Number 1 Choice for Python Homework Help
Our A*Help team conducted its thorough research, and, based on this experience, concluded that the number 1 platform that can provide that top-notch assistance with Python tasks is Domyassignments. Their experts completed our assignment 100%, explained how it worked, and just ensured our team with the best overall experience. Undoubtedly this is the service you should trust with your coding homework troubles.
TOP services | Updated June 2023 |
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Now and then everyone needs a little help with their tasks. Programmers are no exception. In this field, even seasoned IT enthusiasts might seek assistance with coding, and we can only imagine what kind of troubles beginners can be going through when solving homework assignments.
And when they need help with Python homework, they may choose to turn to special platforms that provide coding assignment help and assist in handling different kinds of tasks. One problem that may occur along the way of searching for such a service, is the possible quality of work. How do you know which providers will assure you of 100% task completion? To answer this question, our A*Help team came up with a list of websites that, based on our experience, proved to give high-quality solutions to Python-related homework and queries.

How We Test the Quality of Python Assignment Help
We at A*Help take the research process seriously. That’s why our team conducts a mystery shopping experiment and places orders at all the reviewed services. We analyze how fast the work is completed, how many revisions it needs, whether there is any proof that the code works, and, generally, whether the task is done fully and according to our requirements. You can refer to our How We Test Programming Homework Help Websites for a closer look at all the assessment criteria included in our ratings.
In this shopping, we order a medium-sized Python assignment to be completed in 3 days. All the instructions can be checked out in the testing scenario. To understand the quality of an expert’s work we send the final results to be evaluated by our fellow software developer, Logan Romford, who gives us a detailed breakdown of the code’s advantages and disadvantages. His grading is the main criterion in compiling the presented list, alongside the general A*Help score of the services which also takes into account Overall Experience on the platform and its Value for Money. We think that such a complex approach can give you a more precise picture of the actual rate of the websites’ services.
Top List of Platforms to Provide The Best Help with Python Homework
Below is the list of the platforms that can present you with high-quality Python programming assignment help:


If you are looking for a professional IT expert to help you find a solution to your Python task, then Domyassignments is the website to go to. Established back in 2014, this platform does seem to have decent baggage of experience, and our mystery shopping findings only proved that.
Our Python sudoku task was ready in 1.9 days. We sent it to our partner specialist for a quick look, and he noted that it didn’t need any revisions at all. As such, he proceeded with the further assessment and marked the work as 100% completed. It checked all the boxes in the requirements: all functions were developed according to the guidelines and outputs were correctly formatted. The code even allowed us to run large-sized puzzles (e.g. 100×100) within the established time limit.
Here’s what our partner developer had to say about this assignment:
“The script is well-developed and can meet all the requirements. It is well-commented to guide customers through the flow. The output displayed in the terminal is similar to the sample output given in the guideline. Most impressively, it can solve a 100×100 size of the puzzle within the time limit.”
We also had a great experience working with our dedicated expert. He was quick to answer our questions about the task and even sent us a preview video to demonstrate and explain how to properly run the written code. Our developer noted that as well:
“The video is very helpful in guiding the student to understand how each part of the script is meeting the requirements as stated in the guideline.”
Alongside great results with our Python homework, Domyassignments also showed stellar overall experience (25/25), and good value for money (17/25). All these results are the reason for this platform landing its 1st place in our top list.


Improving coding skills is not easy, and that is why services like Domycoding offer their help. This website gathers programming professionals that can even go to great lengths of recording a video to explain to you how your tasks should be solved.
The assignment we ordered returned to us fully done in just 1 day. Our partner IT guru took a quick look, noted that no revisions were necessary, and proceeded with the evaluation, grading the task as 100% complete. He noted that the task contained all the required functions, and output formatting, and also had good coverage of comments in the script.
Mr Logan shared some insights on the way the assignment was made:
“The script is meeting all the requirements mentioned in the instructions. The script is well-written and capable of printing the output in the terminal correctly. To help the customer through the flow, it is thoughtfully commented. The output that is shown on the terminal resembles the example output that is provided in the instruction. Notably, it can finish a 100×100 puzzle in the allotted time. One suggestion is that instead of using the Python package “timeit”, perhaps a simpler Python package “time” should be used.”
We also got a well-structured straight-to-the-point explanation from our expert on how the code worked and how we should run it. He also included an image showing the functions in work, which assured us that we were receiving correctly completed homework.
Domycoding also presented us with a nearly perfect overall experience with seamless order flow (22/25) and a pleasing money-for-value index (17/25). That’s why we didn’t doubt placing this programming help platform second on our list.

