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Grammar Handbook - Page 3

We have arranged dozens of guides and samples on grammar and the technical side of writing to help anyone improve his or her writing in this respect.

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Disruptive Modifier

What is a Disruptive Modifier? It is a modifier (a word or phrase that enhances other words) placed in the wrong place. However, it is…

Proper Use of Pronouns

Types of Pronouns Subjective pronouns Pronouns that are the subject of a sentence are called subjective pronouns. They can be used to rename the subject…

Dangling Modifier

What is a Modifier? A modifier is a phrase, word, or clause that alters, limits, adds, or in some other way affects another word present…

Adverb Positions

What is an Adverb? Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or even other adverbs by indicating when, why, where, or how something happened; in…

Comma Splice Rules

What is a Comma Splice? A comma splice is a poor attempt to join two independent clauses in a sentence with just a comma. An…

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules

Basic Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement – Subjects must agree with verbs in number. e.g. My phone is on the table.       Boys run across the street.…

Double Negative in English

What is a Double Negative? A double negative is a grammatical construction formed from the negative form of a verb (e.g. cannot, do not) with…

Common Grammatical Errors

Though English grammar is an extremely vast subject to make generalizations and summaries about, practice shows that many students tend to make similar mistakes from…

Grammar Handbook Samples


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