Free ASA Citation Generator by AHelp

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Intuitive and Quick ASA Citation Generator

Tailored to meet the American Sociological Association's specific citation guidelines, this tool simplifies the process of creating accurate citations, ensuring that each aspect of your references, from author names to publication details, adheres strictly to ASA norms.

ASA Citation Generator

ASA (American Sociological Association) citation style is predominantly used in academic writing for the field of sociology. This style emphasizes clarity and conciseness, allowing readers to easily locate sources cited in research. ASA format requires in-text citations that include the author’s last name and the publication year, along with a detailed reference list at the end of the document for full bibliographic information. The reference list is arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. This format accommodates a range of source types, from books and journal articles to online sources, ensuring comprehensive and consistent citations across sociological literature.

How to Cite in ASA Style

To cite in ASA style, follow specific guidelines for formatting in-text citations and the reference list. In-text citations should include the author’s last name and the year of publication, placed in parentheses. For direct quotes or specific page references, include the page number.

In the reference list at the end of your document, include full bibliographic details for each source. Arrange the list alphabetically by author’s last name. Each entry should include the author’s name, publication year, title of the work, place of publication, and publisher for books, or journal title, volume, and issue numbers for journal articles. Here’s a cited journal with several authors.

How to Use AHelp Citation Generator for ASA Citations

Managing citations for any sort of academic work can be quite exhausting and definitely time-consuming. Our AHelp ASA Citation Generator can definitely make this process more manageable. In order to get a citation you need, you can choose between two ways of using the tool. Firstly, you can type in the name, authors, or even just keywords into the search bar and look through the results, which can be saved to a separate list. Secondly, if you don’t find what you were looking for, there is a designated area where you can manually fill in the fields and get a necessary reference in a matter of seconds.

Tips for Creating an ASA Style Reference List

Creating an ASA (American Sociological Association) reference list involves specific guidelines to ensure clarity and consistency. Here are some key tips to help you format your reference list correctly:

  1. Start on a New Page. Begin your reference list on a separate page, titling it “References” in upper and lower case letters.
  2. Inclusion of References. Ensure that all references cited in the text appear in the reference list, and vice versa.
  3. Hanging Indentation. Use a hanging indent for each reference, where the first line is aligned to the left margin and subsequent lines are indented.
  4. Double-spacing.Double-space all references for readability.
  5. Author Names.Invert the names of the authors. In multi-author citations, invert only the first author’s name.
  6. Alphabetical Order.Arrange references alphabetically by authors’ last names. For works without an author, alphabetize by the first significant word in the title.
  7. Chronological Ordering.For multiple works by the same author, list them chronologically, starting with the earliest publication.
  8. Repeated Author Names.Use six hyphens followed by a period (——.) in place of the author’s name for subsequent entries by the same author.
  9. Year Distinguishing.For multiple works by the same author in the same year, differentiate them by adding letters (e.g., 2003a, 2003b).
  10. Location Formatting.Include city and state (using U.S. postal abbreviations) for all cities except New York; for international cities, include the country.
  11. Titles Formatting. Italicize titles of books and periodicals. If italics are not available, underlining is acceptable.

By adhering to these guidelines, your ASA reference list will be well-organized, making it easy for readers to locate your sources. You can make this process even faster by using our AHelp ASA Citation Generator.


What is an ASA citation?

An ASA citation is a method used to acknowledge sources in sociological research, following the guidelines set by the American Sociological Association. This style of citation is mostly used in academic and professional works related to sociology. ASA citation ensures that the sources used in research are properly credited, which enables readers to trace back the original materials. This citation style is crucial in maintaining academic integrity and facilitating research within the field of sociology.

How do you cite in ASA format?

To cite in ASA format, you need to include in-text citations and a detailed reference list at the end of your document. In-text citations should include the author's last name and the year of publication, placed within parentheses. If you directly quote or refer to a specific page, include the page number as well. In the reference list, provide full bibliographic details for each cited source, listed alphabetically by the author's last name. This list should include the author’s name, publication year, title of the work, place of publication, and the publisher for books, or the journal title, volume, and issue numbers for articles. The reference list should be double-spaced and use a hanging indent format.

How do you cite ASA websites?

In ASA format, citing websites follows a straightforward principle: if the website provides critical data or evidence relevant to your paper, it should be formally cited. This includes mentioning the URL and the date you accessed the content. When citing a website, you typically include the author's name (if available), the title of the webpage or the article, the name of the website, the publication date (if provided), the URL, and the date you accessed the site.

This approach ensures the reader can verify and access the source information. It’s important to remember that websites can change over time, so providing the access date is crucial for locating the specific version of the content you referenced.

How do you cite an ASA book?

If you have a book with one author, the citation process is pretty simple. Start with the author's last name, followed by their first name and middle initial (if available). Next, include the year of publication. The title of the book should be italicized. Then, provide the publisher's city and state (or province and postal code, or country if a foreign publisher), followed by a colon and the publisher's name.

If there’s more than one author, just follow the previous instructions and separate the names with a comma.


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