Atlantis Theories Essay Sample, Example

Among the cryptic stories everyone knows since childhood, the myth of Atlantis is probably one of the most thrilling and mysterious ones. The idea of a huge continent lying underwater, once inhabited by a supposedly ingenious civilization is intriguing on…

Highest rate 22849

Changing Gender Roles Essay Sample, Example

There is an infamous old German expression: “Kinder, Kuche, Kirche,” supposedly coined by emperor Wilhelm II and referring to a woman’s place in German society, as he saw it. Humiliating and chauvinistic, this expression reflects the understanding of gender roles…

Highest rate 33921

Juvenile Delinquency Essay Sample, Example

Where there is a rule, there is also a violation of this rule. In a society regulated by laws, such a violation is called a crime. For centuries, crimes were among the major problems for societies to solve; criminals were…

Highest rate 14307

Harry Potter Essay Sample, Example

If you research the question about which books were the most significant for the generation born in early 1990s, the answer would probably be predictable: the “Harry Potter” series and “The Lord of the Rings.” Of course, there were other…

Highest rate 26301

Twilight Saga Essay Sample, Example

Among the literary products that become popular in the media and with consumers, one can point out two main categories. The first category consists of novels, stories, or poems that become popular due to an author’s talent, vivid characters, and…

Highest rate 17885

Prison Labor and Private Sector Profits Essay Sample, Example

The recent scandal in the Montblare prison has, once again, brought to the surface an issue that has long been vigorously debated across the country. “Are prisoners being treated properly and, more specifically, is it ethical to engage prisoners in…

Highest rate 13919

Is It Ever Too Late to Study? Essay Sample, Example

Ninety seven years old—this is the age of the oldest student in the world that graduated from a university, who has recently received a Masters in Clinical Science—76 years after attaining his first university degree. Alan Stuart already has four…

Highest rate 18608


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