items:

1) The introduction of Natasha Bulobov as a new regional manager.

2) Presentation on regional statistics in sales.

Next Meeting: March/21/2012 – 9am – Bhaskar’s Palace – Meeting Room
Minutes Prepared By: Gerald Jopkins

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