Coding Homework Help

If you urgently need professional assistance with programming assignments, CodingHomeworkHelp vows to give it to you. And, as we checked them ourselves, we can confirm that this provider sticks to its words.
Our Python sudoku assignment got back to us after 2.6 days. The assessment specialist noted that it needed to be revised as some parts were still missing. After this one correction was completed, the work was marked with 95%. It had a great coding structure and well-developed functions, but it missed a few comments.
The great thing was that we could monitor the progress of our dedicated expert as they sent us the task part by part. They also were very open and maintained clear communication answering all our questions right away.
The assessor shared his notes about this expert’s Python solution:
“The script is meeting all of the requirements mentioned in the instructions, including providing the theoretical answer for question no.6. The script is well-written and capable of printing the output in the terminal correctly. The output that is shown on the terminal resembles the example output that is provided in the instruction. Sudoku’s rules are obeyed. Notably, it can finish a 100×100 puzzle in the allotted time. However, it lacks comment coverage to assist our client in navigating the coding flows and providing guidance.”
As we reviewed other aspects of CodingHomeworkHelp, we noted that it showed stable results across all points, receiving 21/25 pts both for overall experience and value for money. That’s why we place this platform third in our ranking.


Operating in the homework help market since 2005, the CW Assignment platform has gained experience and expertise in completing all kinds of programming tasks. And our findings can only support this fact.
Our Python task was ready in just 20 hours. However, it required two more revisions before we could give it to our specialist for a full assessment. Nevertheless, after the evaluation, the assignment was marked with an admirable 95%. The developed code had all the needed functions correctly built and formatted and allowed to run large puzzle sizes within the set time limit. The two things that were missing were the comment coverage throughout the script and the right-printed outputs in the terminal.
Specialist Romford also gave his comment about this Python assignment execution:
“The script is meeting 95% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. It can solve a 100×100 size puzzle within the time limit. All the function’s outputs meet the requirements as stated in the instructions. However, 5% points are deducted because:
- There is low coverage of comments throughout the codes to guide customers through the flow, other than the comments in the first function make_puzzle(N).
- There is some missing printout compared to the sample output given by the guideline. The initial puzzle in Python dictionary format is not shown, only the board layout is displayed. Here is the part that is missing from the printout:
- The written answers for question 6 (in the last 3 lines) should be commented out from the script, to prevent the script from not being executable.”
Our communication with the expert was also pleasing. They kept us updated about work progress and were ready to answer our questions. They also gave us the preview video to prove that the code was runnable. That’s why we didn’t worry much about our assignment along the way.
We noted that this platform provided customers with a high-class overall experience (24/25), mainly in terms of convenient order flow and helpful customer support. The value-for-money index was also satisfactory (18/25). Undoubtedly, CWassignments deserves its 4th place on this list.


Have you been wondering if you could find an expert tutor to help you with your homework? Favtutor is an example that you can. Their service strives to provide students with the best coding help to give them a better understanding of programming concepts.
Favtutor took time with our assignment and therefore sent it to us right in 3 days. At a glance, it didn’t need any corrections. That’s why our partner IT specialist took it for evaluation right away. The work was 95% complete. The task had almost everything in place: it followed sudoku’s rules, had all the functions and correctly-formatted outputs, which also were accurately printed in the terminal. However, it lacked a good coding structure and coverage of explanations in the script.
Our developer noted the following about this work:
“The script is meeting 95% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. Another 5% missing points are justified as below:
- There is no comment on the functional codes to guide customers through the flows.
- Some programming structures could be improved, for example, instead of using N*N*N*N, N**4 should be used. White space before/after mathematical operations, e.g. +, <= and !=, or symbols “:”, would be very helpful in terms of readability. Python standard of PEP8 is very much recommended
On the positive side, the codes meet all the major requirements, including sudoku’s rules. The output displayed in the terminal is similar to the sample output given in the guideline, and it is able to run on a 100×100 size puzzle within a certain time limit. ”
Our dedicated performer ensured productive and open communication. Along with completing our assignment, they sent us screenshots as proof of the working code. They also included an explanation video to make it easier for us to understand the solution.
Favtutor was also pretty convenient to use (19/25 overall experience), even though the order flow wasn’t fully adapted for requesting coding tasks. The value for money, on the other hand, had to be much improved (11/25). In general, this platform is still worth its 5th rank in our rating.


