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The Zika Virus Essay Sample, Example

Every year, international media outlets launch new informational campaigns dedicated to new diseases—usually viral—that are expected to threaten the health of people all over the world. Throughout the recent decade, newspapers and websites around Europe and the U.S. informed the…

Spectroscopy of Stars Essay Sample, Example

During the 20th and the 21st centuries, humanity greatly advanced in scientific development. The human mind has found ways to draw energy from the wind, sun, and earth; in about 30 years, Mars and the Moon will probably become inhabited;…

Multitasking Essay Sample, Example

Nowadays, if you want to get employed in a prospective company, you need to be outstanding in order to withstand competition. Employers often promote inflated standards to their would-be workers, even if their duties include only xerox copying or sharpening…

Who are Generation Z? Essay Sample, Example

It is not a secret that every generation of people has its own values, behavioral patterns, and ways of thinking. Problems related to this fact—such as misunderstandings between people of different ages, “father-son” problems, and so on—have existed, perhaps, since…

Why Smoking Shisha is Harmful Essay Sample, Example

Although smoking tobacco is considered an anti-social and unhealthy habit almost worldwide, there are still countless smokers who continue believing there is nothing bad in inhaling smoke that contains nicotine and carcinogenic tars. Many of them, in order to mask…

Summary of “Flowers for Algernon” Essay Sample, Example

”Flowers for Algernon,” written in 1966 by Daniel Keyes, has rightly become one of the most well-known fantasy novels in world literature. Originally written as a short story, the story of Charlie Gordon—the main character of the book—had later been…

Violence: Occupational Hazards in Hospitals Essay Sample, Example

Introduction Today, more than five million U.S. hospital workers from many occupations perform a wide variety of duties. They are exposed to many safety and health hazards, including violence. Recent data indicate that hospital workers are at a high risk…

African-American Folk Songs Essay Sample, Example

Note: This is a public domain essay written by Dorothy A. Johnson in 1922, with edits. Music as the high art of which we think is a comparatively recent phenomena, but it is probable that music in some form has…

Choosing an Essay Topic

When having to write an essay, students often find themselves between a rock and a hard place, so to say. If their instructor gives them a topic to write a paper on, they feel unsatisfied, because the topic seems complicated…

Why We Believe Horoscopes Essay Sample, Example

Living in the 21st century means living in the age of technological wonders, allowing people to do things that would be considered magic a century ago. Television, the Internet, cell phones, space flights, bullet trains, virtual reality, and holographic and…

Against Plastic Surgery Essay Sample, Example

It is not a secret that the standards of beauty nowadays are rather strict and demanding. No matter what combatants against discrimination say, appearances that match the existing beauty standards remain one of the crucial characteristics of a modern individual.…

Why Instagram is Not So Bad Essay Sample, Example

In a world where digital products have more and more effect on people’s daily lives, certain software and media products inevitably become the center of the public’s attention. Moreover, they become a part of an individual’s lifestyle. Along with Facebook,…

Typo Mistakes

What is a Typo? Any skilled writer is familiar with such a typical but pesky flaw as typos. A typo is often an entirely mechanical mistake in writing (grammar, punctuation, a misspelling, or incorrect word usage, and so on), that…

Tone in Writing

What is a Tone of an Essay? A tone of an essay is the way it sounds to a reader in general. In most cases, the tone depends on the purpose of your paper; for example, if you criticize something,…


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