Free Turabian Citation Generator by AHelp

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The AHelp citation generator is an invaluable resource for students and researchers who require adherence to the Turabian style, renowned for its clarity and precision in academic writing.

Turabian Citation Generator

Turabian citation style is named after Kate L. Turabian, who developed it as a simplified version of the Chicago Manual of Style to aid students and researchers in formatting academic papers, theses, and dissertations. Originating from the University of Chicago, where Turabian worked as a dissertation secretary, this style was first published in 1937 and has since undergone several updates.

The Turabian style is predominantly used in the fields of history, literature, and arts, but it is also applied across various academic disciplines, especially in the United States. It is appreciated for its clarity and practicality, especially for students who are new to academic writing, since it tends to be quite confusing at first.

How to Cite in Turabian

Turabian style incorporates two distinct systems for citing sources: the notes and bibliography system, and the author-date system. These systems align with those used in The Chicago Manual of Style, often leading to them being collectively referred to as Chicago-style citations.

Notes and Bibliography System
Predominantly used in the humanities, including literature, history, and the arts, this style involves citing sources through numbered footnotes or endnotes. Each citation in the text is marked with a raised (superscript) number, which corresponds to a detailed note at the bottom of the page (footnote) or at the end of the paper (endnote). This system allows for extensive commentary on sources if needed. Additionally, sources are usually compiled in a separate bibliography at the end of the document. This approach is highly flexible, accommodating a wide range of source types and detailed information.

Author-Date System

Common in the physical, natural, and social sciences, this system involves brief parenthetical citations within the text. These citations include the author’s last name and the year of publication. The in-text citations correspond to entries in a reference list at the end of the paper, where full bibliographic details of each source are provided. This system enables readers to easily locate the source in the reference list and is favored for its conciseness and directness.

Both Turabian citation systems are designed to meet the specific needs of different academic disciplines and to facilitate the clear and consistent presentation of research sources.

Using AHelp Turabian Citation Generator

Creating citations can be a challenging process, especially due to the need to adhere to specific formatting guidelines that vary widely across different citation styles. Each style, just like Turabian, has its unique set of rules for everything from the order of information to the use of punctuation and italics, making it a detail-oriented and time-consuming task. However, this process can be significantly easier when you use the AHelp Citation Generator.

All you have to do is fill in the necessary information in the proper fields, including the author’s name, the title of the work, editions, publishers, etc., and generate your citation. Another way to go around is to search for the source in our library by typing in any relevant data or even keywords. Then, you can save the citations in your list and download them if needed.

The Difference Between Turabian and Chicago Style Citations

Turabian and Chicago style citations are closely related but serve different purposes. Chicago style, a comprehensive citation system used by researchers, scholars, and publishers, is known for its detailed guidelines suitable for a wide range of disciplines. It provides two systems: the Notes-Bibliography system, preferred in literature, history, and the arts, and the Author-Date system, used in physical, natural, and social sciences.

Turabian style, developed by Kate L. Turabian, is a simplified version of Chicago style. It is tailored specifically for college students, particularly for theses and dissertations. It maintains the core principles of Chicago style but simplifies some of its more complex aspects.

The primary difference lies in their intended audience: Chicago style is meant for a broader, professional audience, while Turabian style is specifically designed for academic students. Despite these differences, the formatting rules and citation methods in Turabian closely mirror those in Chicago style, making them often interchangeable, especially in academic settings.


What is a Turabian citation?

A Turabian citation refers to a method of citing sources in academic papers. This style is essentially a simplified version of the Chicago Manual of Style and is used by college students, particularly those writing theses and dissertations. It's designed to help students properly acknowledge sources in their academic writing and maintain the integrity and credibility of their work. Turabian style is widely used in various academic disciplines, offering clear and practical guidelines for citation and formatting, which makes it accessible for students and researchers alike.

How do you cite in Turabian format?

To cite in Turabian format, you can choose between two systems: the Notes-Bibliography system or the Author-Date system. The Notes-Bibliography system is primarily used in the humanities and involves detailed footnotes or endnotes along with a bibliography. It allows for additional commentary on sources in the notes. The Author-Date system, preferred in the sciences, uses parenthetical citations within the text that include the author’s last name and the publication year, accompanied by a reference list at the end of the document with full bibliographic details. Whichever system you choose, consistency in its application throughout your paper is key.

How do you cite Turabian websites?

Citing a website in Turabian format involves a few specific steps. If the website does not list a publication, posting, or revision date, use "n.d." (no date) instead of the year and include the date you accessed the content.

How do you cite a Turabian book?

Citing a book in Turabian format involves providing comprehensive details about the book in a specific order. For a written book, include the author's name, the book title (italicized), the publication location, the publisher's name, and the year of publication.


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