Free MLA 8 Citation Generator by AHelp

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Core Elements MLA 8
Referencing Methodology MLA 8

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MLA 8th Edition Citation Generator

The MLA citation style, in its 8th edition, is a widely used format for scholarly writing, particularly in the humanities. This style emphasizes clarity, simplicity, and consistency in formatting written work and citing sources. The AHelp’s online citation generator is a specialized tool designed for students, researchers, and academics, considering all MLA 8 stylistic elements and formatting requirements.

MLA 8th Edition Formatting

The 8th edition of the MLA Handbook introduces significant changes to source documentation in academic writing. It emphasizes the principles of scholarly documentation, advocating for a universal set of guidelines applicable to any source. These changes simplify the citation process, making it more adaptable and easier to use across various types of sources. The edition abandons strict citation formulas, offering a flexible core elements approach:

  • Author
  • Title of Source
  • Title of Container
  • Other Contributors
  • Version, Number, Publisher
  • Publication Date
  • Location.

Works Cited MLA 8

In MLA 8th edition, the Works Cited page is structured with specific guidelines. The table below features its key points:

Page Format
  • Title the page “Works Cited” (without quotation marks), placed at the top center of the page.
  • Double-space the entire page.
  • Use a hanging indent for each entry (the first line of each entry is aligned with the left margin, and subsequent lines are indented half an inch).
Order of Entries List entries in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. If the author’s name is not available, use the title of the work.
Author Names Write the author’s name as Last Name, First Name. For works with two authors, use “and” between the names. For three or more authors, list the first name followed by “et al.”
Titles and Containers
  • Titles of source materials (like books, articles, web pages) are italicized.
  • A “container” is the larger work that includes the source (like a book that includes a chapter, a journal that includes an article). The title of the container is also italicized.
Other Contributors If relevant, include contributors like editors or translators after the title. Precede their role with a descriptor like “edited by.
Version, Number, Publisher, Publication Date
  • Include these details if available and relevant.
  • Use abbreviations like “vol.” for volume and “no.” for number.
  • For print sources, this is usually the publisher’s city.
  • For online sources, provide the URL (without “http://”) or DOI. Do not include the date of access unless it is relevant to your work.
Punctuation Use a period after each element in the entry (author, title, container title, etc.) except between the title and subtitle, where a colon is used.

Remember that these are only general guidelines. Additional or significantly different restrictions may apply to specific sorts of sources. For information about your assignment, always consult the MLA Handbook, your instructor or institution recommendations.


What is an MLA 8 citation?

The MLA 8th edition is the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook released by the Modern Language Association. This edition was published in April 2016. The MLA Handbook is widely used, particularly in the humanities, for the purpose of formatting research papers and citing sources.

The primary goal of the MLA 8th edition is to provide a comprehensive and flexible framework for citing sources across a wide range of disciplines. It aims to simplify the process of citation by focusing on core elements that are common to most sources, rather than prescribing specific formats for different types of sources. It involves using parenthetical in-text citations and a "Works Cited" list at the end of the paper.

How do you cite in MLA 8 format?

MLA 8 encourages writers to use a simplified citation format, focusing on what is most useful for the audience in finding and verifying sources, while maintaining consistency and reliability in documentation.

MLA 8 format is founded on writer flexibility and audience awareness. In MLA 8, the traditional rules of citation are viewed more as guidelines, allowing the writer to adjust their references based on what their audience needs to know to locate the source easily. This approach emphasizes the importance of considering readers' needs in accessing your sources. Keep in mind the following key aspects of MLA 8 style:

In-text Citations:The approach to in-text citations remains consistent with the previous edition. These should be standardized throughout your paper, ensuring readers can follow and verify your sources.

Works Cited List:This list should include essential information like the author's name, the title of the source, the publication date, and other relevant details depending on the source type. The entries should be uniform and straightforward but comprehensive enough to allow readers to find the sources.

How do you cite MLA 8 websites?

In MLA 8th edition, there are various ways to cite a website. They are characterized by the initial information that the user has about a certain website.

For citing the entire website, use the following format:

Website citation in MLA 8

NOTE: The given example doesn't list a publisher or sponsoring organization, as the website's name and the organization's name are identical. The MLA Handbook, on page 42, states that publisher details can be excluded in cases such as:

  • Periodicals, including journals, magazines, and newspapers.
  • Works where the author or editor is the publisher.
  • Websites where the site's name and the publisher's name are the same.
  • Websites that don't play a role in creating the content they host, like platforms for user-generated content (YouTube, etc.).

For citing a page or a document on a website with one author, use the following format::

Website page citation in MLA 8

NOTE: In MLA 8th edition, the date of access is now optional. If there is no publishing date, it is recommended to provide the date you last viewed the site.

There are many other forms for citing websites. For the best results and mistake prevention, refer to the official MLA 8th edition style guidelines or use AHelp's convenient and quick citation creator.

How do you cite an MLA 8 book?

Books continue to be a favored source for scholarly research. Nowadays, students frequently cite not only traditional print books but also electronic books, ebooks from websites, and other contemporary information mediums. The 8th edition of MLA provides citation guidelines for various types of books. The most frequently used citation is for printed books written by one or more authors. To understand how these citations should look and their specific formats, review the following examples:

1. Printed book with one author:

Book with one author citation in MLA 8

2. Printed book with two authors:

Book with two authors citation in MLA 8


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