Assignmentcore is a professional service that offers to cover any of your programming or coding tasks no matter the difficulty level or size. Our mystery shopping helped us make sure that they can do their job well.
The expert from the platform decided to show real solving skills and speed by completing our Python task in 1.6 hours. This was a record time for beating the deadline. Moreover, when the IT specialist looked at the code he didn’t notice any major issues, therefore there wasn’t any need to ask for a revision. After the assessment, the solution showed to be 90% complete. It had a good coding structure and coverage of comments, followed sudoku’s rules and also allowed to run large-sized puzzles. However, the outputs were neither correctly printed nor formatted, and functions also had some issues.
Here’s what our IT guru had to say about this assignment:
“The script is meeting 90% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. It is also able to solve a 100×100 size puzzle within the time limit. Another 10% missing points are justified as below:
- It does not comply with instruction no.3, stating that “If so, add new_value to the board and to the related sets, and return True. Otherwise, return False without modifying the puzzle”. Here, the script returns the puzzle alone, without the Boolean True/False.
- It does not comply with instruction no.4, which stated that “You may stop filling when the number of attempts is at least N**4 or 75% of the board is filled”. Here, the maximum number of attempts is not specified.
There is some missing printout as compared to the sample output given by the guideline. The initial puzzle in Python dictionary format is not shown, only the board layout is displayed.”
Despite the task not gaining 100%, the dedicated performer was still helpful. They sent us a sample of the code and also kept us posted on the progress. Our communication with them implied that we could ask any questions regarding the final result.
Assignmentcore was also great in terms of overall experience (21/25), with only the support system being a bit underdeveloped. We were also pleased with the value-for-money index (18/25). Hence this platform became 6th in our rating.


Were you searching for a platform with experienced coders who could use their knowledge to help solve your programming assignment? Then Programminghomeworkhelp is a place to go. Here you will most likely find what you were looking for. Or will you?
Programminghomeworkhelp’s experts didn’t play around with our task for too long and returned it fully completed just after 14 hours. It did need to be sent for one revision to get it a bit corrected though. After that, our specialist assessed the code and noted that it was 85% complete. All functions were developed and outputs were correctly formatted and printed in the terminal. The code wasn’t structured and didn’t have any comments, nevertheless.
Below is the comment of our assessor about the task:
“The script is meeting 85% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. Another 15% missing points are justified as below:
- When trying to solve a 100×100 size puzzle, the script runs forever with no results being returned. This contradicts the no.5 instructions, stating that “According to the faculty test, it took 0.81 seconds to fill 75% of a 100×100 board.”
- There is no comment throughout the codes to guide the customer through the flow, other than the comments for question no.6.
- The size of the puzzle is hard coded as 9, in Line 176 and Line 188, leading to inflexibility to change the size of the puzzle from 9×9 to 16×16. This is also potentially causing errors when running the script with other puzzle sizes.
- (Best practice) Unused code should be removed from the script for better readiness.
On the positive side, the printout format matches the sample output given in the guidelines. And the format for all function’s output is meeting the requirements.”
We didn’t have much communication with our expert. Still, they did give us proof of the working task and allowed us to ask for corrections or questions.
Unfortunately, as for overall experience (15/25) and value for money (14/25) Programminghomeworkhelp had a lot to work on. That’s why it landed 7th place in our top list.


Launched back in 2017, Tutorbin provides seeking-help students with the academic support they need. The platform’s expertise also covers handling programming assignments and it undoubtedly proved that it can do it with good quality. The main question remains: “is Tutorbin legit?”. Let’s find out.
We had our task delivered after 20 hours and, as per our developer Romford’s recommendations, it didn’t need any revisions. The evaluation showed that the task was done by 80%. All functions were developed, the main rules were followed, and, in general, the code had a good structure and was well-commented by the expert. Yet, the output formatting should have been better as well as their terminal print.
Logan commented on the task’s execution:
“The script is meeting 80% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. It doesn’t meet the requirements stated in instruction no.1: “represents the reg_sets as a Nested List (List of List) of sets”, instead, it represents the reg_sets as a List of sets.
Secondly, there is some missing printout as compared to the sample output given by the guideline. The initial puzzle in Python dictionary format is not shown, only the board layout is displayed. Nevertheless, when trying to solve a 100×100 size puzzle, the script runs forever with no results being returned. This contradicts the no.5 instructions, stating that “According to the faculty test, it took 0.81 seconds to fill 75% of a 100×100 board.”
On the positive side, the codes are well-commented and well-structured for good readability. ”
Our performer, even though gave answers to our questions, still didn’t provide us with an elaborate explanation when we asked them. Luckily, they did give us some screenshots to prove that the task was working.
Tutorbin also ensured a pleasant overall experience (18/25), however, it showed to have some issues with value for money (14/25). Considering the task has a quality solution though, we placed this platform 8th in our ranking.


