Nicholas Klafanski
23656 113th Ave.
Seattle, WA, 98177
(444) 676-9899
[email protected]
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June 20th, 2013
June Miller
Greenland Books
18187 March St.
Seattle, WA, 98102
Dear June Miller,
I am applying for the position of Book Reviewer at Greenland Books. I saw your advertisement for this position in The Stranger magazine, and was eventually referred to your store by my friend William Rollis, an advertising specialist that has worked with your business previously.
I have been a literary reviewer for over 10 years, writing reviews in The Stranger magazine as a weekly columnist. I review books, blogs, film scripts, and journals. I have been given the award of “Best Reviewer of 2011” by The Stranger. In addition, I was a finalist in a nationwide contest for literary review, Schilling Review Masters, in 2012.
My education has come from the University of Washington, obtaining a B.A. in journalism, and later an M.A. in linguistics from the same institution. I was honored by way of being on the Dean’s List in my last year of my M.A.
Besides my experience and education, I will say that I am an outgoing individual that is personable, driven, and optimistic. I work well in a team environment and settings where organization takes a key role. Above all, I am committed to superior writing and editing in journalism.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Nicholas Klafanski
[email protected]
(444) 676-9899
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