Free CSE Citation Generator by AHelp

Get a necessary citation generated with a simple click. Our AHelp CSE citation generator is here to make your academic writing process a bit easier.

Simplified and Fast CSE Referencing Machine

Comprehensive CSE Citations
Effortless Multiformat Referencing
Versatile CSE Citation Systems

Streamlining Scientific Documentation for Precision and Clarity

AHelp's CSE citation generator is an essential tool for students and researchers in the sciences, providing a streamlined approach to crafting precise, clear, and well-structured citations. Designed specifically for the complexities of the Council of Science Editors' citation style, it adeptly manages the unique demands of scientific documentation, whether it's for citation-sequence, citation-name, or name-year systems.

CSE Citation Generator

The Council of Science Editors (CSE) citation style, formerly known as the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) style, originated in the 1960s. It was developed to serve the specific needs of the scientific community, particularly in the fields of biology and other natural sciences. The CSE style is widely used by scholars and researchers in various scientific disciplines, including biology, ecology, zoology, and medicine.

The CSE citation style is unique for its flexibility, offering three distinct systems for citing sources: the Citation-Sequence system, the Citation-Name system, and the Name-Year system. Each system caters to different preferences and publication requirements. The Citation-Sequence system numbers references in the order they appear in the text. The Citation-Name system lists references alphabetically and then cites them in the text by number. The Name-Year system, similar to APA and MLA styles, cites sources in the text by the author’s last name and the year of publication, with a complete reference list at the end of the document.

How to Cite in CSE Style

In CSE style, creating a reference list involves specific formatting rules. Journal titles should be abbreviated without using periods (e.g., “J Exp Biol”). Author names are given in initials without periods (e.g., “Smith JN, Doe JR”) and the last author is separated from the others by a comma, not by “and” or “&”. References are formatted with a hanging indent, where the first line is at the margin and subsequent lines are indented.

CSE style offers three systems for in-text citations:

Citation-Name. This system uses superscript numerals for in-text citations. These numerals correspond to an alphabetized reference list at the end of the document, where each numeral is linked to a specific reference.

Citation-Sequence. Similar to Citation-Name, this system also uses superscript numerals in the text. However, the reference list is ordered not alphabetically, but sequentially according to how the sources appear in the text. The first source cited gets the numeral 1, the second source cited gets the numeral 2, and so on.

Name-Year. This system employs parenthetical in-text citations that include the author’s last name and the year of publication (e.g., “Smith 2020”). The corresponding reference list is organized alphabetically by the author’s last names.

Each of these systems is designed to maintain clarity and consistency in scientific writing, allowing the reader to easily locate and refer to the sources used.

How to Use AHelp Citation Generator for CSE In-Text Citations

The AHelp citation generator in CSE was designed to make the process of academic writing much easier. There is no need to stare at your screen and procrastinate about that pending deadline just because you don’t want to dive into the references. All you have to do to get the needed reference is to select your style of choice (in this case, it is CSE), gather all relevant information about the source, and put it into the citation generator. After mere moments you will have a ready-to-go reference that can be used in your work.

CSE Reference Page Citations

Creating a reference list in CSE style involves compiling full bibliographic details for all sources cited in your text. This list appears at the end of your paper and is organized alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each source.

For each entry in the reference list, the information to be included varies slightly depending on the type of source. For books and other monographs, you should list the author(s) or editor(s) first, followed by the year of publication, the full title, content or medium designator (like [Online] or [DVD]), edition if it’s not the first, secondary author(s) such as translators or editors, the place of publication, the publisher, pagination (total number of pages), and the series name, if applicable.

For journal and newspaper articles, begin with the author(s), then add the year of publication, the article title, content or medium designator, the abbreviated journal or newspaper title, the volume and issue numbers, and the page range of the article.

When listing authors or editors, use their last names followed by their initials. Each name should be separated by a comma, and initials should not have periods. The accurate and complete citation of sources is critical in CSE style to enable readers to locate and verify your referenced materials easily.


What is an CSE citation?

A CSE (Council of Science Editors) citation is a way of referencing sources in scientific documents, following guidelines set by the Council of Science Editors. This citation style is widely used in scientific disciplines, particularly in fields like biology, ecology, chemistry, and medical sciences. CSE citation style is unique due to its three distinct systems for in-text citations: Citation-Sequence, Citation-Name, and Name-Year.

How do you cite in CSE format?

To cite in CSE format, you'll create a reference list at the end of your document that adheres to specific formatting rules. In this list, journal titles are abbreviated without the use of periods. When listing authors, use their initials instead of full given names and do not include periods after the initials. Unlike some other citation styles, if there are multiple authors, the last author's name is separated from the previous names by a comma, not with "and" or an "&".

How do you cite CSE websites?

To cite websites or electronic documents in CSE format, it's important to distinguish between different types of electronic sources. For electronic articles that are based on a print source and available in an unalterable format like PDF, you would cite them just as you would a print article, as these are considered stable and consistent with their print counterparts.

However, for electronic articles in formats like HTML or text, which are more susceptible to alteration or may exist in multiple versions, you should follow the specific rules for citing websites and other electronic documents. Generally, this involves including details such as the author's name (if available), the title of the document or webpage, the title of the website, the publisher or sponsor of the site (if known), the date of publication or last update, the medium of publication (e.g., Web), and the date you accessed the site. It's also crucial to include the URL or DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to direct readers to the source.

How do you cite an CSE book?

Citing a print version of the source is relatively easy in CSE and doesn’t take a lot of effort. Here’s what a student has to keep in mind: Author(s). Year. Book Title. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher.


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