Myassignmenthelp is a seasoned homework assistance provider that has extended its expertise from essay writing to handling programming tasks as well. As our mystery shopping showed, they were pretty good at it too, even though there was room for improvement.
The Python task came into our inbox in 2.3 days. We sent the work for 2 more revisions so that it could meet most of the requirements. The assessment showed that the assignment gained 80%. It had most of the instructions covered, except for the code not working on large puzzle sizes and the incorrectly printed outputs in the terminal.
The evaluator had the following insight about this solution:
“The script is meeting 80% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. Another 20% missing points are justified as below:
- There is some missing printout as compared to the sample output given by the guideline. The final puzzles should be printed out in both Python dictionary format and board format as shown in the example output.
- Instead of using the provided print_board() function, the script is using self-developed print_board() function. It is indicated in instruction no. 5, to use the provided print_board() function.
- When trying to solve a 100×100 size puzzle, the script does not return results within the time limit. This contradicts the no.5 instructions, stating that “According to the faculty test, it took 0.81 seconds to fill 75% of a 100×100 board.”
On the positive side, the output is meeting most of the major requirements, including sudoku’s rules. Nonetheless, the codes are well-commented and well-structured for good readability.”
Sadly, other than completing our assignment, the expert wasn’t of much help. They did explain how we should run the code, but he didn’t include any screenshots to prove that the task was working or a video explanation so that we could understand everything more clearly. They didn’t keep us posted or answer our questions – we could only get in contact with them through support.
Tutorbin, considering its vast experience in the market, could also provide us with a better overall experience (16/25) and value for money (14/25). So, even with the well-completed Python homework, we couldn’t place this platform anywhere rather than its 9th place.


Acemyhomework is the platform that can cover all needs, starting from essay writing to programming as well. We put their coding abilities to the test and ordered our Python sudoku task to see if they could bring you that A-result.
The assignment was completed after 2 days. It did need a revision, but it only took 1 correction to get big issues out of sight. After the assessment, the work received 70%. The functions were all developed and the outputs were correctly formatted. The general structure of the code was also great. However, there were issues regarding sudoku rules not being followed, not running large-sized puzzles and the printing of the outputs in the terminal.
This is how our partner IT developer described the good and the bad sides of such task execution:
“The script is meeting 70% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. Another 30% missing points are justified as below:
- There is some missing printout as compared to the sample output given by the guideline. The final puzzles should be printed out in a board format using function print_board() as indicated in instruction no. 5.
- The solved puzzle does not comply with sudoku’s rules that each of the regions must not include the same digit twice, as stated in the instruction.
- When trying to solve a 100×100 size puzzle, the script does not return results within the time limit. This contradicts the no.5 instructions, stating that “According to the faculty test, it took 0.81 seconds to fill 75% of a 100×100 board.”
- There is no comment throughout the codes to guide customers through the flow
Point no. 2 carries a greater weightage here as it will impact the accuracy of our main result: Compute the elapsed time for the operation.”
Despite the code not receiving a 100% result, our dedicated performer still proved to be much helpful. They gave us proof of the assignment working, answered our questions, and also explained how to execute these Python functions.
In other areas, nevertheless, Acemyhomework needed a wake-up call. The overall experience from the website wasn’t bad (15/25), but when it came to value for money (9/25) the situation was much worse. Needless to say, with so much work ahead of it, for now, this platform can only land its 10th place.


Assigncode is a platform that offers you to improve your academic performance by sharing their programming expertise with you. Having been in the business since 2016, they gained much confidence in handling different coding queries for students.
Our Python sudoku task was ready after 2.16 days. It did need to go through 2 revisions before we could send it for a full analysis. After all the corrections were completed, the work went through the assessment and got 60%. It had a good coding structure, great coverage of comments, and well-developed functions. Other requirements, however, like following the sudoku rules and running large puzzles, weren’t fulfilled.
This is what the IT specialist said about the given solution:
“The script is meeting 60% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. Another 40% missing points are justified as below:
- The output of function make_puzzle() in Instruction no.1 is not meeting the requirement. The reg_set variable should contain an empty set() when the region does not have any values, instead of keeping an empty list. For example, it should look like [set(), set(), set()] instead of [] for an empty region.
- The script violated the sudoku puzzle rules such that no similar digit shall reside in the same region.
- The script can only work in a 9×9 puzzle size. The puzzle size is hardcoded and hence no other puzzle size can be solved by executing the script.
- There is some missing printout as compared to the sample output given by the guideline. The final puzzles should be printed out in both Python dictionary format and board format as shown in the example output.
On the positive side, the codes are well-commented to guide customers through the flows.”
Our expert was still very helpful, answering all our questions, keeping us updated on the progress, and giving explanations for the final task.
We also had a good overall experience on the platform (22/25) as it was easy to place an order and generally convenient to use. The value for money was also good (18/25), with mostly discounts missing from the full picture. Taking into account all the mentioned details, we placed Assigncode as the 11th contestant on the list.


