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Is Democracy Overrated? Essay Sample, Example

Sir Winston Churchill once said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that were tried in the past. Democracy has its definite flaws, but it may be better than the other governmental systems that…

Introversion as a Norm Essay Sample, Example

Today’s world values activity. People are assessed by how much they do, how they behave, how communicative they are, and how well they socialize. The active way of life is the undisputed desirable norm, and many people around the world…

Harmful Video Games Essay Sample, Example

Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present. Companies that develop video games earn billions of dollars and constantly invest in research aimed to make virtual reality look like reality. Their products become more…

Textbooks versus Laptops in Education Process Essay Sample, Example

The question of replacing students’ textbooks with individual laptops, or other similar gadgets, in an increasingly popular conception. Still, this is connected to a myriad of issues and peculiarities to be considered, and some scientists believe technological advancement makes such…

The Positive Influence of Martial Arts Essay Sample, Example

Modern civilization has, in many ways, made human beings weaker than intended by nature. Everyday life has become increasingly convenient, and many dangers are now absent—people have less need to be brave in the face of external adversity. Modern humans…

The Problem of Obesity in America Essay Sample, Example

It has long been debated whether obesity is a relative measure and should not be used as a stigma to label overweight people. However, the fact is, when the weight of a person significantly exceeds a certain norm for their…

Medical Marijuana Essay Sample, Example

Marijuana refers to a drug derived from dried leaves, stems, and flowers of the cannabis plant. Cannabis sativa, as it is known scientifically, bears a chemical known as “delta-9 teterahydrocannabinol” (THC in short) that alters mind functions of the user…

Tobacco Smoking Should Be Illegal Essay Sample, Example

There is every reason to consider tobacco smoking the most harmful of bad habits, since it adversely affects not only the person addicted to cigarettes or cigar smoking, but also those around the smoker, who involuntarily inhale the smoke. Statistical…

Firemen Safety Essay Sample, Example

Introduction The public depends entirely on fire safety personnel in fire incidents. The United States relies upon approximately one million fire personnel to offer protection to citizens and their property from fire-related losses. In the United States, almost 100 fire…

Crash Essay Sample, Example

Crash is a drama film produced in the United States that premiered at the Toronto International Festival on September 10, 2004. The film’s main theme is racial and ethnic stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination—all of which are still present in modern…


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