Free MLA Citation Generator by AHelp

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MLA in-text citations
Reference list page
MLA formatting

Functional MLA Citation Machine

Citing in the MLA Style has never been easier. Enjoy the fully automatic mode or introduce manual edits to your references using citation machine by AHelp.

MLA citation generator

The Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style is extensively used in the humanities. Adherence to MLA style ensures clarity and consistency in scholarly writing, making it easier for readers to follow and verify sources. This is a style of documentation that may be applied to many different types of writing, especially in writing about language and literature. Because texts have become increasingly digital, and the same document may often be available in several places, adhering to a set of fixed principles is no longer sufficient. This is why using AHelp’s professional citation generator is such a good choice. It will handle the heavy work quickly and precisely, leaving you with excellent MLA citations.

How To Cite in MLA Style

In MLA style, the format of a citation varies based on the type of source being referenced, as each source may have unique elements. For instance, a basic citation from a book by one author will have the following structure:

  1. The author’s last name.
  2. The rest of the name, as presented in the work.
  3. The title of the book.(listed in italics)
  4. Publisher, (ending with a comma)
  5. The year of publication.

MLA book citation

The citation of an article will have a different format since this type of source has more necessary elements that must be included:

  1. Author(s).
  2. “Title of Article.” (in quotation marks and a period)
  3. Title of Periodical, (in Italics and with a comma)
  4. Day Month Year, (and a comma)
  5. Pages

MLA article citation

Remember, other sources, such as websites, online books, videos, and so on, will have their own formatting. If you’re uncertain about the accuracy of your MLA-style citations or need to generate multiple citations for your research project, consider using AHelp’s user-friendly and efficient citation creator. This tool guarantees precise MLA bibliographies and significantly saves time.

MLA Works Cited generator

In MLA style, a Works Cited page is a mandatory component at the end of a research paper, listing all sources referred to in the text. This page should start on a separate sheet, maintaining the same one-inch margins and header (last name and page number) as the rest of the paper. The title “Works Cited” is centered at the top of the page without any formatting like italics or quotation marks. Entries are left-aligned with double spacing, and each subsequent line of a citation is indented by 0.5 inches for a hanging indent. Page numbers are listed efficiently: for example, pages 125 through 150 should be cited as “pp. 125-50,” omitting the repeated hundreds digit. Single pages use “p.,” while multiple pages use “pp.”

For sources originally in print but accessed online, the database name should be italicized without including subscription details. Online sources require a location marker, preferably a DOI, or a URL without “http://”. Each entry in the Works Cited page concludes with a period. This systematic approach ensures clearness and consistency in acknowledging sources, adhering to MLA guidelines for scholarly writing.

MLA In-Text Citation Maker

In-text citation in MLA style depends on several factors, such as the source being cited and what is known about it, such as authorship, number of authors, or editions.

An in-text citation begins with the shortest piece of information that directs your reader to the works-cited list entry. Thus, it starts with whichever appears first in the entry: the author’s name or the work’s title. The reference might be included in your writing or in parentheses.

MLA in-text citation

MLA in-text citation example

These samples must correlate to an item beginning with Steinbeck, which will be the first thing that appears on the Works Cited page in the left-hand margin:

MLA book citation

There are numerous other scenarios for generating in-text citations. If you’re doubtful about accurately completing a citation or a Works Cited entry, it’s advisable to refer to the official MLA style citation guidelines or use the quick and reliable citation generator by AHelp.


What is an MLA citation?

An MLA citation refers to a style of documenting sources in academic writing, as specified by the Modern Language Association (MLA). This style is used in the humanities, particularly in language and literature studies. The key aspects of MLA citation include in-text citations and a bibliography called "Works Cited". In-text citations are brief references in your text that direct readers to the full citation in your Works Cited list.

How do you cite in MLA format?

In order to create a simple works-cited-list entry for a book, list the author, title, publisher, and publication date. Other features may be required depending on the type of book and how it was published.

MLA formatting of a few common sources should look like in the examples below:

A book by one author:

MLA book citation (one author)

A journal article from a database:

MLA journal citation

Article on a website:

Website article in MLA

How do you cite MLA websites?

When citing an entire website, follow the structure below:

  • Author, or compiler name (if available).
  • Name of Site.
  • Version number (if available),
  • Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site, sponsor or publisher (if available),
  • date of resource creation (if available),
  • DOI (preferred), otherwise include a URL.
  • Date of access (if applicable).
Website citation in MLA

How do you cite an MLA book?

Books are relatively easy to cite in MLA style. All you need to know is the author and title of the book, the publisher, and the year of publication of the copy you are citing. However, if a particular quote's component is unknown, the MLA offers solutions. Refer to the official edition of the MLA Style guidelines or use the services of an online citation generator not to make a mistake and receive a correctly created and formatted citation.

Examples of the most common book citation formatting are provided below:

  1. Book by a single author:
    • Author’s last name,
    • Author’s first name.
    • The title (in italics).
    • Publisher,
    • Year.
    Book reference in MLA
  2. Book by multiple authors:
  3. When a book has two authors, arrange them in the same order as they appear in the book. Begin by stating the first name on the book in last name, first name format, following author names are listed in usual sequence (first name, last name format).

    • Author’s last name,
    • Author’s first name.
    • The title (in italics).
    • Publisher,
    • Year.
    Citation of a book by multiple authors in MLA


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