Allassignmenthelp is known for providing students with the academic assistance they need. But are they knowledgeable enough to help you with Python syntax and functions?
We gave our Python sudoku task to the platform’s experts and it was ready in 2.8 days, leaving us some time to look through it and ask for extra revisions. As time showed, this was much needed, as our work went through 5 revisions, and each one was recommended by our partner specialist. Still, the evaluation after the last correction showed that the task was completed only by 30%. It was missing most of the requirements, except for the answer to the one subtask.
Here’s what our assessor had to say about this Python code:
“The script is meeting 30% of the requirements mentioned in the instructions. Another 70% missing points are justified as below:
- The script executes only one function: make_puzzle(), and one provided function print_board().
- The major function fill_puzzle() is not called in the main() program. When trying to run the function manually, errors were returned.
- The output of function make_puzzle() in Instruction no.1 is not meeting the requirement. The reg_set variable should have the format of a Nested List (List of Lists) of Sets, but instead, it returns only a List of Sets. As shown in instruction no.1, it should look like [[set(), {2}, {1, 9}], [{6}, set(), {3}], [{8, 4}, {7}, {5}]] instead of [set(), {2}, {1, 9}, {6}, set(), {3}, {8, 4}, {7}, {5}].
- There is some missing printout as compared to the sample output given by the guideline. The only printout in the script is the initial unsolved puzzle.
Since the major function, fill_puzzle() used to solve the sudoku puzzle is malfunctioning. Further testing on sudoku rules, output format, elapsed time, and ability to solve larger puzzles cannot be carried out. On the positive side, as compared to the last submission, this time, question no.6 is answered and the elapsed time is included as well.”
The communication with our expert also wasn’t fulfilling enough. He answered our queries and sent us a video of running the code. Yet, he couldn’t explain anything clearly and didn’t correct everything as we asked him to.
Allassignmenthelp also didn’t have a stellar performance in terms of either overall experience (16/25) or value for money (14/25). It left us with the feeling that everything could be organized much better. And that’s how this platform landed its last place in our top list.
Final Point
Even though IT is not an easy sphere to enter it doesn’t mean that you have to sweat over the whole studying process. If you feel stressed because of the tasks, you can use professional assistance on programming homework help websites. The best available options are presented in this top list. Most of the platforms were proven to provide high-quality coding solutions for Python assignments. Experiences may vary. Even though we presented full research about every service, still don’t hesitate to check them out in advance. After all, the most suitable service for you may be different from our top pick, depending on your requirements and needs.
Research scenario and methodology
Here is the Python task we asked to complete:
Buying Guide: How to Choose a Quality Platform to Help With Python Assignment
Usually, when looking for websites to help with your programming homework, people pay more attention to the exterior of the platforms, rather than what they have to offer, as they want to find a useful option quickly. That’s why there’s an increased chance that you won’t receive exactly the quality solution you were looking for.
However, there’s an easy way out of this situation. Our team created a list of features that should help you identify services that provide the best programming assistance with high-class results.
The Variety of Language Categories
As a future programmer, you might need to handle different types of tasks, including using a variety of languages. This means that a good programming help platform for you will be the one that can handle as many coding languages as possible. So, when placing your homework request, pay attention to the provided order categories. If, aside from Python and Java, you can also see SQL, Ruby, C#, and C++, then this service is probably worth your time.
The Expertise of the Performers
This aspect should be on top of your mind when looking for a reliable coding homework help service. When placing an order, pay attention to whether there is any information on the performer’s experience: their education, maybe the record of task types they solved in the past, and reviews from previous customers. Some platforms (mostly those that have a bidding system) will also present you with the success rate of a particular expert, which also can prove to be helpful. Knowing this will help you at least get an idea of the assignment’s possible results, not mentioning it will also help you choose (if there’s such a chance) the most suitable programmer to solve the problem.
Customer-Expert Communication
Of course, it’s hard to distinguish right away whether your chosen expert will be open to sharing the details of the task completion process. Nonetheless, you can get an idea of what to expect from your communication by asking the support team whether this connection is at all possible. It’s always better when the platform gives you a chance to talk over the assignment with your dedicated performer. This way you will not only be able to control the process and assure quality, but receive an expert opinion on how to better solve similar problems.
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