Free ASM Citation Generator by Academichelp

Writing a paper in Microbiology is hard enough, don’t complicate it more with manual references. With AcademicHelp’s Free ASM Citation Generator, it will be easier and quicker than coming up with the name for your paper.

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Smart and Easy ASM Citation Generator

The AcademicHelp ASM citation generator is specifically crafted for microbiology and molecular biology researchers, adhering to the American Society for Microbiology's unique citation guidelines. The ASM style is known for its emphasis on detailed and accurate references, particularly crucial in these scientific fields. This tool adeptly handles citations for diverse sources, including highly specialized research articles and electronic resources, ensuring compliance with ASM's specific formatting requirements.

The Basics of ASM Formatting

ASM formatting is a specific set of guidelines for citing sources in academic papers, developed by the American Society for Microbiology. It’s the mandatory style for articles submitted to the Journal of Clinical Microbiology and other scholarly journals from ASM.

This formatting style is mostly used in scientific papers and offers detailed instructions on how to cite various resources, including books and journal articles. Importantly, ASM formatting distinguishes between how to cite published materials, like books and journal articles, and unpublished materials such as websites, reports, or data. In general, the ASM style ensures consistency and clarity in the presentation of citations in microbiology research and publications.

How to Use ASM Citation Generator

ASM style may be confusing, especially for those who use it for the first time. However, with the help of the Free ASM Citation Generator by Academichelp, you won’t have to worry about structuring your references wrong.

This AI-powered tool will have all the necessary sources organized for you according to the ASM style guidelines. It has two versions you can work with: the manual one – for those who have all the details and just need to place them in order; the automatic version – designed to help you even if the only information you’ve got is the URL, DOI, or a name of the paper. Just choose the one you want to work with, enter the details, and in just a few seconds the system will provide a perfectly structured ASM citation for you.

In-Text ASM Citation Format

The ASM formatting style sets simple rules for in-text citations:

  1. They are structured according to the citation-sequence system
  2. Each source is cited by indicating its number in parentheses in your text
  3. If you put a citation number at the end of a sentence in parentheses, the period should come after these parentheses.

So, if you cited the work of Rogers first thing in your texts the in-text citation will look the following way: According to Rogers, …… (1).

Organizing References in ASM Citation Style

In the ASM (American Society for Microbiology) citation style, references are organized in a specific way. In your reference list, number the references in the same order as they are cited in your article. This is called the citation-sequence reference system. In your text, cite these references by their number.

Note that you should include various types of references like journal articles, books, book chapters, patents, theses, conference proceedings, letters, company publications, and unpublished data. All these should be listed in the reference section of your paper.

Other basic guidelines include:

  • Author Names: List the full names of all authors and/or editors for each reference. Unlike some styles, ASM does not allow abbreviating the author list with “et al.”
  • Journal Title Abbreviations: When citing journal articles, abbreviate the journal names according to the standard practice found in the PubMed Journals Database.
  • DOIs and URLs: Generally, DOIs are not required for most references. However, include URLs for government reports, database accession numbers, and code/software that are not indexed in major databases.
  • Unpublished Data: When citing unpublished data or manuscripts, do this parenthetically in the text (not in the reference list) and include the author’s initials, last name, and details like the date and location if relevant.
  • Websites: Cite websites in the text using the URL. URLs for commercial products are generally not included unless they provide scientific data or shareware used in the study.

Note also that, in the ASM style for references, hanging indents are not used in the list of references.


What is an ASM citation?

An ASM citation refers to the specific style of referencing and citing sources in academic writing, as prescribed by the American Society for Microbiology. This citation style is used primarily in scientific research papers, particularly in the field of microbiology. Its purpose is to maintain clarity, consistency, and accuracy in scholarly communications within the field of microbiology.

How do you cite in ASM format?

The ASM formatting style follows the citation-sequence system, meaning that the references are listed in the same order as the sources are mentioned in the text, and not alphabetically. In the text, references are indicated by the number in parentheses (1). The list of references is included at the end of the paper. Each reference should include detailed information, such as author names, publication year, title, and publication details. Unpublished materials, such as data or websites, should be cited directly in the text and not in the References List. Include relevant details like URL or author names and dates in the parentheses as well. If all of this seems overwhelming, just use the Free ASM Citation Generator by Academichelp. This tool will give you all the properly structured references and citations in just a few seconds.

How do you cite ASM websites?

In the ASM system, websites are considered to be unpublished sources. These types of sources are not included in the reference list at the end of the paper. Instead, they are cited directly in the text of the paper and included in the parentheses at the end of the sentence.

How do you cite an ASM book?

To cite a book in ASM format, you should follow these general rules, tailoring them based on whether you're referencing a print book, a book chapter, a book in press, or an online book.

Print Book:

Author's Last Name First Initial(s). Year Published. Title of Book, Edition (if relevant). Publisher, Location of Publication.

Online Book:

Author's Last Name Author's First Initial(s). Date Published (DMY), Posting Date. Chapter Number, Chapter Title. In Editor's Last Name Editor's First Initial(s) (ed), Title of Work. Publisher, Location of Publication. DOI (if applicable).

Note that for in-press publications, the control number is used if it is a journal article, or the name of the publication if it is a book. Also, each chapter in an online book may have its own posting date and DOI.


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