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Why I Dislike Contemporary Art Essay Sample, Example

When people ask me about my hobbies, or about the way I spend my free time, I usually answer (not without feeling a bit proud) that I enjoy painting. Many of my friends are professional artists, I took lessons from…

Alcohol: A Gigantic Fraud Essay Sample, Example

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure for me to present a speech in this hall, as I know you all lead a healthy lifestyle and voluntarily participate in many kinds of activities aimed at propagating healthy habits…

Antibiotics Essay Sample, Example

Among scientific discoveries made throughout humankind’s history, some are well-known and instantly come to mind when one is asked to name the most important scientific discoveries of all time, while others can be easily overlooked, regardless of the tremendous impact…

Security Cameras as a Factor of Disturbance Essay Sample, Example

Technological progress has made such surveillance and control methods possible that would appear as science-fiction a couple decades ago: satellites, electronic chips, Internet databases, and so on. However, the progress goes faster than consumers and government agencies are able to…

How Positive Thinking Affects Personality Essay Sample, Example

More than 60 years have passed since the time when American priest and theologian Norman Peale had offered his famous theory of positive thinking. Though it was heavily criticized by the psychiatric community, Peale’s book describing this theory has become…

The Art of Healthy Eating Essay Sample, Example

Obesity among adults and teenagers is considered to be one of the most common and disturbing problems globally, at least in economically-prosperous countries. Though food manufacturers notify customers about the nutritional value and the amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates…

The Controversial Boon of Technologies Essay Sample, Example

Humans in ancient times used to believe in magic as a way of shaping and transforming the surrounding reality according to the will and intention of the practitioner. Shamans, exorcists, and priests all around the globe had summoned rains and…

The Overestimated Value of Cellphones Essay Sample, Example

It would not be an exaggeration to state that the most popular device in the modern world is a touchscreen smartphone. No matter whether they are associated with the Android operating system, iOS, or a no-name Chinese brand, the main…

Domestic Violence Essay Sample, Example

Most often, under the term domestic violence, people denote physical or sexual coercion; though this is a reasonable definition, domestic violence is a significantly wider term that requires clarification. Domestic violence is a narrower term for domestic abuse – a behavior…

Heroin as One of the Most Lethal Drugs Essay Sample, Example

Among prohibited narcotic substances, heroine has been classified as one of the most addictive and detrimental. In a recent research study run by the Institute of Narcotic Examination in Rollesque, Nevada, heroine ranked 2.89 out of 3 on a dependence…

Should Citizens Be Allowed to Bear Arms? Essay Sample, Example

Living in a metropolis today is conjoined with a certain risk. Unfortunately, despite the scientific progress which has made the control over delinquency more efficient, crime still remains one of the most severe problems globally. According to FBI reports in…

Risks of Experimenting With Drugs Essay Sample, Example

Most often, people start experimenting with drugs due to the influence of such factors as depression, anxiety, tumultuous family history, and childhood abuse. The risks associated with drug experimentation vary from one drug to another. Potential dangers and risks of drug experimentation…

Nicotine as the Most Dangerous Drug Essay Sample, Example

There are numerous well-trodden ways for modern citizens to be distracted from their stress by external measures. Alcohol, chemical drugs, cigarettes, marijuana, the Internet, TV shows, video games, and many other legal and illegal forms of diversion can alleviate stress—if…

Editing Tips

Editing is an essential part of the writing process. While you might have expressed brilliant ideas in your piece of writing, if many technical errors are included and your writing is not organized, your point will not reach your readers.…

The Conundrum of Overpopulation Essay Sample, Example

Back in 8000 B.C., the world was inhabited by a measly 5 million people, roughly the population of Papua New Guinea today. Currently, Earth contains 7 billion people (Then and now, n.d.). The world faces the problem of severe overpopulation;…


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