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To: Norman Wates

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CC: Lucia Saranton, Arnold Weissberger

Subject Line: Duties and Responsibilities

Hi Norman,

I am James Dean, your new project manager. First of all, I am glad you are now working for our company—I’ve often heard positive comments about your work as an editor for Frogments. Well, here is a brief review of your responsibilities, since the position of a Content Manager requires a different set of skills and duties:

1. Write content. This is your first and primary function. You are required to write 40 articles on photography every month (except this month, since you may need some time to adapt); the texts you write must contain the keywords from the list that our SEO department will email you at the beginning of every month.

2. Editing and proofreading content. Since we are using the services of freelance writers and photographers for our “Vox Populi” section, we must be sure the quality of writing (as well as the technical awareness of our outsource authors) is at a high level. Your task is to proofread and edit these materials. Articles written by freelance authors are pre-moderated by our chief-editor in terms of their usefulness for our magazine.

3. Working with images and visual content. Selecting images for the weekly photo contest among our users and subscribers is now one of your duties.

4. Several miscellaneous minor tasks.

The work is interesting, but requiring attentiveness and creativity, so I wish you good luck and hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions regarding your duties, please contact me via email. Or drop in for a cup of coffee—my office is two rooms down the corridor.

See you,


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